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Results for "Johannes Hammacher"

1 - 14 of 14 Records

Johannes Hammacher - 1729 to 1787

Birth: 1 SEP 1729 Capellen/Moersbirth0

Death: 23 Nov 1787 Capellendeath0


Father: Theodorus Everhard Hammacher (Derichs)

Mother: Trintgen Jans *

Johannes "Hans" Hammacher - 1914 to 1978

Birth: 29 Mar 1914 Essenbirth1

Death: 19 May 1978 Essendeath1


Father: Hermann Hammacher

Mother: Gertrud Beckermann

Johannes "Hans" Hammacher - 1914 to 1978

Birth: 29 Mar 1914 Essenbirth2

Death: 19 May 1978 Essendeath2


Father: Hermann Hammacher

Mother: Gertrud Beckermann

Johannes Hammacher - 1862

Birth: 11 AUG 1862

Death: Not Available


Father: Johannes Theodor Hammacher

Mother: Maria Katharina Potthoff

Johannes (John) Hammacher

Birth: Not Available

Death: Abt. 1812


Father: John Hammacher

Mother: Not Available

Johannes Hammacher - 1782 to 1813

Birth: 5 Dec 1782

Death: Abt. 1813 York County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath5


Father: John Hamaker

Mother: Not Available

Johannes Hammacher - 1782 to 1813

Birth: 5 Dec 1782

Death: Abt. 1813 York County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath6


Father: John Hamaker

Mother: Not Available

Johannes Heinrich Hammacher - 1891 to 1927

Birth: 28 MAY 1891 Essenbirth7

Death: 07 DEC 1927 Essendeath7


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Johannes Adamus Hammacher - 1718 to 1783

Birth: 1718 Werkhausen, Altenkirchen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germanybirth8

Death: 1783 Derry Township, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath8


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Johannes Adamus Hammacher - 1718 to 1783

Birth: 14 Aug 1718 Werkhausen, Altenkirchen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germanybirth9

Death: 07 Nov 1783 Derry Twp, Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Johannes Hammacher

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Johannes Huberich Hammacher

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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