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Results for "Ida Rhoads"

1 - 25 of 121 Records

Ida S Rhoads - 1870 to 1942

Birth: Dec 1870 Nebraska, USAbirth0

Death: 1942 Nebraska, USAdeath0


Father: Alonzo L Rhoads

Mother: Nellie E Hall

Ida Christina Rhoads - 1899 to 1968

Birth: 01 June,1899 Arkansas, United Statesbirth1

Death: 16 FEB 1968 Calico Rock, ARdeath1


Father: Alexander Hugh Rhoades

Mother: Margaret Jones

Ida May Rhoads - 1874 to 1929

Birth: abt 1874 Illinoisbirth2

Death: 20 APR 1929 Peoria, Peoria Co., Illinoisdeath2


Father: Hardin Rhoads

Mother: Isabel Jones

Ida B. Rhoads - 1877 to 1914

Birth: 30 sept. 1877 Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, USAbirth3

Death: 8 Aug 1914 Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, USAdeath3


Father: John Christopher Rhoads

Mother: Sarah Jane Noffsinger

Ida May Rhoads - 1874 to 1929

Birth: abt 1874 Illinoisbirth4

Death: 20 APR 1929 Peoria, Peoria Co., Illinoisdeath4


Father: Hardin Rhoads

Mother: Isabel Jones

Ida A Rhoads - 1859 to 1937

Birth: 24 Apr 1859 St Joe Co , Indbirth5

Death: 1937


Father: Jacob Rhoads

Mother: Rosetta Watkins

Ida Mumma Rhoads - 1877 to 1959

Birth: 8 Sep 1877 Rapho Township, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USAbirth6

Death: 9 Dec 1959 Jackson, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USAdeath6


Father: Solomon S Rhoads

Mother: Mary C. Mumma

Ida May Rhoads - 1877 to 1968

Birth: 13 Sep 1877 Iowabirth7

Death: 24 Dec 1968


Father: John Bolar Rhoads

Mother: Alice J Rhoads

Ida Rhoads - 1869 to 1954

Birth: Jul 1869 Pennsylvaniabirth8

Death: 26 DEC 1954 Homestead,,Floridadeath8


Father: Abraham Ludwig Rhoads

Mother: Harriet Straub

Ida Minerva Rhoads - 1864 to 1911

Birth: 20 Aug 1864 Pennsylvania, USAbirth9

Death: 13 Feb 1911 Pottstown, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USAdeath9


Father: Francis Rhoads

Mother: Carolina Hoffman

Ida G Rhoads - 1894 to 1988

Birth: 1894 Pennsylvaniabirth10

Death: 15 Jan 1988 Montoursville, Lycoming, Pennsylvania, USAdeath10


Father: John Herman Rhoads

Mother: Minnie J Sterner Rhoads

Ida Rhoads - 1869 to 1927

Birth: abt 1869 Pennsylvaniabirth11

Death: 14 May 1927 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USAdeath11


Father: Jeremiah F Rhoads

Mother: Harriet Fisher

Ida Rhoads - 1870

Birth: Feb 1870 Pennsylvaniabirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Levi H. Rhoads

Mother: Miranda K. Spatz

Ida Florence Rhoads - 1868 to 1940

Birth: 11 Aug 1868 Panora, Guthrie, Iowa, United Statesbirth13

Death: 9 Oct 1940 Panora, Guthrie, Iowa, United Statesdeath13


Father: Jerrod Jarod Rhoads

Mother: Elizabeth "Betsy" Jane Clearwater

Ida Mae Rhoads - 1887 to 1959

Birth: 22 DEC 1887 Douglas Township, Pottstown, PAbirth14

Death: 11 JAN 1959 Silver Springs, MDdeath14


Father: Charles Warren Rhoads

Mother: Hettie Weidner Hoffman

Ida Mae Rhoads - 1873 to 1961

Birth: May 1873 Guthrie County, Iowa, USAbirth15

Death: 1961 Rippey, Greene County, Iowa, USAdeath15


Father: Jacob Rhoades

Mother: Matilda Crabb

Ida Ellen Rhoads - 1866 to 1931

Birth: 25 Apr 1866 Daviess County, Missouri, USAbirth16

Death: 24 Oct 1931 Daviess County, Missouri, USAdeath16


Father: Charles W Rhoads

Mother: Mary Jane Stout

Ida E. Rhoads - 1896 to 1988

Birth: 26 Feb 1896 Indian Territory, Oklahoma, USAbirth17

Death: 08 Aug 1988 FT. Smith Arkdeath17


Father: John Hiram Rhoads

Mother: Susan Luran Triplet Harris

Ida Magdalene Rhoads - 1873 to 1966

Birth: 16 Mar 1873 Amity, Berks, PAbirth18

Death: 30 May 1966 Norristown, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USAdeath18


Father: Urias Yergey Wise

Mother: Emaline Gehris Wise

Ida Page RHOADS - 1873 to 1940

Birth: 17 Jul1873 Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, USAbirth19

Death: 25 November 1940 Henderson, Henderson, Kentucky, USAdeath19


Father: Moses Ferguson Rhoads

Mother: Julia Ravenscroft Barlow

Ida H. Rhoads - 1865 to 1929

Birth: Dec 1865 Ohio, USAbirth20

Death: 29 Jan 1929 Orange County, Californiadeath20


Father: Samuel Wilt Rhoads

Mother: Sarah May

Ida Rebecca Rhoads - 1873 to 1965

Birth: 25 Feb 1873 Pennsylvaniabirth21

Death: 10 Apr 1965 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath21


Father: Darius G Rhoads

Mother: Emma Catharine Neff

Ida Elizabeth Rhoads - 1898 to 2004

Birth: 12 Mar 1898 Pennsylvaniabirth22

Death: 22 Apr 2004 Annville, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, USAdeath22


Father: John Calvin Rhoads

Mother: Ida Ann Levengood

Ida May Rhoads - 1882 to 1940

Birth: 21 Aug 1882 Sempronius, Cayuga County, New York, USAbirth23

Death: 26 Jun 1940 Cortland, Cortland County, New York, USAdeath23


Father: Daniel Dwelley RHOADS

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth IVORY

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