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Results for "Hugh Acker"

1 - 18 of 18 Records

Hugh Crysdale ACKER - 1842 to 1927

Birth: 09 NOV 1842 Sidney Twp, Hastings, Ontariobirth0

Death: bef 28 April 1927 Appleton, Wisconsindeath0


Father: John Acker

Mother: Elizabeth McClure

Hugh J Acker - 1921 to 2008

Birth: 10 Jun 1921 Hartsville, Steuben, New York, USAbirth1

Death: 15 Apr 2008 Steuben County, New York, USAdeath1


Father: Francis Melvin Acker

Mother: Edna Melissa King

Hugh ACKER - 1855 to 1927

Birth: 1855 Canada West (Ontario)birth2

Death: Abt 1927 514 N. Center-St


Father: Gabriel Acker

Mother: Mary Ann Bentsly

Hugh Lyle Acker - 1831 to 1913

Birth: 12 October 1831 South Rawdon, Hants County, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth3

Death: 23 May 1913 South Rawdon, Hants County, Nova Scotia, Canadadeath3


Father: John Valentine Aker

Mother: Mary Margaret "Polly" Crowell

Hugh Jamison Acker - 1829 to 1886

Birth: 1829 Hartsville, New York, United Statesbirth4

Death: 25 Dec 1886 Hartsville, New York, United Statesdeath4


Father: Henry Acker

Mother: Sarah Jamison

Hugh Acker - 1823 to 1920

Birth: abt 1823 Sidney Twp., Hastings County, Upper Canada (Ontario), Canadabirth5

Death: 12 Nov.1920 Hastings County, Ontario, Canadadeath5


Father: John Acker

Mother: Elizabeth McClure

Hugh (Chrysdale) Acker - 1821 to 1883

Birth: 1821 Sidney Twp., Hastings Co, Upper Canada (Ontariobirth6

Death: 20 Jan 1883 Sidney, Hastings, Ontario, Canadadeath6


Father: Jacob Acker

Mother: Rebekah (Rebecca) Chrysdale

Hugh Acker - 1855

Birth: 1855 Ontario, Canadabirth7

Death: Not Available probably died youngdeath7


Father: Gabriel Acker

Mother: Mary Ann Bentsly

Hugh Baylis Acker - 1909 to 1986

Birth: 21 August 1909 Alabamabirth8

Death: 28 Oct 1986 Carrollton, Pickens, Alabama, USAdeath8


Father: David Alfred Acker

Mother: Martha Ann Windle

Hugh Acker - 1841

Birth: ABT 1841 Canadabirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: John Acker

Mother: Elizabeth McClure

Hugh Acker - 1821 to 1920

Birth: 1821 1654307, Ontario, Canadabirth10

Death: 12 Nov 1920 1654307, Ontario, Canadadeath10


Father: Not Available

Mother: Rebekah (Rebecca) Chrysdale

Hugh Acker - 1884

Birth: 1884 Scotlandbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hugh ACKER - 1845

Birth: Abt. 1845 Canadabirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hugh Acker

Birth: Unknown

Death: Unknown


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hugh Acker

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available Carrollton, Pickens, Alabama, USAdeath14


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hugh J Acker - 1831

Birth: 1831

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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