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Results for "Jane Bank"

1 - 25 of 52 Records

Jane BANK - 1827 to 1897

Birth: 18 Feb 1827 Newby, Yorkshire, Englandbirth0

Death: 3 MAY 1897 Burnley, Lancashire, United Kingdomdeath0


Father: Henry BANK

Mother: Ellen Tomlinson

Jane Bank - 1857 to 1915

Birth: abt 1857 Stornoway, Isle of Lewisbirth1

Death: 20 Dec 1915


Father: Donald Bruce

Mother: Elizabeth Manson

Jane Bank - 1838 to 1913

Birth: ABT. 1838 Brackenthwaite, Cumbria, Englandbirth2

Death: Jul 1913 Cumberland, United Kingdomdeath2


Father: John Banks

Mother: Elizabeth Head

Jane Bank - 1845 to 1919

Birth: ABT. 1845 Bolton by Bowland, Yorkshire, Englandbirth3

Death: Jun 1919 Settle, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath3


Father: Henry Bank

Mother: Mary Banks

Jane Bank - 1796 to 1875

Birth: 1796 Giggleswick, Yorkshire, , Englandbirth4

Death: 12 Jul 1875 Settle, Yorkshire, , Englanddeath4


Father: William Bank

Mother: Margaret Redmayne

Jane Bank - 1721 to 1802

Birth: January 1721 Burscough, Lancashire, Englandbirth5

Death: February 1802 Bickerstaffe, Lancashire, Englanddeath5


Father: John Banks / Banckes / Banke

Mother: Catherine Culcheth

Jane Bank - 1899 to 1981

Birth: 29 Nov 1899 Wiston, Lancashire, Englandbirth6

Death: Dec 1981 Wigan, Greater Manchester, Englanddeath6


Father: John Banks

Mother: Alice Ball

Jane Bank - 1864 to 1878

Birth: 12 Feb 1864 Colne, Lancashirebirth7

Death: 30 Jul 1878 Colne, Lancashiredeath7


Father: Joseph BANK

Mother: Elizabeth Jackson

Jane Bank - 1781 to 1804

Birth: 1781 Brigham, Cumberland, Englandbirth8

Death: 30 Jul 1804 Cumberland, Englanddeath8


Father: Matthew Bank or Banks

Mother: Sarah Lancaster

Jane Bank - 1925 to 1994

Birth: 22 May 1925 Bradford, West Yorkshire, Englandbirth9

Death: Jul 1994 Bridgend, Glamorgan, Walesdeath9


Father: Joseph Bank

Mother: Lily Ann Briggs

Jane Bank - 1770

Birth: 1770 Langcliffe, Yorkshire, Englandbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: William Banks

Mother: Anne Hargreaves

Jane Bank - 1819

Birth: 1819 Slaidburn, Yorkshire, Englandbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Richard Bank

Mother: Alice Alston

Jane Bank

Birth: Not Available Rimington, Yorkshire, Englandbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: John Banks

Mother: Elizabeth Smethurst

Jane Bank - 1910 to 1936

Birth: 14 Jan 1910 Colne, Lancashire, Englandbirth13

Death: 10 Dec 1936 Colne, Lancashire, Englanddeath13


Father: Joseph Robert Bank

Mother: Isabella Parkinson

Jane Bank - 1839

Birth: ABT. 1839 Lancashire, Englandbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: William Banks

Mother: Sarah Pickavance

Jane Bank - 1826

Birth: 11 June 1826 Gisburn, Yorkshirebirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: John Bank

Mother: Elizabeth (Betty) Wilson

Jane Bank - 1807

Birth: 1807 Bolton by Bowlandbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: William Bank

Mother: Jane/Janey Roberts

Jane Bank - 1677 to 1746

Birth: ABT 1677 Loweswater, Cumberland, Englandbirth17

Death: 1746


Father: Will. Bank

Mother: Not Available

Jane Bank - 1857

Birth: Abt. 1857 Sunderland, Durham, Englandbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Groves

Mother: Not Available

Jane Bank - 1851 to 1930

Birth: 20 Mar 1851 Virgina, USAbirth19

Death: 16 Mar 1930 Elza, Tattnall, Georgiadeath19


Father: William Henry Bank

Mother: Not Available

Jane Bank - 1837

Birth: 1837 Wold Newton, Yorkshire, Englandbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jane Bank - 1828 to 1870

Birth: ABT 1828 Bolton by Bowland, Yorksbirth21

Death: October 1870 Clitheroe, Lancashire, United Kingdomdeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jane Bank

Birth: Not Available Germanybirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jane Bank

Birth: Not Available Germanybirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jane Bank - 1850

Birth: Abt 1850 Georgiabirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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