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Results for "Janneke Baart"

1 - 20 of 20 Records

Janneke Baart - 1849 to 1930

Birth: 1849 Sint Kruis, Zeeland, The Netherlandsbirth0

Death: 14 Jun 1930 Aardenburg, Zeeland, The Netherlandsdeath0


Father: David Baart

Mother: Janneke van Hal

Janneke Baart - 1876 to 1955

Birth: 13 may,1876 Groede, Oostburg, Zeeland, Netherlandsbirth1

Death: 29 dec,1955 IJzendijke, Oostburg, Zeeland, Netherlandsdeath1


Father: Daniel baert

Mother: Adriana Magdalena Ekkebus

Janneke Baart - 1850 to 1933

Birth: 06 Dec 1850 Sint Kruis, Sluis-Aardenburg, Zeeland, Netherlandsbirth2

Death: 22 Maart 1933 Vlissingendeath2


Father: Johannes Baart

Mother: Janneke le Coq

Janneke Baart - 1849 to 1930

Birth: 1849 Sint Kruis, Zeeland, The Netherlandsbirth3

Death: 14 Jun 1930 Aardenburg, Zeeland, The Netherlandsdeath3


Father: David Baart

Mother: Janneke van Hal

Janneke Levina Baart - 1869 to 1949

Birth: 29 MAR 1869 Netherlands, Zeeland, Aardenburgbirth4

Death: 31 MAR 1949 Netherlands, Zeeland, Aardenburgdeath4


Father: Pieter Baart

Mother: Dina Dierings

Janneke Baart - 1850 to 1933

Birth: 06 Dec 1850 Sint Kruis, Sluis-Aardenburg, Zeeland, Netherlandsbirth5

Death: 22 Maart 1933 Vlissingendeath5


Father: Johannes Baart

Mother: Janneke le Coq

Janneke "Jennie" J Baart - 1883 to 1961

Birth: 06 Dec 1883 Cadzand, Zeeland, The Netherlandsbirth6

Death: 10 Jul 1961 Rochester, Monroe, New York, United Statesdeath6


Father: Abram Baart

Mother: Susanna Van Den Ameele

Janneke Baart - 1876 to 1955

Birth: 13 may,1876 Groede, Oostburg, Zeeland, Netherlandsbirth7

Death: 29 dec,1955 IJzendijke, Oostburg, Zeeland, Netherlandsdeath7


Father: Daniel baert

Mother: Adriana Magdalena Ekkebus

Janneke Ermina Baart - 1882 to 1928

Birth: 17 Mar 1882 Cadzand, Zeeland, Nederlandbirth8

Death: 27 Nov 1928 Oude Tonge, Netherlandsdeath8


Father: Pieter Baart

Mother: Gerrigjen Foekert

Janneke Daniels Baart - 1852 to 1926

Birth: 7 August 1852 Eedebirth9

Death: 7 February 1926 Hilversumdeath9


Father: Daniel Baart

Mother: Levina Schijve

Janneke Levina Baart - 1869 to 1949

Birth: 29 MAR 1869 Netherlands, Zeeland, Aardenburgbirth10

Death: 31 MAR 1949 Netherlands, Zeeland, Aardenburgdeath10


Father: Pieter Isaak Baart

Mother: Dina Dierings

Janneke Magdalena Baart - 1837 to 1911

Birth: 1837 Netherlands, Zeeland, St Kruisbirth11

Death: 24 JAN 1911 Netherlands, Zeeland, Aardenburgdeath11


Father: Jacobus Baart

Mother: Sara Van Hal Halle

Janneke Baart - 1864 to 1870

Birth: 1864 Netherlands, Zeeland, St Kruisbirth12

Death: 25 MAR 1870 Netherlands, Zeeland, St Kruisdeath12


Father: Petrus Baart

Mother: Catharina Reij

Janneke Baart - 1884 to 1908

Birth: 12 MAY 1884 Netherlands, Zuid-Holland, Oudshoorn

Death: 10 AUG 1908 Netherlands, Zuid-Holland, Oudshoorn


Father: Johannes Baart

Mother: Jacoba Johanna van den Boogaardt

Janneke Baart - 1815

Birth: 28 Aug 1815 Netherlands, Zeeland, Netherlandsbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Isa(a)(c)k Baart

Mother: Sara Deuninck

Janneke Baart - 1910

Birth: 26 OCT 1910

Death: Not Available


Father: Michiel Daniel Baart

Mother: Bernardina Jansen

Janneke Baart

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Janneke Baart

Birth: Not Available Netherlandsbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Janneke Baart

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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