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Results for "Jean Guillerme"

1 - 25 of 166 Records

Jean GUILLERME - 1752 to 1823

Birth: 31 MAY 1752 Guidel,56520,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,birth0

Death: 28 JAN 1823 Gestel,56830,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,death0


Father: Louis GUILLERME

Mother: Claude LE DAÏO

Jean GUILLERME - 1744 to 1804

Birth: 12 SEP 1744 Ploemeur, 56162, , Morbihan, Bretagne, Kérentellebirth1

Death: 21 APR 1804 Quéven, 56185, Morbihan, Bretagne, Kergavalandeath1


Father: Joseph GUILLERME

Mother: Marie le FERAND

Jean GUILLERME - 1780 to 1837

Birth: 09 NOV 1780 Gestel, 56530, , Morbihan, Bretagne, birth2

Death: 21 NOV 1837 Gestel, 56530, , Morbihan, Bretagne, death2


Father: Jean GUILLERME

Mother: Jacquette le COROLLER

Jean Michel Guillerme - 1829 to 1907

Birth: 12 Nov 1829 Ploemeur, Morbihan, Bretagne, Francebirth3

Death: 13 Jan 1907 Ploemeur, Morbihan, Bretagne, Francedeath3


Father: Jean Marc GUILLERME

Mother: Margueritte Goulian

Jean Pierre Guillerme - 1788 to 1859

Birth: 31 OCT 1788 Bangor (56)birth4

Death: 14 MAY 1859 Le Palais (56)death4


Father: Martin Guillerme

Mother: Marie Françoise Thomas

Jean Michel Guillerme - 1829 to 1907

Birth: 12 Nov 1829 Ploemeur, Morbihan, Bretagne, Francebirth5

Death: 13 Jan 1907 Ploemeur, Morbihan, Bretagne, Francedeath5


Father: Jean Marc GUILLERME

Mother: Margueritte Goulian

Jean Guillerme - 1920 to 1988

Birth: 4 février 1920 Echigey, Côte-d'Or, Bourgogne, Francebirth6

Death: 17 décembre 1988 Dijon, Côte-d'Or, Bourgogne, Francedeath6


Father: Célestin Guillerme

Mother: Germaine Foulet

Jean pierre Guillerme - 1778 to 1844

Birth: 29 SEP 1778 St avé(56)birth7

Death: 02 JUN 1844


Father: Pierre Guillerme

Mother: Marie Dano

Jean GUILLERME - 1766 to 1817

Birth: 08 JAN 1766 Saint-Thibaud-de-Couz, 73282, Savoie, Rhône-Alpes, Francebirth8

Death: 07 FEB 1817 Saint-Thibaud-de-Couz, 73282, Savoie, Rhône-Alpes, Francedeath8


Father: Jacques GUILLERME

Mother: Dorothée CURTET

Jean louis Guillerme - 1846 to 1903

Birth: 08 MAR 1846 grand champbirth9

Death: 30 SEP 1903


Father: Isidore Guillerme

Mother: Marie Vincente BOURVELLEC (Le)

Jean louis Guillerme - 1846 to 1903

Birth: 08 MAR 1846 grand champbirth10

Death: 30 SEP 1903


Father: Isidore Guillerme

Mother: Marie Vincente BOURVELLEC (Le)

Jean Mathurin Guillerme - 1863

Birth: 18 MAR 1863 Grand-Champ 56birth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Guillaume Guillerme

Mother: Anne Plunian

Jean Marie GUILLERME - 1758

Birth: 21 SEP 1758 Ploëmeur, 56162, , Morbihan, Bretagne, birth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Louis GUILLERME

Mother: Jeanne le MONTAGNER

Jean GUILLERME - 1689

Birth: 14 AUG 1689 Ploëmeur, 56162, , Morbihan, Bretagne, birth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Hervé GUILLERME

Mother: Amice MORVEN

Jean Marie GUILLERME - 1758

Birth: 21 SEP 1758 Ploëmeur, 56162, , Morbihan, Bretagne, birth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Louis GUILLERME

Mother: Jeanne le MONTAGNER

Jean Mathurin Guillerme - 1863

Birth: 18 MAR 1863 Grand-Champ 56birth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Guillaume Guillerme

Mother: Anne Plunian

Jean Marie GUILLERME - 1893 to 1914

Birth: 07 JUN 1893 Guidel, 56078, , Morbihan, Bretagne, birth16

Death: 08 SEP 1914 Lenharree, 51230, , Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, death16


Father: Yves GUILLERME

Mother: Rosalie COEFFIC

Jean Guillerme - 1864 to 1881

Birth: 1864 Ste Leyer (Côte D'or)

Death: 16 Sept 1881 Francedeath17


Father: Pierre Guillerme

Mother: Monique Bertrand

Jean GUILLERME - 1927 to 1963

Birth: 16 OCT 1927 Ploëmeur, 56162, , Morbihan, Bretagne, birth18

Death: 20 JAN 1963 Lorient, 56100, , Morbihan, Bretagne, death18


Father: Jean GUILLERME

Mother: Angelique le MOING

Jean Marie Guillerme - 1810 to 1834

Birth: 22 APR 1810 Ile-aux-Moines, Morbihan, Bretagne, Francebirth19

Death: 14 JUL 1834 Paimboeuf, Loire-Atlantique, Pays de la Loire, Francedeath19


Father: Pierre Guillerme

Mother: Marie Claudine Éveno

Jean vincent Guillerme - 1898 to 1918

Birth: 28 JAN 1898 grand champbirth20

Death: 18 JUL 1918 pernant(aisne)death20


Father: Jean Mathurin Guillerme

Mother: Marie Ars

Jean Marie GUILLERME - 1893 to 1914

Birth: 07 JUN 1893 Guidel, 56078, , Morbihan, Bretagne, birth21

Death: 08 SEP 1914 Lenharree, 51230, , Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, death21


Father: Yves GUILLERME

Mother: Rosalie COEFFIC

Jean GUILLERME - 1851 to 1907

Birth: 03 Apr 1851 Gourin, Morbihan, Bretagne, France (Penhoat Trobray

Death: 21 Apr 1907 Gourin, Morbihan, Bretagne, Francedeath22


Father: Joseph Marie GUILLERME

Mother: Francoise Marie PENSEC

Jean Guillerme - 1842

Birth: 27 Déc 1842 Vureybirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean Guillerme

Mother: Elisabeth Bergeret

Jean GUILLERME - 1878

Birth: 15 JAN 1878 Guidel, 56078, , Morbihan, Bretagne, birth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean GUILLERME

Mother: Marie Julienne LUCAS

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