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Results for "John Island"

1 - 25 of 86 Records
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John Arthur Island

Birth: 7 Oct 1875 Mono TWP, Dufferin County, Ontario, Canada,

Death: 19 Jul 1910 Duluth, St Louis, Minnesota, United States


Father: George Edgar Island

Mother: Mary Ann Shaw

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John B Island

Birth: 29 Jul 1933 Bakersfield, Kern, California, USA

Death: 5 May 1984 Yakima, Yakima, Washington, USA


Father: Claudine L. Higgins

Mother: may pink higgins

Female IconMale Icon

John H. Island

Birth: 1884 Indian Territory, Oklahoma

Death: 14 Aug 1906 Stidham, McIntosh, Oklahoma, USA


Father: Henry Island

Mother: Susan "Susey" Herrod

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John Francis Island

Birth: 11 Sep 1873 Connecticut, USA

Death: 18 Apr 1955 Cranston Town, Providence, Rhode Island


Father: Michael Island

Mother: Mary

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John Martinsson Island

Birth: 29 May 1871 Asen, Norway

Death: 1968 Norway


Father: Martin Jonsen Island

Mother: Gertrud Jensdtr Melhus

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John Olsen Island

Birth: 19 sep 1862 Frosta, Nord-Trondelag, Norway

Death: Not Available


Father: Ola Jonsen Island

Mother: Fredrikke Hansdt Forberg

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John Walker Island

Birth: July 1878 Orangeville, Ontario

Death: 10 May 1918 York, Ontario, Canada


Father: George B Island

Mother: Susan Craig

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John West Island

Birth: Jan 1896 Louisiana

Death: 1935 Texas


Father: Paul Island

Mother: Emily Island

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John Island

Birth: 18 March 1843 Mono

Death: 13 Feb 1911 Mono, Ontario


Father: Michael James Island

Mother: Eliza Leighton

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John Island

Birth: abt 1849 Hull, Yorkshire, England

Death: January 1874 Hull, Yorkshire East Riding


Father: Benjamin Island

Mother: Grace Crosfield

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John J Island

Birth: 17 Jul 1920 Arkansas

Death: 19 Feb 1988 Alameda


Father: John Island

Mother: Ola Briggs Island

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Birth: 1636 St Peter, New Kent, Virginia, United States

Death: 1657 Virginia, United States


Father: Sgt Thomas Crump/Crampe

Mother: Elizabeth Buck (Crump)

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John Island

Birth: 1777 Hegra

Death: 10 MAY 1830 Skjelstadmark


Father: Lars Torleifsen Island

Mother: Guru Pedersdtr Saetran

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Birth: 30 DEC 1825 Ireland

Death: 12 JUL 1873 Hyde Park, Massachusetts


Father: Owen Island

Mother: Mary Island

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Birth: 30 DEC 1825 Ireland

Death: 12 JUL 1873 Hyde Park, Massachusetts


Father: Owen Island

Mother: Mary Island

Female IconMale Icon

John H. Island

Birth: 1884 Indian Territory, Oklahoma

Death: 14 August 1906 Stidham, McIntosh, Oklahoma, USA


Father: Henry Island

Mother: Susan Herrod

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John Island

Birth: 27 Mar 1756 Maxstoke

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Island Ison Isen

Mother: Dorothy

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John C. Island

Birth: 30 Jan 1930 Eldorado, Arkansas

Death: 15 Nov 1995 Richmond, Contra Costa, California, USA


Father: John West Island

Mother: Ola Island

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John Island

Birth: 1894 Co Sligo

Death: Not Available


Father: Owen Island

Mother: Anne Island

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John Island

Birth: Jul 1907 Ontario

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Island

Mother: Adna Island

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John Island

Birth: 1854 Ohio

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Island

Mother: Laura Island

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John Island

Birth: 21 Des 1896 Skien

Death: Not Available


Father: Nils Island

Mother: Karen Kristine Island

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John Island

Birth: 11 Nov 1912 Rentcome, Saint Catherine, Jamaica

Death: 17 Nov 1912 Saint Catherine, Jamaica


Father: Not Available

Mother: Rachel Island

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John Island

Birth: Abt. 1881 Mississippi

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

John Island

Birth: 1793 Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, Wales

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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