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Results for "Jakob Baron"

1 - 25 of 96 Records

Jakob Baron - 1870 to 1957

Birth: 12 Nov 1870 Duliby (Stryj), Galicia, Austriabirth0

Death: 15 October 1957


Father: Johannes Philipp Baron

Mother: Elisabetha Barbara Göbel

Jakob Baron - 1870 to 1957

Birth: 12 Nov 1870 Duliby (Stryj), Galicia, Austriabirth1

Death: 15 October 1957


Father: Johannes Philipp Baron

Mother: Elisabetha Barbara Göbel

Jakob Baron - 1743 to 1811

Birth: 2 AUG 1743 Hambrücken, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth2

Death: 16 JUL 1811 Hambrücken, Karlsruhe, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germanydeath2


Father: Johann Jacobus Baron

Mother: Maria Katharina Krempel

Jakob Baron - 1743 to 1811

Birth: 2 AUG 1743 Hambrücken, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth3

Death: 16 JUL 1811 Hambrücken, Karlsruhe, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germanydeath3


Father: Johann Jacobus Baron

Mother: Maria Katharina Krempel

Jakob Baron - 1877 to 1926

Birth: 4 Feb 1877 Kutzura, Hungarybirth4

Death: 25 May 1926 Kutzura, Yugoslaviadeath4


Father: Michael Baron

Mother: Karolina Scherer

Jakob BARON - 1801 to 1874

Birth: abt 1801 Pitschenbirth5

Death: 6 Oct 1874 Kluczbork, Opolskie, Polanddeath5


Father: berl berel baron

Mother: blume

Jakob Baron - 1825

Birth: 22 SEP 1825 Hayna, Bavarian Palatinate, Germanybirth6

Death: Unknown


Father: Johann Adam Baron

Mother: Maria Magdalena Winstel

Jakob Baron - 1852

Birth: 5 SEP 1852 Alt Olexice, Galicia, Austriabirth7

Death: Not Available Dulibedeath7


Father: Georg Daniel Baron

Mother: Maria Katharina Schulz

Jakob Baron - 1852

Birth: 5 SEP 1852 Alt Olexice, Galicia, Austriabirth8

Death: Not Available Dulibedeath8


Father: Georg Daniel Baron

Mother: Maria Katharina Schulz

Jakob Baron - 1865

Birth: 17.7.1865 Wójtowice, Niederschlesien, Polen (=Vogtsdorf)birth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Johann Baron

Mother: Julianna Agnes Czech

Jakob Baron - 1889 to 1940

Birth: 24 Jul 1889 Alt-Olexice House #38, Galicia, Austriabirth10

Death: 6 May 1940 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath10


Father: Johann Peter Baron

Mother: Dorothea Amalia Baumung

Jakob Baron - 1867 to 1869

Birth: 1 OCT 1867 Aalen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germanybirth11

Death: 17 MAR 1869 Alt Olexice, Galicia, Austriadeath11


Father: Johann Peter Baron

Mother: Maria Margaretha Adolf

Jakob Baron - 1802

Birth: December 15, 1802 Čichtice, Bavorov, Strakonice District, South Bohemian Region, Czech Republicbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Gabriel Baron

Mother: Theresia Fantl

Jakob Baron - 1881 to 1885

Birth: 01 Jan 1881 Duliby Stryjbirth13

Death: 17 Oct 1885 Duliby Stryjdeath13


Father: Johannes Heinrich Baron

Mother: Margaretha Stahlmeyer

Jakob Baron - 1891 to 1892

Birth: 19 AUG 1891 Duliby (Stryj), Galicia, Austriabirth14

Death: 29 JUL 1892 Zawadow (Stryj), Galicia, Austriadeath14


Father: Jakob Baron

Mother: Wilhelmine Gentemann

Jakob Baron - 1863 to 1864

Birth: 31 May 1863 Duliby, Stryj, Galicia, Ukrainebirth15

Death: 03 Aug 1864 Duliby, Stryj, Galicia, Ukrainedeath15


Father: Johann Michael Baron

Mother: Maria Elisabetha MÜLLER

Jakob Baron - 1739 to 1741

Birth: 8 OCT 1739 Hambrücken, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth16

Death: 24 AUG 1741 Hambrücken, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germanydeath16


Father: Johann Jacobus Baron

Mother: Maria Katharina Krempel

Jakob BARON - 1867 to 1937

Birth: 9 Aug 1867 Duliby, Urainebirth17

Death: 01 Nov 1937 Neitwalde, Znin, Kujawien-Pommern, Polendeath17


Father: Johannes Jakob BARON

Mother: Margaretha WEISS

Jakob Baron - 1894

Birth: 9 Sep 1894 Dulibe, Stryj, Galicia, Austro-Hungarian Empire [L'vivs'ka, Ukraine]birth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Erasmus Baron

Mother: Karoline Thom

Jakob BARON - 1870 to 1871

Birth: 20 Nov 1870 Gelsendorf, Galicia, Austriabirth19

Death: 16 Feb 1871


Father: Johann Peter Baron

Mother: Katharina Schwenk

Jakob Baron - 1731 to 1802

Birth: 18 FEB 1731 Hayna, Bavarian Palatinate, Germanybirth20

Death: BEF 1802


Father: Johann Adam Baron

Mother: Maria Elisabetha Knollin

Jakob Baron - 1865 to 1935

Birth: 03 APR 1865 Scholtoi,Bessarabiabirth21

Death: 24 JUN 1935 Mankota,Saskdeath21


Father: Johann Peter Baron

Mother: Maria Katharina Geistlinger

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