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Results for "Hilda Ahlqvist"

1 - 20 of 20 Records

Hilda Benedikt Ahlqvist - 1890 to 1973

Birth: 7 Apr 1890 Knislinge, Kristianstad, Sverigebirth0

Death: 25 MAR 1973 Farstorp fs, Hästveda kndeath0


Father: Johan Ahlqvist

Mother: Elna Pehrsdotter

Hilda Benedikt Ahlqvist - 1890 to 1973

Birth: 7 Apr 1890 Knislinge, Kristianstad, Sverigebirth1

Death: 25 MAR 1973 Farstorp fs, Hästveda kndeath1


Father: Johan Ahlqvist

Mother: Elna Pehrsdotter

Hilda Christina Ahlqvist - 1885 to 1966

Birth: 1885 Grangärde/Wbirth2

Death: 1966 Hubbo/Udeath2


Father: Andreas Fredrik Ahlqvist

Mother: JOHANNA Barbara Jansdotter

Hilda Wilhelmina Ahlqvist - 1876 to 1877

Birth: 11 Nov 1876 Ylikylä, Ahlainen, Lansi-Suomi, Finlandbirth3

Death: 12 Mar 1877 Ylikylä, Ahlainen, Lansi-Suomi, Finlanddeath3


Father: Frans Fredrik Isakinpoika Ahlqvist

Mother: Wilhelmiina Helenius

Hilda Gustava Ahlqvist - 1838 to 1906

Birth: 23 JUL 1838 Söderdahls stuga, Alseda (Fbirth4

Death: 4 JAN 1906 Skede (Fdeath4


Father: Jonas Magnusson Ahlqvist

Mother: Johanna Cathrina Pelander

Hilda Ahlqvist - 1886 to 1967

Birth: 8 Maj 1886

Death: 24 Juni 1967 Malmö Sankt Pauli, Skåne, Sverigedeath5


Father: Lars Persson Ahlqvist

Mother: Karna Andersdotter

Hilda Ahlqvist - 1866 to 1937

Birth: 25 Okt 1866

Death: 23 JUN 1937 Maria Magdalena, Stockholm, Upplanddeath6


Father: Nils Gustaf Ahlqvist

Mother: Johanna Maria Lindstrom

Hilda Wilhelmina Ahlqvist - 1887 to 1946

Birth: 11 Apr 1887

Death: 21 JUL 1946 Mellanv 4, Sävedalen, Göteborgs o Bohuslän(O)death7


Father: Anders Vilhelm Ahlqvist

Mother: Johanna Matilda Olausdotter g. Ahlqvist

Hilda Erika Ahlqvist - 1888

Birth: 24 Nov 1888 Mockträsk, Överluleå, Norrbotten, Swedenbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Carl Fredrik Ahlqvist

Mother: Johanna Maria Wikström

Hilda Sofia Ahlqvist - 1902 to 1989

Birth: 04 Jun 1902 buen Hästvedabirth9

Death: 02 Oct 1989 Hästvedadeath9


Father: Frans Julius Ahlqvist

Mother: Karna Olsdotter

Hilda Konstantina Ahlqvist - 1895

Birth: 25 januari 1895 Starrkärr Nolgård, Starrkärr, Älvsborgbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Carl August Ahlqvist

Mother: Augusta Henrietta Augustdotter

Hilda Wilhelmina Ahlqvist - 1876 to 1877

Birth: 11 Nov 1876 Ahlainen, Ylikylbirth11

Death: 12 Mar 1877 Ahlainen, Ylikyldeath11


Father: Frans Fredrik Ahlqvist

Mother: Wilhelmiina Helenius

Hilda Christina Ahlqvist - 1885

Birth: 1885 Grangärde/Wbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Andreas Fredrik Ahlqvist

Mother: Johanna Jansdotter

Hilda Katarina Ahlqvist

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Axel Hjalmar Ahlqvist

Mother: Albertina Wilhelmina Lindqvist

Hilda Emilia Ahlqvist - 1864

Birth: 17 Aug 1864

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Johanna Ahlqvist

Hilda Ahlqvist - 1891 to 1979

Birth: 1 JUL 1891 Bösarp, Malmöhus, Swedenbirth15

Death: 13 FEB 1979 Gislöv, Malmöhus, Swedendeath15


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hilda Gustava Ahlqvist - 1858

Birth: Abt 1858

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hilda Augusta Ahlqvist - 1876

Birth: 1876/07/26 Malmbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hilda Ahlqvist

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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