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Results for "Hettie Abernathy"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Hettie Prue Abernathy - 1898 to 1988

Birth: 22 OCT 1898 Lincoln, North Carolina, USAbirth0

Death: 23 SEP 1988 Lincoln County, NCdeath0


Father: Jackson C Abernathy

Mother: Frances Callie Smith

Hettie Belle Abernathy - 1916 to 1997

Birth: 01 Jul 1916 Giles, Tennessee USAbirth1

Death: 07 Jun 1997 Pulaski, Giles, Tennessee, USAdeath1


Father: Henry Dee Abernathy

Mother: Frances Emmaline Fry

Hettie Elmary Abernathy - 1866 to 1955

Birth: 22 Dec 1866 Lincoln, North Carolina, USAbirth2

Death: 29 Sep 1955 Lincoln, North Carolina, USAdeath2


Father: Caleb Abernathy

Mother: Martha Jane Goodson

Hettie Virginia Abernathy - 1868

Birth: Abt. 1868 Missouri, USAbirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Abernathy

Mother: Sarah Wright

Hettie L Abernathy - 1899

Birth: 1899 Texasbirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Mack Green

Mother: Susan "Susie" Green Abernathy

Hettie Elmary Abernathy - 1866 to 1955

Birth: 22 Dec 1866 Lincoln, North Carolina, USAbirth5

Death: 29 Sep 1955 Lincoln, North Carolina, USAdeath5


Father: Caleb Abernathy

Mother: Martha Jane Goodson

Hettie L Abernathy - 1899

Birth: abt 1899 Texasbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Mark Greene

Mother: Susan Abernathy

hettie jo abernathy - 1941

Birth: 22 Jan 1941 Gastonia, Gaston, North Carolina, USAbirth7

Death: Not Available Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath7


Father: Not Available

Mother: Blanche Elizabeth Maners

Hettie Abernathy - 1890 to 1968

Birth: 1 Dec 1890 Gaston County, North Carolina, USAbirth8

Death: Feb 1968 Madisonville, Saint Tammany, Louisiana, USAdeath8


Father: Robert Alexander Abernathy

Mother: Not Available

Hettie Abernathy

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hettie Fryar Abernathy - 1894 to 1983

Birth: 1894 Montgomery County, Arkansas, USAbirth10

Death: 1983


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hettie Elmary Abernathy

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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