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Results for "James Barnacastle"

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James Henry BARNEYCASTLE - 1874 to 1910

Birth: 4 MAY 1874 Alabamabirth0

Death: 10 Jul 1910 Escambia, Alabama, USAdeath0


Father: William Henry Barneycastle

Mother: Mary Fuqua

James Barneycastle - 1722 to 1761

Birth: Abt. 1722 Accomack, Virginia, USAbirth1

Death: Aft. 1761 Craven, North Carolina, USAdeath1


Father: Richard Barneycastle

Mother: Jane Tatham

James Barneycastle - 1722 to 1761

Birth: Abt. 1722 Accomack, Virginia, USAbirth2

Death: Aft. 1761 Craven, North Carolina, USAdeath2


Father: Richard Barneycastle

Mother: Jane Tatham

James Barneycastle - 1775 to 1850

Birth: Abt. 1775 Bertie County, North Carolinabirth3

Death: Bef. 1850 Alabamadeath3


Father: Beverly Barneycastle

Mother: Fanny Knott

James Barneycastle - 1775 to 1850

Birth: Abt. 1775 Bertie County, North Carolinabirth4

Death: Bef. 1850 Alabamadeath4


Father: Beverly Barneycastle

Mother: Fanny Knott

James Barneycastle - 1840 to 1916

Birth: 10 Apr 1840 Alabama, USAbirth5

Death: 21 Mar 1916 Votaw, Hardin, Texas, United Statesdeath5


Father: William Bay Barneycastle

Mother: Harriett Wilson

James Barneycastle - 1840 to 1916

Birth: 10 Apr 1840 Alabama, USAbirth6

Death: 21 Mar 1916 Votaw, Hardin, Texas, United Statesdeath6


Father: William Bay Barneycastle

Mother: Harriett Wilson

James C. Barneycastle - 1800 to 1852

Birth: 1800 Bertie, North Carolina, USAbirth7

Death: Abt 15 Jul 1852 Jackson, Florida, USAdeath7


Father: Beverly Barneycastle

Mother: Frances Jane Knott

James Buchanan Barnacascel - 1856 to 1917

Birth: 30 Oct 1856 Bertie Co, NCbirth8

Death: 2 Jun 1917 Murfreesboro, Hertford Co, NCdeath8


Father: Charles C Barnacastle

Mother: Sally Ann Byrum

James Henry Barnecastle - 1850 to 1927

Birth: 11 Jul 1850 Bertie, North Carolina, USAbirth9

Death: 07 Jul 1927 Windsor, Bertie, North Carolina, USAdeath9


Father: George Washington Barnacastle

Mother: Susan A. Pierce

James Francis Barnecastle - 1880 to 1886

Birth: 22 Jun 1880 Nebraska, USAbirth10

Death: 26 Sep 1886 Bovina, Lincoln, Colorado, USAdeath10


Father: Francis Barnecastle

Mother: Jennie Bloss

James Franklin Barneycastle - 1907 to 1996

Birth: 14 Nov 1907 Fulton, Davie, North Carolina, USAbirth11

Death: 2 Mar 1996 Mocksville,Davie, North Carolinadeath11


Father: Jabus (Joseph) Aaron (Cephus) Barneycastle (Barney)

Mother: Susan Becky Rebecca Cope

James Francis Barnecastle - 1880 to 1886

Birth: 22 Jun 1880 Nebraska, USAbirth12

Death: 26 Sep 1886 Bovina, Lincoln, Colorado, USAdeath12


Father: Francis Barnecastle

Mother: Jennie Bloss

James A Barneycastle - 1946 to 2013

Birth: 22 Jun 1946

Death: 20 May 2013


Father: Baneworth Barneycastle

Mother: Annie Marie Myers

James Barneycastle - 1765 to 1844

Birth: 1765 Bertie Co, North Carolina, USAbirth14

Death: About Oct 1844 Bertie, North Carolina, USAdeath14


Father: Beverly Barneycastle

Mother: Francis Knott

James William Barneycastle - 1910 to 1938

Birth: 24May1910 Votaw, Hardin, Texasbirth15

Death: 21 Nov 1938 Liberty, Texas, USAdeath15


Father: Elzie K. Barneycastle

Mother: Susan Viola Bass

James Charry Barneycastle - 1901

Birth: Abt. 1901 North Carolinabirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Nathaniel Tillis Barneycastle

Mother: MARTHA ELLEN Walker Queen

James Tommie Barneycastle - 1913 to 2007

Birth: 15 Sep 1913 Kim, Las Animas, Colorado, USAbirth17

Death: 23 Mar 2007 Tucson, Pima, Arizona, USAdeath17


Father: William Thomas Barneycastle

Mother: Emily Doucette

James O. Barneycastle - 1828 to 1857

Birth: Abt 1828 Bertie, North Carolina, USAbirth18

Death: Dec 1857 Jackson, Florida, USAdeath18


Father: James C. Barneycastle

Mother: Harriet Barber

James Barneycastle

Birth: Not Available Escambia Co., ALbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: William Henry Barneycastle

Mother: Mary Fuqua

James C. Barneycastle - 1830 to 1862

Birth: 1830 Alabama, USAbirth20

Death: 27 Jun 1862 Gaines Mill, Virginia, USAdeath20


Father: Evans Barneycastle

Mother: Not Available

James Barneycastle - 1913

Birth: abt 1913 Coloradobirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Albert Wigginton

Mother: Not Available

James Barneycastle - 1914

Birth: 15 Sep 1914 Kim, Coloradobirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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