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Results for "Jeanne Jacquin"

1 - 25 of 283 Records

Jeanne Jacquin - 1738 to 1794

Birth: 01 APR 1738 Échalas, 69080, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, birth0

Death: 19 NOV 1794 Loire-sur-Rhône, 69118, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France, death0


Father: Etienne JACQUIN

Mother: Benoîte MAZENCIEU

Jeanne Jacquin - 1688 to 1744

Birth: 1 MAR 1688 Billy-sous-Mangiennes (55)birth1

Death: 19 AUG 1744 Billy-sous-Mangiennes (55)death1


Father: Ponce Jacquin

Mother: Barbe Boutique

Jeanne JACQUIN - 1657 to 1702

Birth: 23 jun 1657 Champigny sur Yonne, Yonne, Bourgogne, Francebirth2

Death: 5 jan 1702 Champigny sur Yonne, Yonne, Bourgogne, Francedeath2


Father: Jacques JACQUIN

Mother: Anne VILLADIER

Jeanne Baptiste JACQUIN - 1687 to 1732

Birth: 11 apr 1687 Morteau, 25411, Doubs, Franche-Comté, Francebirth3

Death: 1732 Morteau, 25411, Doubs, Franche-Comté, Francedeath3


Father: André JACQUIN

Mother: Anne Marie Prenel

Jeanne JACQUIN - 1799 to 1850

Birth: 30 NOV 1799 Boujailles, 25079, , , France., birth4

Death: 08 MAY 1850 Villers-sous-Chalamont, 25627, Doubs, Doubs, France, death4


Father: Jean Baptiste JACQUIN

Mother: Marie Thérèse BRAGARD

Jeanne Justine JACQUIN - 1827 to 1891

Birth: 29 AUG 1827 Sainte-Gemme-en-Sancerrois, 18240, Cher, Centre, Francebirth5

Death: 26 NOV 1891 Menetou-Ratel, 18300, Cher, Centre, Francedeath5


Father: Firmin JACQUIN

Mother: Jeanne GIRAULT

Jeanne Jacquin - 1753 to 1753

Birth: 10 Août 1753 Faverdines, Francebirth6

Death: 28 Oct 1753 Francedeath6


Father: Gilbert Jacquin

Mother: Marguerite Doussat

Jeanne Marguerite Jacquin - 1818 to 1881

Birth: 1818 Vicilley (Doubs)

Death: 21 Mai 1881 Francedeath7


Father: Pierre Jacquin

Mother: Marguerite Conscience

Jeanne JACQUIN - 1609

Birth: 21 OCT 1609 Ménétréol-sous-Sancerre, 18300, Cher, Centre-Val de Loire, Francebirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Guillaume JACQUIN

Mother: Marie PERREAU

Jeanne JACQUIN - 1711

Birth: 1 DEC 1711 Praslay,52160,Haute-Marne,Champagne-Ardenne,FRANCE,birth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Claude François JACQUIN

Mother: Jeanne Catherine AUTHIER

Jeanne JACQUIN - 1909 to 1999

Birth: 27 may 1909 Boujailles, Franche-Comté, Francebirth10

Death: 16 feb 1999 Boujailles, Franche-Comté, Francedeath10


Father: "Xavier" Eugène JACQUIN

Mother: "Lucie" VACELET

Jeanne JACQUIN - 1707 to 1736

Birth: 25 MAY 1707 Chavanoz,38230,Isère,Rhône-Alpes,FRANCE,birth11

Death: 21 OCT 1736 Chavanoz,38230,Isère,Rhône-Alpes,FRANCE,death11


Father: Claude JACQUIN

Mother: Françoise GIRAUD

Jeanne JACQUIN - 1695 to 1695

Birth: 6 APR 1695 Viarmes,95270,Val d'Oise,Ile de France,FRANCE,birth12

Death: 20 APR 1695 Viarmes,95270,Val d'Oise,Ile de France,FRANCE,death12


Father: Jean JACQUIN

Mother: Marie HENNEQUIN

Jeanne Jacquin - 1906 to 1907

Birth: 1906 Paris, Francebirth13

Death: 6 Août 1907 Francedeath13


Father: Eugène Jacquin

Mother: Aimée Galopin

Jeanne Jacquin - 1861 to 1919

Birth: 1 Juil 1861 Boult (Haute-Saône)birth14

Death: 25 Avril 1919 Francedeath14


Father: Antoine Jacquin

Mother: Marguerite Gradelet

Jeanne Francoise Jacquin - 1728 to 1807

Birth: 1728 Boujailles, Doubs, Franche-Comte, Francebirth15

Death: 14 Nov 1807 Boujailles, Doubs, Franche-Comte, Francedeath15


Father: Claude Denis JACQUIN

Mother: Catherine Besan

Jeanne Clotilde Jacquin - 1855 to 1856

Birth: 25 Juin 1855 Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, Lyon, Rhône, Francebirth16

Death: 30 Août 1856 Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, Rhône, Francedeath16


Father: Claude Stéphane Jacquin

Mother: Antoinette Mélanie Milliet

Jeanne Marguerite Jacquin - 1865 to 1865

Birth: 25 Mars 1865 Francheville, Rhône, Francebirth17

Death: 22 Sept 1865 Francheville, Lyon, Rhône, Francedeath17


Father: Gaspard Jacquin

Mother: Marie Barlet

Jeanne Jacquin - 1794

Birth: 12 Oct 1794 Saulzais, Cher, Centre, Francebirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Philippe Jacquin

Mother: Françoise Patin

Jeanne Jacquin - 1696 to 1731

Birth: 1696 Villers-en-Argonne, 51800, MARNE, Champagne-Ardenne, FRbirth19

Death: 21 FEB 1731 Villers-en-Argonne, 51800, MARNE, Champagne-Ardenne, FRdeath19


Father: François JACQUIN


Jeanne Eugénie Antoinette jacquin - 1899 to 1988

Birth: 08/03/1899 Sivry-sur-Ante, Francebirth20

Death: 05/08/1988 Sainte Ménéhould,marne, francedeath20


Father: Désiré Charles jacquin

Mother: maria claude

Jeanne Jacquin - 1886

Birth: 11 Janv 1886 Paris, Francebirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Alexis Camille Jacquin

Mother: Virginie Raspony

Jeanne Léonne JACQUIN - 1910

Birth: 16 APR 1910 Mussey,55366,,,,birth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Pol Louis JACQUIN

Mother: Claire BARNABE

Jeanne JACQUIN - 1718 to 1787

Birth: 22 SEP 1718 Saint-Ouen-Domprot, Marne, Grand Est, Francebirth23

Death: 27 OCT 1787 Hampigny, Aube, Grand Est, Francedeath23


Father: Nicolas JACQUIN

Mother: Not Available

Jeanne Marie Jacquin - 1797 to 1877

Birth: 19 Mars 1797 Saint Romainbirth24

Death: 29 Janv 1877 Saint-Romain-En-Gal, Lyon, Rhône, Francedeath24


Father: Jean Baptiste Jacquin

Mother: Not Available

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