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Results for "Jacques Barrelet"

1 - 14 of 14 Records

Jacques Theodore Barrelet - 1901 to 1982

Birth: Nov 2 1901

Death: 1982


Father: Theodore Barrelet

Mother: Julie Elisabeth Barrelet

Jacques Louis Barrelet - 1869 to 1869

Birth: Jul 30 1869

Death: 1869


Father: Jacques Louis Barrelet

Mother: Sophie Grisel

Jacques Francois Barrelet - 1756 to 1843

Birth: 10 AUG 1756

Death: 1843


Father: Jean Pierre Barrelet

Mother: Jeanne Urbaine Vincent

Jacques Louis Barrelet - 1818 to 1894

Birth: Aug 28 1818

Death: 1894


Father: Jean Francois Louis Barrelet

Mother: Jeanne Marguerite Schlatter

Jacques Albert Barrelet - 1823 to 1848

Birth: Nov 8, 1823

Death: 1848 en Russiedeath4


Father: Albert Henry Alfred Barrelet

Mother: Anne Margarete Meyer

Jacques Justin Barrelet - 1821 to 1852

Birth: Sep 28 1821

Death: 1852


Father: Jean Francois Louis Barrelet

Mother: Jeanne Marguerite Schlatter

Jacques Antoine Barrelet - 1884

Birth: 10 OCT 1884

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Adolphe Ernest Barrelet

Mother: Louise Grandjean

Jacques Barrelet - 1660

Birth: 1660

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean Barrelet

Mother: Not Available

Jacques Barrelet - 1656 to 1736

Birth: ABT 1656

Death: ABT 1736


Father: Abraham Barrelet

Mother: Not Available

Jacques Barrelet - 1656 to 1736

Birth: ABT 1656

Death: ABT 1736


Father: Abraham Barrelet

Mother: Not Available

Jacques Barrelet - 1674

Birth: Mar 8 1674

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Mother

Jacques Barrelet

Birth: Not Available

Death: 1596


Father: Not Available

Mother: Mother

Jacques Barrelet

Birth: Not Available

Death: 1553


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jacques Barrelet - 1684

Birth: Sep 9 1684

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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