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Results for "Jacob Ulam"

1 - 19 of 19 Records
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Jacob Ulam

Birth: 25 Apr 1797 Berlin, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 7 Feb 1878 Leechburg, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, United States


Father: Daniel Ulm Woolums

Mother: Catharine WOLFF

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob Ulam

Birth: 1814 Pennsylvania, USA

Death: Not Available


Father: David Ulam

Mother: Margaret Allen

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob Ulam

Birth: 1814 Pennsylvania, USA

Death: Not Available


Father: David Ulam

Mother: Margaret Allen

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob Ulam

Birth: 1814 Pennsylvania, USA

Death: Not Available


Father: David Ulam

Mother: Margaret Allen

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob D. Ulam

Birth: 1854 MI

Death: AFT 1 FEB 1915


Father: Samuel Ulam

Mother: Mary "Polly" Snook

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Jacob D Ulam

Birth: 1818 Canton, Stark, Ohio, United States

Death: 1880 Cooper, Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States


Father: Peter Ulam

Mother: Catherine Ann Stokes

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob Ulam

Birth: 1762

Death: 1843 Ohio City, Monroe, Ohio, United States


Father: Jacob "ULAM" WOOLAM

Mother: Maria Magdalena Boeshaar

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob H. Ulam

Birth: 1858 Pennsylvania, United States

Death: Not Available


Father: John H Ulam

Mother: Harriet L Ulain

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob Ulam

Birth: 1797

Death: 1878


Father: Daniel Ulm Woolums

Mother: Catharine WOLFF

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob Ulam

Birth: 1762

Death: 1843 Ohio City, Monroe, Ohio, United States


Father: Jacob Ulm

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob Ulam

Birth: ABT 1795 Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 13 Oct 1858 Osnaburg, Stark, Ohio, United States


Father: Wendel Woolam

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob Ulam

Birth: abt 1796 Pennsylvania

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob Ulam

Birth: ABT 1806 New Jersey

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob Ulam

Birth: 1795 Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 1858


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob Ulam

Birth: WFT Est. 1694/1723 NETHERLANDS

Death: WFT Est. 1748/1808


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob Ulam

Birth: 1710

Death: 1778


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob Ulam

Birth: Not Available Amsterdam, Holland

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Jacob Ulam

Birth: 1804

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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