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Results for "Jacob Basinger"

1 - 25 of 91 Records

Jacob W Basinger - 1826 to 1913

Birth: 08 Dec 1826 Breckenridge, Kentucky, USAbirth0

Death: 5 Nov 1913 Stevens, Minnesotadeath0


Father: Johannes Baysinger

Mother: Pricilla (Mary) Williams

Jacob Basinger - 1799 to 1884

Birth: 29 Mar 1799 Virginiabirth1

Death: 26 Apr 1884 Meade, Kentucky, USAdeath1


Father: Johan Michael Baysinger

Mother: Anna Barbara Plecher

Jacob W Basinger - 1826 to 1913

Birth: 08 Dec 1826 Breckenridge, Kentucky, USAbirth2

Death: 5 Nov 1913 Stevens, Minnesotadeath2


Father: Johannes Baysinger

Mother: Pricilla (Mary) Williams

Jacob Basinger - 1799 to 1884

Birth: 29 Mar 1799 Virginiabirth3

Death: 26 Apr 1884 Meade, Kentucky, USAdeath3


Father: Johan Michael Baysinger

Mother: Anna Barbara Plecher

Jacob Basinger - 1840 to 1925

Birth: 19 Feb 1840 Riley, Putnam, Ohio, United Statesbirth4

Death: Dec 8, 1925 Putnam Hall, Florida, USAdeath4


Father: Christian (Black) Bösiger

Mother: Catherine Luginbuhl

Jacob Basinger - 1799 to 1884

Birth: 29 Mar 1799 Virginiabirth5

Death: 26 Apr 1884 Meade, Kentucky, USAdeath5


Father: Johan Michael Baysinger

Mother: Anna Barbara Plecher

Jacob William Basinger - 1816 to 1866

Birth: 29 January 1816 New Yorkbirth6

Death: 26 Sep 1866 Springfield Center, Otsego, New York, United Statesdeath6


Father: Daniel Basinger

Mother: Catherine Wallrath

Jacob Basinger - 1799 to 1884

Birth: March26,1799 Rockingham, Virginia, United Statesbirth7

Death: April 26,1884 Meade, Kentucky, United Statesdeath7


Father: Johan Michael Baysinger

Mother: Anna Barbara Plecher

Jacob Friderich Basinger - 1767 to 1853

Birth: 1767 VA, US, Tennessee, United Statesbirth8

Death: 1853 Greene, Tennessee, United Statesdeath8


Father: Phillip Jacob Basinger

Mother: Maria Dorothea Dreher

Jacob W Basinger - 1851 to 1924

Birth: 6/18/1851 Shannon, Allen, Ohiobirth9

Death: 9/05/1924 Columbus Grove, Ohio, USAdeath9


Father: Christian Basinger

Mother: Katharina "Catherine" Lugibihl

Jacob Brown Basinger - 1819 to 1897

Birth: 11 Oct 1819 Watertown, Jefferson Co., NYbirth10

Death: 28 May 1897 Buffalo, Erie, NY, USAdeath10


Father: Andrew Basinger

Mother: Rhoba Allen

Jacob Miller Basinger - 1862 to 1941

Birth: 20 Jun 1862 Springfield, Fayette, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth11

Death: 01/01/1941 Normalville, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USAdeath11


Father: Peter Basinger

Mother: Mary Ann "Polly" Miller

Jacob Basinger - 1848 to 1930

Birth: 24 January 1848

Death: 30 Sept 1930 Cocke Co, Tennessee, USAdeath12


Father: Joseph Basinger

Mother: Catherine Rinker

Jacob M Basinger - 1830 to 1905

Birth: Feb 1830 Ohio, United Statesbirth13

Death: Sept 21, 1905 Eaton Indianadeath13


Father: Peter Baysinger

Mother: Barbara Stover

Jacob Basinger - 1848 to 1930

Birth: 24 January 1848

Death: 30 Sept 1930 Cocke Co, Tennessee, USAdeath14


Father: Joseph Basinger

Mother: Catherine Rinker

Jacob Basinger - 1874 to 1948

Birth: 18 MAR 1874 Lock Haven , Clinton County, Pennsylvaniabirth15

Death: 12 JUL 1948 Lock Haven Hospital , Clinton County, Pennsylvaniadeath15


Father: Jacob Basinger

Mother: Rose Isley

Jacob Basinger - 1788 to 1865

Birth: 1788 Middletown, Bucks, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth16

Death: 1865 Springfield Township, Fayette Co., PAdeath16


Father: Michael Basinger

Mother: Eve Mary Magdalene

Jacob Basinger - 1836 to 1911

Birth: Abt. 1836 Tennessee, USAbirth17

Death: 22 Jan 1911 Parke, Indiana, United Statesdeath17


Father: George Basinger

Mother: Elizabeth Williamson Basinger

Jacob Basinger - 1798 to 1884

Birth: 25 DEC 1798 Virginia, USAbirth18

Death: 13 JAN 1884 Garfield, Benton, Arkansas, USAdeath18


Father: Michael Dreher Basinger

Mother: Barbara wooliver

Jacob Basinger - 1843 to 1897

Birth: 1843 Berne, Switzerlandbirth19

Death: 9 May 1897 Lock Haven, Clinton County, Pennsylvaniadeath19


Father: John Basinger

Mother: Maria Yufer

Jacob Basinger - 1863 to 1941

Birth: 6 Mar 1863 Pennsylvaniabirth20

Death: 1 Nov 1941 Springfield, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USAdeath20


Father: Peter Basinger

Mother: Mary Ann "Polly" Miller

Jacob Howard Basinger - 1920 to 1995

Birth: 13 Oct 1920 Mill Run, PAbirth21

Death: 29 January 1995 Mill Run, Fayette Co., Penndeath21


Father: Wilson S Basinger

Mother: Emma Gertrude Thompson

Jacob Basinger - 1788 to 1865

Birth: 1788 Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth22

Death: 1865 Springfield Township, Fayette County, Pa.death22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jacob Basinger - 1788 to 1865

Birth: 1788 Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth23

Death: 1865 Springfield Township, Fayette County, Pa.death23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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