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Results for "Jean Guillaume"

1 - 25 of 3,054 Records

JEAN Nicholas GUILLAUME - 1797 to 1864

Birth: 11 Aug 1797 Vance, Luxembourg, Belgiumbirth0

Death: 14 Oct 1864 Frenchtown, Big Spring, Seneca, Ohio, USAdeath0


Father: Jean Francois Guillaume

Mother: Marie Agnes Sondach

JEAN Nicholas GUILLAUME - 1797 to 1864

Birth: 11 Aug 1797 Vance, Luxembourg, Belgiumbirth1

Death: 14 Oct 1864 Frenchtown, Big Spring, Seneca, Ohio, USAdeath1


Father: Jean Francois Guillaume

Mother: Marie Agnes Sondach

Jean Francois Guillaume - 1807 to 1891

Birth: 8 Jun 1807 Vance, Luxembourg, Belgiumbirth2

Death: 14 May 1891 Frenchtown, Seneca, Ohio, USAdeath2


Father: Jean Francois Guillaume

Mother: Marie Agnes Sondach

Jean Francois Guillaume - 1807 to 1891

Birth: 8 Jun 1807 Vance, Luxembourg, Belgiumbirth3

Death: 14 May 1891 Frenchtown, Seneca, Ohio, USAdeath3


Father: Jean Francois Guillaume

Mother: Marie Agnes Sondach

Jean Pierre Guillaume - 1802 to 1880

Birth: 24.10.1802 Ludweilerbirth4

Death: 26.3.1880 Ludweilerdeath4


Father: Jean Pierre Guillaume

Mother: Margarethe Elisabeth Desgranges

Jean Francois Guillaume - 1767 to 1838

Birth: 11 Feb 1767 Vance, Luxembourg, Belgiumbirth5

Death: 29 Mar 1838 Vance, Luxembourg, Belgiumdeath5


Father: Nicholas Guillaume

Mother: Anne Marie Hennin

Jean Nicolas Guillaume - 1751 to 1824

Birth: 21 septembre 1751 Bovée-sur-Barboure, 55190, Meuse, Lorraine, Francebirth6

Death: 6 août 1824 Bovée-sur-Barboure, 55190, Meuse, Lorraine, Francedeath6


Father: Dominique Guillaume

Mother: Charlotte DUPONT

Jean Nicolas Guillaume - 1550 to 1600

Birth: 1550 Val-d'Oise, Île-de-France, Francebirth7

Death: 1600 Val-de-Marne, Île-de-France, Francedeath7


Father: Jean François Guillaume

Mother: Louise Bourdaud

Jean Pierre Guillaume - 1791 to 1867

Birth: 26 Sep 1791 Ludweiler, Saarbrucken, Saarland, Germanybirth8

Death: 13 Sep 1867 Ludweiler, Saarbrucken, Saarland, Germanydeath8


Father: Jean Paul Guillaume

Mother: Anne Sophie DUCHÊNE

Jean Baptiste GUILLAUME - 1775 to 1856

Birth: 10 JUN 1775 Villeneuve-Renneville-Chevigny,51130,Marne,Grand Est,FRANCE,Chevignybirth9

Death: 26 FEB 1856 Villeneuve-Renneville-Chevigny,51130,Marne,Grand Est,FRANCE,death9


Father: Jean-Baptiste GUILLAUME

Mother: Marie-Jeanne GUISET

Jean Baptiste GUILLAUME - 1768 to 1836

Birth: 25 JAN 1768 Bussy en Othe, 89059, Yonne, Bourgogne, Francebirth10

Death: 19 SEP 1836 Bussy en Othe, 89059, Yonne, Bourgogne, Francedeath10


Father: Jean Baptiste GUILLAUME

Mother: Marie Jeanne POTHIER

Jean François GUILLAUME - 1807 to 1886

Birth: 9 MAY 1807 Val-D'Ornain,55000,Meuse,Lorraine,FRANCE,MUSSEYbirth11

Death: 11 APR 1886 Val-D'Ornain,55000,Meuse,Lorraine,FRANCE,MUSSEYdeath11


Father: Nicolas Hyacinthe GUILLAUME

Mother: Euphémie THOMAS

Jean Guillaume - 1778 to 1858

Birth: 15 JAN 1778 Charquemont, 25127, Doubs, Franche-Comté, Francebirth12

Death: 23 NOV 1858 Fournet-Blancheroche, 25255, Doubs, Franche-Comté, Francedeath12


