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Results for "Hermann Adam"

1 - 25 of 146 Records

Hermann ADAM - 1843 to 1917

Birth: 09 Nov 1843 Nasband, Neustettin, Germanybirth0

Death: 17 Aug 1917 Osman, Champaign, IL, USAdeath0


Father: Martin Adam

Mother: Elisabeth Hart Zart (Zarth)

Hermann Adam - 1849 to 1936

Birth: 27 Jan 1849 Freiburg,​ Baden,​ Germanybirth1

Death: 11 Jan 1936 78 Harrison Place, Irvington, Essex, New Jerseydeath1


Father: Friedrich Adam

Mother: Eva Katharina Adam

Hermann Adam - 1630 to 1661

Birth: 1630 Wolfenbüttel, Niedersachsen, Deutschlandbirth2

Death: 1661 Wolfenbüttel, Niedersachsen, Deutschlanddeath2


Father: Hans Adam jr.

Mother: Catharina Jahn

Hermann August Adam - 1874 to 1957

Birth: 21 jul 1874 Hamburg, Germanybirth3

Death: Okt. 1957 Hamburg, Germanydeath3


Father: Friedrich Adam

Mother: Maria Adam (Schneidereit)

Hermann Adam - 1875 to 1923

Birth: 1 MAY 1875 Konnegen, Kr. Heilsbergbirth4

Death: 18 NOV 1923 Großendorf, Kr. Heilsbergdeath4


Father: Christian Adam

Mother: Eva Berg

Hermann Adam - 1875 to 1923

Birth: 1 MAY 1875 Konnegen, Kr. Heilsbergbirth5

Death: 18 NOV 1923 Großendorf, Kr. Heilsbergdeath5


Father: Christian Adam

Mother: Eva Berg

Hermann Gustav Adam - 1874 to 1916

Birth: April 16, 1874 Schonborn, Germanybirth6

Death: May 4, 1916 Lyon, Francedeath6


Father: Johann Heinrich Ferdinand Adam

Mother: Johanna Eleonore Fischer

Hermann Johannes Adam - 1880

Birth: 14.07.1880 Düdelsheim, Wetteraukreis, Hessen, Deutschlandbirth7

Death: UNBEKANNT Unbekannt


Father: Johannes Adam

Mother: Elisabeth Klepper

Hermann Adam - 1893 to 1916

Birth: 17 Sept 1893 Aszlar, Ehringshausen, Hessen, Deutschlandbirth8

Death: 13 Okt 1916 Aßlar, Hessen, Deutschlanddeath8


Father: Friedrich Adam

Mother: Margarethe Will Adam

Hermann Adam - 1944 to 2011

Birth: 1944 Herxheim;

Death: 2011 Herxheim;


Father: Josef Adam

Mother: Helena Bullinger

Female IconMale Icon

Hermann Adam - 1911 to 1944

Birth: 1911 Germanybirth10

Death: 1944 Germanydeath10


Father: Wilhelm Theodor Adam

Mother: Isabella Adam

Hermann Adam - 1898 to 1980

Birth: 17 September 1898 Pyzdry (Peisern), Zagorow, Słupca, Wielkopolskie, Poland

Death: 31 March 1980 Hemet, Riverside, California, United Statesdeath11


Father: Alexander Adam

Mother: Anna Elisabeth Wiesner

Hermann Berthold Adam - 1908

Birth: 10 SEP 1908 Hattingen, Ruhrbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Karl Adam

Mother: Maria Riemekasten

Hermann Adam - 1891 to 1979

Birth: 1891 Oberdürenbach, Ahrweiler, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschlandbirth13

Death: 1979


Father: Anton Adam

Mother: Margareta Keuler

Hermann Adam - 1841

Birth: 29 Jan 1841 Evangelisch, Lieme, Lippe, Germanybirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Friedrich August Adam

Mother: Adolphine Henriette Heller

Hermann Adam - 1867

Birth: 15 Sep 1867 Evangelisch, Lieme, Lippe, Germanybirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Johann Adam

Mother: Sophie Baedeker

Hermann Adam - 1863

Birth: 6 Mar 1863 Evangelisch, Lieme, Lippe, Germanybirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Friedrich Christoph Adam

Mother: Hanne Schaefer

Hermann Adam - 1917

Birth: 04.05.1917 Holzheim, Göppingen, Göppingen, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlandbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Ludwig Adam

Mother: Eva Maria Seybold

Hermann Adam - 1915

Birth: 16 Okt 1915 Breitenworbis Kreis Worbis - Regierungsbezirk Erfurt / Provinz Sachsen im Deutschen Reichbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Hugo Adam

Mother: Justina Brodmann

Hermann Adam - 1894

Birth: 24 Okt 1894 Neustettin, Preußen

Death: Not Available


Father: August Adam

Mother: Emilie Buchholz Adam

Hermann Wilhelm Adam - 1897 to 1918

Birth: 15 Sept 1897 Ullm, Greifenstein, Hessen, Deutschlandbirth20

Death: 8 Okt 1918 Nieder Weisel, Hessen, Deutschlanddeath20


Father: Friedrich Adam

Mother: Not Available

Hermann Benjamin ADAM - 1881 to 1958

Birth: 3 Feb 1881 Zielatkowo, Wielkopolskie, Polandbirth21

Death: 27 Dec 1958 Ludinghausen, Coesfeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germanydeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hermann Adam - 1911 to 1944

Birth: 18.01.1911 Deutschlandbirth22

Death: 17.07.1944 Deutschlanddeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hermann Adam - 1925 to 1982

Birth: September 12th 1925 Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germanybirth23

Death: September 1982 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canadadeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hermann Adam

Birth: Not Available Breslau, Schlesien, Preußen, Germanybirth24

Death: Not Available Breslau, Preußendeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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