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Results for "Jacksy Bailey"

1 - 25 of 433 Records
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Jackson Taylor Bailey - 1890 to 1959

Birth: 18 AUG 1890 Fincastle, Lee, Kentucky, USAbirth0

Death: 24 MAY 1959 Crandon, Forest, Wisconsin, USAdeath0


Father: James Bailey

Mother: Emily Jane Morris

Jackson Taylor Bailey - 1890 to 1959

Birth: 18 AUG 1890 Fincastle, Lee, Kentucky, USAbirth1

Death: 24 MAY 1959 Crandon, Forest, Wisconsin, USAdeath1


Father: James Bailey

Mother: Emily Jane Morris

Jackson Bailey - 1878 to 1941

Birth: 30 Dec 1878 Kentuckybirth2

Death: 4 February 1941 Magfn, Kentuckydeath2


Father: Lewis Pierce Bailey

Mother: Rebecca C Adams

Jackson Bailey - 1833 to 1880

Birth: 1833 Floyd, Kentucky, USAbirth3

Death: 1880 , Morgan, Kentucky, USAdeath3


Father: Joseph Bailey

Mother: Susannah "Susan" Clark

Jackson W. Bailey - 1930 to 2011

Birth: 24 Aug 1930 Pasco, Washington, USAbirth4

Death: Oct 2011 Pierce County, Washington, USAdeath4


Father: Leon Gilbert Bailey

Mother: Pearl Taylor

Jackson Bailey - 1833 to 1880

Birth: 1833 Floyd, Kentucky, USAbirth5

Death: 1880 , Morgan, Kentucky, USAdeath5


Father: Joseph Bailey

Mother: Susannah "Susan" Clark

Jackie Bailey - 1936 to 2012

Birth: 5 June 1936 Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, United States of Americabirth6

Death: 15 March 2012 Muskogee, Muskogee County, Oklahoma, United States of Americadeath6


Father: Levy Nolan Fulgham

Mother: Charlsie Palmer

Jackson Barley - 1841 to 1896

Birth: 1841/08/08 Bedford,Bedford,Pennsylvania,USAbirth7

Death: 1896/04/29 Marion,Grant,Indiana,USAdeath7


Father: David Barley*

Mother: Mary Stuckey* Barley

Jackie Bailey - 1936 to 2012

Birth: 5 June 1936 Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, United States of Americabirth8

Death: 15 March 2012 Muskogee, Muskogee County, Oklahoma, United States of Americadeath8


Father: Levy Nolan Fulgham

Mother: Charlsie Palmer

Jackson Barley - 1841 to 1896

Birth: 1841/08/08 Bedford,Bedford,Pennsylvania,USAbirth9

Death: 1896/04/29 Marion,Grant,Indiana,USAdeath9


Father: David Barley*

Mother: Mary Stuckey* Barley

Jackie Ray Bagley - 1932 to 1996

Birth: abt 1932 Missouribirth10

Death: 18 July 1996 Pasco, Franklin County, Washington, USAdeath10


Father: Tucker Lee Bagley

Mother: Maud Jane Buckner

Jackson Walker Bailey - 1914 to 1977

Birth: 23 Jan 1914 Hardesty, Texas, OKbirth11

Death: 9 Jun 1977


Father: Wesley Howard Bailey

Mother: Pearl Lowe

Jackie Don Bailey - 1940 to 2014

Birth: 30 March 1940 McLean, Gray County, Texas, USAbirth12

Death: 9 July 2014 Pampa, Gray County, Texas, USAdeath12


Father: Jack Bailey

Mother: Callie Lorena Armstrong

Jackson Bailey - 1852 to 1935

Birth: 24 Jun 1852 Harden Beck Englandbirth13

Death: 15 June 1935 Semaphore South Australiadeath13


Father: John Bailey

Mother: Mary Fell

Jackson BAGLEY - 1829 to 1911

Birth: abt 1829 VTbirth14

Death: 26 Jul 1911


Father: Edward Bagley

Mother: Philadelphia Jane Richardson

Jackson Walker Bailey - 1914 to 1977

Birth: 23 Jan 1914 Hardesty, Texas, OKbirth15

Death: 9 Jun 1977


Father: Wesley Howard Bailey

Mother: Pearl Lowe

Jackie Lee Bailey - 1934 to 2007

Birth: 2 Feb 1934 Terre Haute, Indianabirth16

Death: 25 Oct 2007 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USAdeath16


Father: Fred Howard Bailey

Mother: Eunice L Criss

Jackie H Bailey - 1930 to 2011

Birth: 6 April 1930 Indianabirth17

Death: 21 August 2011 California, USAdeath17


Father: Hubert Mullen Bailey

Mother: Hazel Mary Imel

Jackson Eddie Bailey - 1894 to 1950

Birth: 8 Nov 1894 West Virginiabirth18

Death: 30 Jun 1950


Father: Guy Carlton Bailey

Mother: Agnes Jane Blankenship

Jackson Bailey - 1925 to 1991

Birth: 31 May 1925 Dacula Guine, Georgiabirth19

Death: 22 Nov 1991


Father: Raleigh BAILEY

Mother: Maitre Byrd Wood Bailey

Jackie Lee Bailey - 1933 to 2012

Birth: June 7, 1933 Sprague. West Virginia, USAbirth20

Death: 16 November 2012


Father: Willie Lovell Bailey

Mother: Ruby Gray Hawks (Blake step-father))

Jackson L Bailly - 1895 to 1954

Birth: 23 Jul 1895 East Sparta, Ohio, USAbirth21

Death: 11 Jan 1954 USAdeath21


Father: John R Bailley

Mother: Viola Swinehart

Jackie Bailey - 1937 to 2017

Birth: 18 Jun 1937 Laredo, W. VAbirth22

Death: 7/29/2017 Willoughby, Lake, Ohio, USAdeath22


Father: Daniel Paul Bailey

Mother: Glynna Sexton Spurlock Fetty

Jackie Gene Bailey - 1934 to 1988

Birth: 07/06/1934 Illinoisbirth23

Death: 07/10/1988 Vermillion, Illinios, USAdeath23


Father: Raleigh Bailey

Mother: Effie Loveall

Jackson Bailey - 1821 to 1879

Birth: ABT 1821 Dublin, North Carolina, USAbirth24

Death: 20 APR 1879 Broomtown, Alabamadeath24


Father: John Bailey

Mother: Rosetta Bailey (slave name)

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