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Results for "Herbert Sappington"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Herbert Sappington - 1923 to 1971

Birth: 9 Oct 1923 Houston, Texasbirth0

Death: 17 August 1971 Pasadena, Harris, Texas, United Statesdeath0


Father: Thomas Leroy Sappington

Mother: Vera Elizabeth McCutcheon

Herbert Henry Sappington - 1884 to 1940

Birth: 22 Jun 1884 Oregonbirth1

Death: 28 Jan 1940 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United Statesdeath1


Father: John William Sappington

Mother: Lucinda Violet Laughlin

Herbert Larry Sappington - 1920 to 1967

Birth: 15 Aug 1920 Arkansas, USAbirth2

Death: Aug 1967


Father: Cecil Calvert Sappington

Mother: Nora Maude Peggram

Herbert Lawrence Sappington - 1924 to 2018

Birth: 20 Nov 1924 Baltimore, Maryland, USAbirth3

Death: 11 Jul 2018 Millersville, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USAdeath3


Father: William Herbert Sappington

Mother: Augusta Christina Schwartz (Sappington)

Herbert McSherry Sappington - 1893 to 1895

Birth: 02 Nov 1893 (TWIN)birth4

Death: 1895 ,Frederick,Maryland,USAdeath4


Father: Richard Coale Sappington

Mother: Laura J Sappington

Herbert McSherry Sappington - 1893 to 1895

Birth: 02 Nov 1893 Frederick County, Maryland, USAbirth5

Death: 1895 Frederick County, Marylanddeath5


Father: Richard Coale Sappington

Mother: Laura Jane Garrott

Herbert Sappington

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: William Jackson Sappington

Mother: Eunice Clytee Browning

Herbert Auby Sappington - 1921 to 1967

Birth: Abt 1921 England, Arkansas, USAbirth7

Death: August 20, 1967 Sheridan, Grant, Arkansasdeath7


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Herbert Donald Sappington - 1923 to 1971

Birth: 09 Oct 1923 Texas, United Statesbirth8

Death: 18 August 1971 Pasadena, Harris County, Texas, USAdeath8


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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