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Results for "Janice Barrows"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Janice Barrows - 1928 to 2013

Birth: 11 April 1928 Massachusettsbirth0

Death: 18 April 2013


Father: George Albert Brown

Mother: Mabel Catherine Osborn

Janice Ann Barrows - 1940

Birth: 22 Aug 1940 Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, USAbirth1

Death: Not Available


Father: Wilbur Ward Barrows

Mother: Glenora Barrows

Janice Barrows - 1942

Birth: 1942 Burlington, VT.birth2

Death: Not Available


Father: Clarence Edward Leclair

Mother: Lillian Clara Sturtevant

Janice Mae Barrows - 1940 to 2006

Birth: 13 Feb 1940 Vergennes, Addison, Vermont, United Statesbirth3

Death: 16 Mar 2006 Worthington, Hampshire, Massachusettsdeath3


Father: Earl F Barrows

Mother: Genevieve May Panton

Janice Lynn Barrows - 1954 to 1997

Birth: 21 Apr 1954 Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohiobirth4

Death: 29 Aug 1997 Lima, Allen Co., Ohiodeath4


Father: Clifford Perkins Barrows

Mother: Lois Fanny Parsons (Barrows)

Janice Isabelle Barrows - 1919 to 2000

Birth: 25 Sep 1919 Georgia, Franklin, Vermont, USAbirth5

Death: October 7, 2000 Sharon, Mercer, Pennsylvania, USAdeath5


Father: Floyd Curtis Barrows

Mother: Isabelle Prudence (GOODWIN) Barrows

Janice L Barrows - 1960 to 1997

Birth: 14 Mar 1960

Death: 1997


Father: Ivan Roscoe Barrows

Mother: Bethena L Williams Barrows

Janice Barrows

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert McCumber

Mother: Edna Lasher

Janice Marie Barrows - 1944 to 2011

Birth: 21 Jun 1944

Death: 13 Aug 2011


Father: Not Available

Mother: Etta Marie Virginia Rown

Janice Barrows - 1937 to 2019

Birth: 14 Mar 1937 Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USAbirth9

Death: 7 Mar 2019 Glen Mills, Delaware, Pennsylvania, USAdeath9


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Janice BARROWS - 1938 to 2004

Birth: 1 Nov 1938

Death: 2004


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Janice Barrows

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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