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Results for "Ida Ferris"

1 - 25 of 218 Records

Ida Ferris - 1865 to 1934

Birth: 21 Mar 1865 Barre, Orleans County, New York, USAbirth0

Death: 16 Jun 1934 Bristol, Ontario, New Yorkdeath0


Father: Alvin Lucius Ferris

Mother: Mary Belinda Heinman

Ida May Ferris - 1872 to 1953

Birth: Mar 1872 Riley, Clinton, Michigan, USAbirth1

Death: 1953 North Eagle Cem - N8-2death1


Father: Chauncey Ferris

Mother: Rebecca Ann Signs

Ida B Ferris - 1878 to 1920

Birth: 07 Oct 1878 Cottageville, Kentuckybirth2

Death: 3 Mar 1920 Manteno, Kankakee, Illinois, United Statesdeath2


Father: Daniel T. Faris

Mother: Mary Frances Farrar

Ida May Ferris - 1872 to 1953

Birth: Mar 1872 Riley, Clinton, Michigan, USAbirth3

Death: 1953 North Eagle Cem - N8-2death3


Father: Chauncey Ferris

Mother: Rebecca Ann Signs

Ida A FERRIS - 1895 to 1982

Birth: Jul 1895 Nebraska, USAbirth4

Death: 1982 Norfolk, Madison, Nebraska, USAdeath4


Father: Henry Adrian Ferris

Mother: Mary Kadelia Skiff

Ida L Ferris - 1864 to 1948

Birth: Apr 1864 Illinoisbirth5

Death: 31 Dec 1948 Ludington, Mason, Michigan, USAdeath5


Father: Samuel Percival Ferris

Mother: Loduskey Brown

IDA E FERRIS - 1863 to 1906

Birth: 7 Apr 1863 Michiganbirth6

Death: 7 Jan 1906 Verona, Huron, Michigan, USAdeath6


Father: Silas Halsey Ferris

Mother: Caroline E Dickerson

Ida Champ Ferris - 1852 to 1925

Birth: 6 Feb 1852 Pennsylvaniabirth7

Death: 09 Aug 1925 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States of Americadeath7


Father: George Edward Ferris

Mother: Sarah Christian Champ

IDA E FERRIS - 1863 to 1906

Birth: 7 Apr 1863 Michiganbirth8

Death: 7 Jan 1906 Verona, Huron, Michigan, USAdeath8


Father: Silas Halsey Ferris

Mother: Caroline E Dickerson

Ida Ferris - 1866 to 1921

Birth: Sep1866 Schuyler County, Missouri, USAbirth9

Death: 19Dec1921 Schuyler County, Missouri, USAdeath9


Father: William Elbridge Farris

Mother: Olivier Seamster

Ida A FERRIS - 1895 to 1982

Birth: Jul 1895 Nebraska, USAbirth10

Death: 1982 Norfolk, Madison, Nebraska, USAdeath10


Father: Henry Adrian Ferris

Mother: Mary Kadelia Skiff

Ida Ferris - 1872 to 1950

Birth: November 1872 Brantford, Ontariobirth11

Death: 25 Apr 1950 Brantford, Ont.death11


Father: James David Ferris

Mother: Fanny Phillipo

IDA JANE FERRIS - 1878 to 1951

Birth: 5 Jan 1878 Steuben, NYbirth12

Death: 30 Nov 1951 Fremont, Steuben, New Yorkdeath12


Father: John D Ferris

Mother: Marbra Annette Brandow

Ida B Ferris - 1878 to 1920

Birth: 07 Oct 1878 Cottageville, Kentuckybirth13

Death: 3 Mar 1920 Manteno, Kankakee, Illinois, United Statesdeath13


Father: Daniel T. Faris

Mother: Mary Frances Farrar

IDA E FERRIS - 1863 to 1906

Birth: 7 Apr 1863 Michiganbirth14

Death: 7 Jan 1906 Verona, Huron, Michigan, USAdeath14


Father: Silas Halsey Ferris

Mother: Caroline E Dickerson

IDA B FERRIS - 1866 to 1931

Birth: 1866 New Yorkbirth15

Death: 11 Oct 1931 Plainfield, Bremer County, Iowa, USAdeath15


Father: James Monroe Ferris

Mother: Frances Dutcher Ferris

IDA B FERRIS - 1866 to 1931

Birth: 1866 New Yorkbirth16

Death: 11 Oct 1931 Plainfield, Bremer County, Iowa, USAdeath16


Father: James Monroe Ferris

Mother: Frances Dutcher Ferris

IDA B FERRIS - 1866 to 1931

Birth: 1866 New Yorkbirth17

Death: 11 Oct 1931 Plainfield, Bremer County, Iowa, USAdeath17


Father: James Monroe Ferris

Mother: Frances Dutcher Ferris

Ida Ferris - 1922 to 1996

Birth: abt 1922 Maryland, USAbirth18

Death: 24 Jun 1996 Riverdale, Prince Georges, Maryland, USAdeath18


Father: Clyde Elsworth Ferris

Mother: Grace Rosetta Butler Ferris

Ida Ferris - 1922 to 1996

Birth: abt 1922 Maryland, USAbirth19

Death: 24 Jun 1996 Riverdale, Prince Georges, Maryland, USAdeath19


Father: Clyde Elsworth Ferris

Mother: Grace Rosetta Butler Ferris

Ida J Ferris - 1858 to 1903

Birth: 3 Mar 1858 Chatham Valley, Tioga Co., PAbirth20

Death: 16 OCT 1903 Little Marsh, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USAdeath20


Father: Russell F. Brigden

Mother: Catherina Amanda DELAND

Ida J Ferris - 1858 to 1903

Birth: 3 Mar 1858 Chatham Valley, Tioga Co., PAbirth21

Death: 16 OCT 1903 Little Marsh, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USAdeath21


Father: Russell F. Brigden

Mother: Catherina Amanda DELAND

Ida Mae Ferris - 1903 to 1972

Birth: 17 Jan 1903 Illinois, USAbirth22

Death: 2 Jun 1972 Monroe, Wisconsin, USAdeath22


Father: Frederick Ferris

Mother: Anna Kathleen Diehl

Ida Ferris - 1872 to 1958

Birth: abt 1872 Pennsylvaniabirth23

Death: 31 Oct 1958 Norristown, Montgomery, Pennslyvaniadeath23


Father: James Henry Clampffer

Mother: Caroline E Sapp

Ida Elizabeth Ferris - 1886 to 1955

Birth: abt 1886 Weston Zoyland, Somerset, Englandbirth24

Death: 1955 Exmoor, Somerset, Englanddeath24


Father: Elliot John Ferris

Mother: Olivia Oldridge Tucker

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