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Results for "Irene Yeo"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Irene A Yeo - 1911 to 1998

Birth: 05 Sep 1911 New Hampshire, USAbirth0

Death: 29 Jan 1998 Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Thomas Joseph Yeo

Mother: Alice May Brown

Irene A Yeo - 1911 to 1998

Birth: 05 Sep 1911 New Hampshire, USAbirth1

Death: 29 Jan 1998 Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Thomas Joseph Yeo

Mother: Alice May Brown

Irene L Yeo - 1900 to 1979

Birth: Mar 1900 Wisconsinbirth2

Death: 9 May 1979 Wauwatosa, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USAdeath2


Father: John L Yeo

Mother: Emilie Kressin

Irene Frances Yeo - 1901 to 1958

Birth: 13 Apr 1901 Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth3

Death: 3 Apr 1958 Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAdeath3


Father: William John Yeo

Mother: Rose Ella (Roselia or Rosana) Fitzpatrick

Irene Rebecca Ann Yeo - 1900 to 1953

Birth: 16 Nov 1900 Swan Lake, Manitoba, Canadabirth4

Death: 16 May 1953 Clackamas County, Oregon, United States of Americadeath4


Father: Benjamin Wesley Yeo

Mother: Ida Pricilla Ann Yeo

Irene Kate yeo - 1928 to 1928

Birth: 04 April 1928 Kerrobert Saskatchewanbirth5

Death: 09 April 1928 Kerrobert Saskatchewandeath5


Father: Joseph Henry Yeo

Mother: Winnfred Kate Gooding

Irene Turner Louise Yeo - 1884 to 1915

Birth: 8 Jul 1884 Lot 16, Prince, Prince Edward Island, Canadabirth6

Death: 01 Dec 1915 Milburn, Prince Edward Island, CANdeath6


Father: Lawrence YEO

Mother: Sarah Jane Birch

Irene Lilian Yeo - 1913 to 1987

Birth: 27 May 1913 Devonport, Devonbirth7

Death: 16 Oct 1987 Peverell Plymouthdeath7


Father: William Stanley Yeo

Mother: Rosa S Yeo

Irene Hilda Magdelene Yeo - 1914 to 1978

Birth: 2 Nov 1914 Pontardawe, Glamorgan, Walesbirth8

Death: 1978 Birminghamdeath8


Father: George William Alec Yeo

Mother: Sarah Jane Lewis

Irene Laurie Yeo - 1919 to 1924

Birth: abt 1919 Saskatchewanbirth9

Death: 1924 Calgary, Alberta, Canadadeath9


Father: William Edgar Yeo

Mother: Grace Irwin McGillivray

Irene Yeo - 1915 to 1915

Birth: 1915 Risca, Monmouthshire, Walesbirth10

Death: 1915 Risca, Monmouthshire, Walesdeath10


Father: Thomas Yeo

Mother: Alice Mogford

Irene Lilian Yeo - 1913 to 1992

Birth: Jul 1913 Devonport, Devonbirth11

Death: May 1992


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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