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Results for "Janos Bartfay"

1 - 25 of 25 Records
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Janis Barclay - 1934 to 2001

Birth: 24 Feb 1934 South Dakota, USAbirth0

Death: 03 Mar 2001 Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USAdeath0


Father: John Byron Barclay

Mother: Isel Elda Bruns

Janis Barclay - 1934 to 2001

Birth: 24 Feb 1934 South Dakota, USAbirth1

Death: 03 Mar 2001 Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USAdeath1


Father: John Byron Barclay

Mother: Isel Elda Bruns

Janis K Bartley - 1967 to 1979

Birth: 10 Aug 1967 Alexandria, Virginia, USAbirth2

Death: 25 July 1979 Falls Church VAdeath2


Father: Herbert Allen Bartley

Mother: Marlene Delores Bahr

János (John) Bártfay - 1884 to 1965

Birth: 14 Feb 1884 Hungarybirth3

Death: 15 Jul 1965 Fontana, San Bernardino, California, USAdeath3


Father: Janos Bártfay

Mother: Suzanne Pataki

Janos "John" Bartay - 1828 to 1885

Birth: 21 MAR 1828 Budapest, Budapest, Hungarybirth4

Death: 21 DEC 1885 New Wedhem, Austin, Texas, USAdeath4


Father: Andreas (Andras, Endre) Bartay von Bartfa

Mother: Katalina Katharina Bauer

János Barcsay - 1790 to 1831

Birth: 1790 Of,Tartarja,Alsó-Fehér Megye,Hungarybirth5

Death: 1831


Father: János Barcsay

Mother: Teréz Daniel

János Barcsay - 1790 to 1831

Birth: 1790 Of,Tartarja,Alsó-Fehér Megye,Hungarybirth6

Death: 1831


Father: János Barcsay

Mother: Teréz Daniel

János Barinay

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: István Barinay

Mother: Anna Boros

Janos nagy barcsai BARCSAY - 1707 to 1751

Birth: 1707 Nagy_Barcsa, Hunyad megye, Transylvania/Erd, Hungarybirth8

Death: BEF 1751


Father: Abraham Barcsay

Mother: Krisztina Teleki

János Barcsay - 1828 to 1906

Birth: 1828

Death: 24.05.1906


Father: János Barcsay

Mother: Zsuzsanna Jósika

Janis? Barclay - 1851

Birth: 1851 Bathurst, Gloucester, New Brunswick, Canadabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Barclay

Mother: Catherine Fletcher

Janis Bartley

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Arden Howard Berhow

Mother: Irene Julietta Olson

János Battlay - 1809

Birth: 18 AUG 1809

Death: Not Available


Father: György Battlay

Mother: Katalin Lipták

János Bártfay

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: János Bártfay

Mother: Katalin Karabinós

Female IconMale Icon

Janis Barclay

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Allan Henry Anger

Mother: Lorraine Gamble

János Barcsay

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Ádám Barcsay

Mother: Borbála Jósika

Janos Bártfay

Birth: Not Available Hungarybirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

János Barcsay - 1508 to 1535

Birth: 1508 Of,Nagy Barcsa,Hunyad Megye,Hungarybirth17

Death: 1535


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Janis Ruth Bartley - 1956 to 1984

Birth: 04/15/1956 Californiabirth18

Death: 18 Apr 1984 Los Angelesdeath18


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Janis K Bartley - 1967 to 1979

Birth: 10 Aug 1967 Alexandria, Virginia, USAbirth19

Death: 25 July 1979 Falls Church VAdeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Janos Bartay

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Janos Von Bartfa Bartay - 1779

Birth: 1779 Hungry

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

János Barcsay

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

János Barcsay

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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