Father: Nicolas GUILLAUME

Mother: Marie Agnès Renaud

Jean Francois GUILLAUME - 1816 to 1886

Birth: 27 JUL 1816 Boult sur Suippe, F51, CHA, FRAbirth13

Death: 11 MAY 1886 Boult sur Suippe, F51, CHA, FRAdeath13


Father: Remy Guillaume

Mother: Marie Antoinette RENOT

Jean Guillaume - 1703 to 1748

Birth: 6 NOV 1703 Pure, Ardennes, Grand Est, Francebirth14

Death: AFT 1748 Pure, Ardennes, Grand Est, Francedeath14




Jean Guillaume - 1785 to 1824

Birth: 4 Janv 1785 en Cette Communne

Death: 2 Sept 1824 Vorges, Laon, Aisne, Francedeath15


Father: Claude Guillaume

Mother: Margueritte Housset

Jean François Guillaume - 1719 to 1783

Birth: 18/06/1719 Prefontaines, Loiret, Centre, Francebirth16

Death: 25/12/1783 Prefontaines, Loiret, Centre, Francedeath16




Jean GUILLAUME - 1696 to 1768

Birth: 1696 Senoncourt les Maujouybirth17

Death: 30 APR 1768 Senoncourt les Maujouydeath17


Father: Paul GUILLAUME

Mother: Barbe VARINOT

Jean Guillaume - 1832

Birth: 5 Juil 1832 Termer Commune De Beury St Sepulier

Death: 7 Sept Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre, Indre, Francedeath18


Father: Pierre Guillaume

Mother: Jeanne Rochoux

Jean Guillaume - 1857 to 1952

Birth: 2 Sep 1857 Hargnies, Ardennes, Francebirth19

Death: 9 Nov 1952 Charleville, Champagne-Ardenne, Francedeath19


Father: Joseph Alexis Guillaume

Mother: Marie Constance Buffet

Jean GUILLAUME - 1724 to 1795

Birth: 10 JUL 1724 Saint-Martin-sur-Oust, 56224, Morbihan, Bretagne, France, birth20

Death: 27 JUN 1795 Saint-Martin-sur-Oust, 56224, Morbihan, Bretagne, France, death20


Father: René GUILLAUME

Mother: Yvonne LE MOISNE

Jean Guillaume - 1820 to 1870

Birth: 21 Mars 1820 Chennerybirth21

Death: 7 Nov 1870 Chémery-Chéhéry, Francedeath21


Father: Jean Baptiste Guillomaille

Mother: Marie Gennieme Faucheron

Jean Nicolas GUILLAUME - 1721 to 1785

Birth: ABT 1721 Chemery les Deux,57136,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,birth22

Death: 27 APR 1785 Bibiche,57079,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,death22


Father: Nicolas GUILLAUME

Mother: Anne Catherine JETTE

Jean François GUILLAUME - 1786 to 1866

Birth: 06 JAN 1786 Guégon, 56120, Morbihan, Bretagne, FRANCEbirth23

Death: 24 DEC 1866 Guégon, 56120, Morbihan, Bretagne, FRANCEdeath23


Father: Yves GUILLAUME

Mother: Marie BRUNEL

Jean Ferdinand GUILLAUME - 1736 to 1807

Birth: 14 October 1736 Chiny, Luxembourg, Belgiumbirth24

Death: 16 November 1807 Chiny, Luxembourg, Belgiumdeath24


Father: Denis GUILLAUME

Mother: Hélène THIBESSART

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