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Results for "James Barclift"

1 - 25 of 27 Records

James Wesley Barclift - 1911 to 1991

Birth: 28 June 1911 Butler County, Missouri, United States of Americabirth0

Death: 30 December 1991 St. Louis City, Missouri, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Hugh Allison Barcliff

Mother: Ida Josephine Langley

James Rains Barclift - 1889 to 1973

Birth: 15 APR 1889 Alabamabirth1

Death: 24 MAR 1973 Huntsville, Madison Co., Alabama (burial Oleander Cem., Marshall Co., AL


Father: Samuel Stokely "Sam" Barclift

Mother: Robert Mary Dickson "Bobbie" Draper

James Mannon Barclift - 1897 to 1959

Birth: 04 Dec 1897 Durants Neck, Perquimans, North Carolina, USAbirth2

Death: 29 Jun 1959 Salisbury, Wicomico, Maryland, USAdeath2


Father: Alonzo C Barclift

Mother: Katie L Eure

James M Barclift - 1835 to 1880

Birth: Abt 1835 Perquimans Co., NC, USAbirth3

Death: MAY 1880 Perquimans, North Carolinadeath3




James Mannon Barclift - 1924 to 2011

Birth: 9 August 1924 Perquimans, North Carolinabirth4

Death: 04 Oct 2011 Chesapeake, Virginia, USAdeath4


Father: James Mannon Barclift

Mother: Mattie Estelle Banks

James Richard Barclift - 1914 to 1984

Birth: 14 Dec 1914 Big Flat Mountain Near Yale, Johnson, Arkansas, United Statesbirth5

Death: 4 Feb 1984 El Centro, Imperial, California, USAdeath5


Father: James Richard Barclift

Mother: Sallie Belle Ramsey

James Richard Barclift - 1914 to 1984

Birth: 14 Dec 1914 Arkansasbirth6

Death: 4 Feb 1984 Imperialdeath6


Father: James Richard Barclift

Mother: Sallie Belle Ramsey

James Barclift - 1878

Birth: 1878 Perquimans County, North Carolina, USAbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Edward Barcliff Dempsey

Mother: Octavia Manley Overton

James Richard Barclift - 1875 to 1962

Birth: 13 Feb 1875 Ozark, Franklin, Arkansasbirth8

Death: 5 May 1962 Fayetteville, Washington, Arkansas, USAdeath8


Father: Noah Barclift

Mother: Rachel Jane Warner

James Edward Barclift - 1921 to 2002

Birth: 13 Aug 1921 Schuyler County, Illinois, USAbirth9

Death: 21 Dec 2002 Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USAdeath9


Father: Charles Wesley Barclift

Mother: Blanche Marie Hetrick

James Barclift - 1916 to 1934

Birth: abt 1916 Arkansasbirth10

Death: 18 Aug 1934 Ward, Pulaski, Arkansas, USAdeath10


Father: James Richard Barclift

Mother: Sallie Belle Ramsey

James E Barclift - 1859 to 1884

Birth: 17 Jun 1859 Tennesseebirth11

Death: 18 February 1884 Nashville, Davidsondeath11


Father: John H Barclift

Mother: Lucy Ann Matilda Wray

James William Barclift - 1928 to 2004

Birth: 5 Jul 1928 Elizabeth City, North Carolinabirth12

Death: 13 Jun 2004


Father: Fred Barclift Sr

Mother: Elsie Ellis Anne Linda Winslow Barclift

James Barclift - 1885 to 1885

Birth: 06 Oct 1885 Hartselle, Morgan County, Alabamabirth13

Death: 06 Oct 1885 Hartselle, Morgan County, Alabamadeath13


Father: Willis Anderson Barclift

Mother: Frances Caledonia Woodall

James Roy Barclift - 1937 to 1992

Birth: 22 Feb 1937 Dickinson, North Dakotabirth14

Death: Jan 1992


Father: Roy Lozelle Barclift

Mother: Kathryn Brady

James M. Barclift - 1846

Birth: 1846 North Carolinabirth15

Death: Not Available



Mother: Ann/Anna H Sutton

James G Barclift - 1892

Birth: Aug 1892 Alabamabirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Luther Martin Barclift

Mother: Mercie Adeline Gillispie

James Barclift - 1750

Birth: 1750 Perquimans, North Carolina, United Statesbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Joshua Barclift

Mother: Mary Blake

James Barclift

Birth: Not Available Perquimans County, North Carolina, USAbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

James Barclift

Birth: Not Available N.C.birth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

James Barclift - 1845

Birth: 1845 Alabamabirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

james barclift - 1922

Birth: 06/21/1922 havanna georgia

Death: unknown New York, USAdeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

James Barclift - 1847

Birth: abt 1847 Tennesseebirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

James Barclift

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

James Barclift

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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