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Results for "Jean Jalla"

1 - 25 of 32 Records

Jean Jalla - 1762 to 1846

Birth: 05 APR 1762 Torre Pellicebirth0

Death: 09 NOV 1846 Torre Pellicedeath0


Father: Jaques JALLA

Mother: Anne GEYMET

Jean Jalla - 1762 to 1846

Birth: 05 APR 1762 Torre Pellicebirth1

Death: 09 NOV 1846 Torre Pellicedeath1


Father: Jaques JALLA

Mother: Anne GEYMET

Jean JALLA - 1762 to 1846

Birth: 05 APR 1762 Torre Pellicebirth2

Death: 09 NOV 1846 Torre Pellicedeath2


Father: Jaques JALLA

Mother: Anne Elisabeth Peyrot

Jean Pierre (Gelat) Jalla - 1706 to 1769

Birth: 28 JUN 1706 Torre Pellice, Torino, Italybirth3

Death: BEF 30 Jul 1769


Father: Jacques Jalla or Gelat

Mother: Jeanne Frache

Jean - Jacques Jalla - 1770 to 1844

Birth: 1770 La Tourbirth4

Death: 1844


Father: Jacques Jalla

Mother: Anne Elisabeth Peyrot

Jean - Jacques Jalla - 1770 to 1844

Birth: 1770 La Tourbirth5

Death: 1844


Father: Jacques Jalla

Mother: Anne Elisabeth Peyrot

Jean Jalla - 1773

Birth: 10 Jun 1773 Torre Pellice, Torino, Italybirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacques Jalla

Mother: Marguerite Stale

Jean Jalla - 1773

Birth: 10 Jun 1773 Torre Pellice, Torino, Italybirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacques Jalla

Mother: Marguerite Stale

Jean Jalla - 1757 to 1833

Birth: 1757

Death: 1833


Father: (Elder) Jacques Jalla

Mother: Louise Catherine Gay

Jean Jalla - 1757 to 1833

Birth: 1757

Death: 1833


Father: (Elder) Jacques Jalla

Mother: Louise Catherine Gay

Jean Pierre Jalla

Birth: Not Available

Death: 16 Mai 1872 Italy, Torino, Torre Pellicedeath10


Father: Jean Pierre Jalla

Mother: Anne Margte Bertinat

Jean Pierre Jalla

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean Pierre Jala

Mother: Marie Gril

Jean Jacques Jalla - 1766 to 1845

Birth: 27 Feb 1766 Torre Pellice, Torino, Italybirth12

Death: BEF 21 May 1845


Father: Jacques Jalla

Mother: Marguerite Stale

Jean Jalla - 1722 to 1777

Birth: 1722

Death: 21 Fév 1777 Italy, Torino, Torre Pellicedeath13


Father: Jacques Jalla

Mother: Suzanne Peyrot

jean Jalla - 1746

Birth: 2 Apr 1746 Torre Pellice, Piemonte, Italybirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Daniel Jalla or Gelat

Mother: Jeanne Bonjour

Jean Pierre Jalla

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Marie Pélégrin

Jean Jalla - 1683

Birth: abt 1683 of San Giovanni, Torino, Itlybirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean Jalla

Mother: Not Available

Jean Jalla - 1697 to 1752

Birth: 15 Feb 1697 Torre Pellice, Torino, Itly.birth17

Death: bef 26Sep1752


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jean Pierre Jalla

Birth: Not Available

Death: 6 Mai 1834 Italy, Torino, Torre Pellicedeath18


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jean Jalla

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jean Pierre Jalla

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jean JALLA - 1765

Birth: 24 Dec 1765 Torre Pellice (La Tour Pelis), Torino, Italybirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jean Jalla

Birth: Not Available

Death: 21 Fév 1777 Italy, Torino, Torre Pellicedeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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