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Results for "Homer Adair"

1 - 20 of 20 Records

Homer adair - 1902 to 1950

Birth: 1902 Arkansasbirth0

Death: 05 Oct 1950 Colorado Springs, Coloradodeath0


Father: Malcom Adair

Mother: Julia Washington Futch

Homer Alexander Adair - 1878 to 1967

Birth: 14 Oct 1878 Graham, Union Co., MSbirth1

Death: Nov 1967 Blue Mountain, Tippah, Mississippi, United Statesdeath1


Father: George Washington Adair

Mother: Charlotte Evelyne Britt

Homer Franklin Adair - 1904 to 1986

Birth: ABT 1904 Oklahoma, USAbirth2

Death: 11 Aug 1986 McAlester, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma, USAdeath2


Father: James Walton Adair

Mother: Mary Cynthia Pauline Tranquila Arizona Thompson

Homer D Adair - 1951 to 1951

Birth: 11 FEB 1951 Bonham, Fannin County, Texasbirth3

Death: 11 FEB 1951 Bonham, Fannin County, Texasdeath3


Father: Homer Lee Adair

Mother: Thelma Lee Adair

Homer Adair - 1933 to 2016

Birth: 1933 Henderson County TXbirth4

Death: 2016


Father: Burrell Richard Adair

Mother: Laura May Essary

HOMER LEE ADAIR - 1913 to 1976

Birth: 14 Mar 1913 Altus, oklahomabirth5

Death: 7 Oct 1976 Bonham, Fannin, Texas, USAdeath5


Father: George Columbus Adair

Mother: Cora Norwood

Homer Clonal Adair - 1903 to 1968

Birth: 30 May 1903 Loomis, Hyde, South Dakota, USAbirth6

Death: NOV 1968 Selah, Yakima Co., WAdeath6


Father: Lawson Adair

Mother: Estella M Porter

Homer Houston Adair - 1915 to 1943

Birth: 14 February 1915 Alabamabirth7

Death: 20 April 1943 Ala., Georgia, USAdeath7


Father: John Barber Adair

Mother: Lena Blanch Funderburk/Adair

Homer Ralph Adair - 1923 to 1991

Birth: 06 Dec 1923 Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USAbirth8

Death: 29 Oct 1991 Corbin, Whitley, Kentucky, USAdeath8


Father: Ira William Adair

Mother: Minnie Mae Miller

Homer D Adair - 1951 to 1951

Birth: Feb 11 1951 Bonham, Fannin, Texas, USAbirth9

Death: Feb 11 1951 Bonham, Fannin, Texas, USAdeath9



Mother: Thelma Lee Jones

Homer Adair - 1906

Birth: 1906 Alabamabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: William Adiar

Mother: Allice Adair

Homer Woodroof Adair - 1874 to 1954

Birth: 08 September 1874 Michigan, United Statesbirth11

Death: 16 October 1954 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United Statesdeath11


Father: John H Adair

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Harder

Homer David Adair - 1907 to 1908

Birth: 29 Sep 1907 Thorntown, Boone, Indiana, USAbirth12

Death: 10 Jul 1908 Thorntown, Boone, Indiana, USAdeath12


Father: Justin Chauncy Adair

Mother: Effie Edith Booe

Homer Adair - 1901 to 1914

Birth: 12 Apr 1901 Kentuckybirth13

Death: 27 Dec 1914 Wayne, Kentucky, USAdeath13


Father: John H Adair

Mother: Celia Seely Abbott

Homer Adair - 1933 to 2016

Birth: 1933 Henderson County TXbirth14

Death: 2016


Father: Burrell Richard Adair

Mother: Laura May Essary

Homer Adair - 1880

Birth: 1880 Coosa County, Alabama, USAbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: George Washington Adair

Mother: Frances Fannan Vardaman

Homer Fred Adair - 1914 to 1972

Birth: 28 Nov 1914

Death: 16 May 1972


Father: Robert Fredrick Adair

Mother: Myrtle W Ivy

Homer Adair - 1877

Birth: 1877 Ohiobirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Jennie Loraime

Homer Adair

Birth: Not Available

Death: 1990 Kentucky, USAdeath18


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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