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Results for "John Archer"

1 - 25 of 9,343 Records

John ARCHER - 1869 to 1931

Birth: April 1869 Darlaston, Staffordshire, Englandbirth0

Death: Mar 1931 Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, Englanddeath0


Father: Robert Archer

Mother: Jane Urwin

John Thomas Archer - 1895 to 1961

Birth: 22 Dec 1895 Arkansasbirth1

Death: 28 Oct 1961 Van Buren Co, Arkansasdeath1


Father: Riley Columbus Archer


JOHN ARCHER - 1864 to 1910




Father: John Edward Archer

Mother: Ann Mann

John Thomas Archer - 1927 to 1995

Birth: 27 Jul 1927 Richmond, Virginiabirth3

Death: 31 March 1995 Richmond, Virginia, USAdeath3


Father: Harry Lee Archer

Mother: Sadie A Brooks

John Micheal Archer - 1853 to 1940

Birth: 10 January 1853 Iowabirth4

Death: 27 July 1940 Tularedeath4


Father: Jacob Andrew Archer

Mother: Nancy McKimmy

John Archer - 1841 to 1921

Birth: abt 1841 Dodworth, Yorkshire, Englandbirth5

Death: Dec 1921 Barnsley, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath5


Father: James Archer

Mother: Ann Wadsworth

John JOSHUA Archer - 1858 to 1934

Birth: 24 May 1858 Seymour Township, Northumberland Co., Ontario, Canadabirth6

Death: 14 Jan 1934 Northumberland, Ontario, Canadadeath6


Father: Joshua Archer


John W. Archer - 1851 to 1919

Birth: 27 Oct 1851 Cleveland, Oswego, New York, United States of Americabirth7

Death: 24 Apr 1919 New Boston Twp., Mercer Co., Illinois, USAdeath7


Father: George Artcher

Mother: Sarah Unknow

John W. Archer - 1851 to 1919

Birth: 27 Oct 1851 Cleveland, Oswego, New York, United States of Americabirth8

Death: 24 Apr 1919 New Boston Twp., Mercer Co., Illinois, USAdeath8


Father: George Artcher

Mother: Sarah Unknow

John Francis Archer - 1873 to 1909

Birth: 17 Sep 1873 Lamberton, Redwood, Minnesota, USAbirth9

Death: 15 Jan 1909 Lamberton, Redwood, Minnesota, USAdeath9


Father: Franklin Benjamin Archer

Mother: Ann Eliza Dickenson

John Ernest Archer - 1845 to 1904

Birth: Oct 1845 Trotton, Midhurst, Sussex, Englandbirth10

Death: Jun 1904 Dartford, Kentdeath10


Father: John ARCHER

Mother: Harriet Baker

John W Archer - 1859 to 1950

Birth: Sep 1859 Missouribirth11

Death: 19 SEP 1950 Kirksville, Adair Co, MOdeath11


Father: Lewis A. Archer

Mother: Margaret Elizabeth Logsdon

John James Archer - 1868 to 1945

Birth: 13/1/1868 Freckleton, Lancashire, England, birth12

Death: 3 April 1945 Warton, lancashire, England.death12


Father: John Archer

Mother: Esther EASTHAM

John Wesley Archer - 1896 to 1927

Birth: 22 Aug 1896 Mulberry, Crawford, Arkansas, USAbirth13

Death: 30 Sep 1927 Mulberry, Crawford, Arkansas, USAdeath13


Father: Hiram A Archer

Mother: Elizabeth Jane Bryant

John Bowes ARCHER - 1831 to 1917

Birth: 1831 Newcastle, Northumberlandbirth14

Death: Jun 1917 Stockton, Durham, Englanddeath14


Father: William Archer

Mother: Isabella Jane Stuart

John Franklin Archer - 1900 to 1983

Birth: abt 1900 Minnesotabirth15

Death: Dec 1983 Brandon, Minnehaha, South Dakota, USAdeath15


Father: John Franklin Archer

Mother: Ellen Christine Johnson

John William Archer - 1722 to 1791

Birth: 10 Feb 1722 Perth, Scotlandbirth16

Death: before 1791 Ferry Port On Craig, Fife, Scotlanddeath16


Father: Androw Archer

Mother: Hellen Thomsane

John M Archer - 1893 to 1970

Birth: 07 May 1893 Bridgeton, Cumberland, NJbirth17

Death: 08 Apr 1970 Ocean City, Cape May, New Jerseydeath17


Father: Joseph Emerson Archer

Mother: Anna A Murphy

John McQuatty Archer - 1836 to 1917

Birth: 10 Mar 1836 Kemper, Mississippi, United Statesbirth18

Death: 21 Oct 1917 Texasdeath18


Father: William Eldridge Archer

Mother: Martha Ann Monk

John William Archer - 1876 to 1954

Birth: 27 Jun 1876 Iowa, United Statesbirth19

Death: 16 June 1954 Madison Co, Iowadeath19


Father: Oliver Milton Archer

Mother: Sarah Jane Henkle

John Archer - 1813 to 1887

Birth: abt 1813 Little Dunham, Norfolk, Englandbirth20

Death: 1 Feb 1887 Litcham, Norfolk, , Englanddeath20


Father: William Archer

Mother: Susanna Rudd

John W. Archer - 1851 to 1919

Birth: 27 Oct 1851 Cleveland, Oswego, New York, United States of Americabirth21

Death: 24 Apr 1919 New Boston Twp., Mercer Co., Illinois, USAdeath21


Father: George Artcher

Mother: Sarah Unknow

John Archer - 1820 to 1888

Birth: Apr 22,1820 Marietta New, Washington, Ohio, USAbirth22

Death: 10 Oct 1888 Clay City, Clay, Indiana, United Statesdeath22


Father: Patrick Archer

Mother: Lydia Brinton Petty-Archer

John M Archer - 1938 to 2004

Birth: 14 Apr 1938 Wheeler, Cheyenne, Nebraska, USAbirth23

Death: 18 Mar 2004 Rose Bud, Cleburne, Arkansas, USAdeath23


Father: Otis Moody Archer

Mother: Mary Margaret WHITE

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