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Results for "Henry Sallows"

1 - 25 of 44 Records

Henry Sallows - 1852 to 1919

Birth: abt 1852 Chorthsham, Suffolk, Englandbirth0

Death: Jan 1919 Northampton, Northamptonshire, Englanddeath0


Father: Robert Hare Sallows

Mother: Susannah Sallows

Henry Sallows - 1852 to 1919

Birth: abt 1852 Chorthsham, Suffolk, Englandbirth1

Death: Jan 1919 Northampton, Northamptonshire, Englanddeath1


Father: Robert Hare Sallows

Mother: Susannah Sallows

Henry Sallows - 1884 to 1942

Birth: Jun 1884 Maidstone, Kent, Englandbirth2

Death: Mar 1942 Plymouth, Devon, Englanddeath2


Father: Edward Sallows

Mother: Rebecca Smith

Henry Sallows - 1884 to 1942

Birth: Jun 1884 Maidstone, Kent, Englandbirth3

Death: Mar 1942 Plymouth, Devon, Englanddeath3


Father: Edward Sallows

Mother: Rebecca Smith

Henry Sallows - 1809 to 1850

Birth: 1809 Chelseabirth4

Death: July 1850 Chelsea, London, United Kingdomdeath4


Father: Henry Sallows

Mother: Harriet Weaver

Henry William Sallows - 1831 to 1901

Birth: abt 1831 Bow Street, Covent Garden, London

Death: Jul 1901 St Clement, Norwich, Norfolkdeath5


Father: Henry Sallows

Mother: Julia Sallway

Henry Sallows - 1858 to 1932

Birth: Apr 1858 Wrentham, Suffolk, Englandbirth6

Death: Mar 1932 Croydon, Surrey, Englanddeath6


Father: James Sallows

Mother: Emma Suggate

Henry Ruben Sallows - 1909 to 1976

Birth: 2 February 1909 Medonte, Simcoe County, Ontario, Canadabirth7

Death: 1976


Father: Reuben Sallows

Mother: Sarah Rachael Howell

Henry Sallows - 1847 to 1855

Birth: Dec 1847 Colchester, Essex, Englandbirth8

Death: October 1855 Colchester, Essexdeath8


Father: Richard SALLOWS

Mother: Eliza Piddington

Henry Sallows - 1909 to 1985

Birth: 1 Oct 1909 Ipswich, Suffolk, Englandbirth9

Death: Dec 1985 Swansea, West Glamorgan, Walesdeath9


Father: Wallace Edward Sallows

Mother: Clara Scarlett

Henry Thomas Sallows - 1853

Birth: abt 1853 Fingringhoe, Essex, Englandbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Edward Sallows

Mother: Mary Ward

Henry Thomas Sallows - 1853

Birth: abt 1853 Fingringhoe, Essex, Englandbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Edward Sallows

Mother: Mary Ward

Henry Sallows - 1802 to 1850

Birth: 1802 Englandbirth12

Death: 1850 London, Middlesex, Englanddeath12


Father: Henry Sallows

Mother: Harriet Weaver

Henry Geo. Sallows - 1868 to 1930

Birth: 1868 London, Middlesex, Englandbirth13

Death: Jul 1930 Croydon, Surrey, Englanddeath13


Father: Henry William Sallows

Mother: Eliza Bolton

Henry Sallows - 1850

Birth: abt 1850 Colchester, Essex, Englandbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: William Sallows

Mother: Sarah Hawkins

Henry Sallows - 1853 to 1906

Birth: 7 Jan 1853 Ontario Canadabirth15

Death: 13 Jun 1906 Guelph, Wellington, Ontario, Canadadeath15


Father: William Sallows

Mother: Hannah Sarah Long

Henry Thomas Sallows - 1880 to 1921

Birth: Jan 1880 Colchesterbirth16

Death: Mar 1921 Pancras, London, Englanddeath16


Father: George Wilding

Mother: Caroline Johnson

Henry Douglas Sallows - 1906 to 1989

Birth: 1906 Croydon, Surrey, Englandbirth17

Death: Jan 1989 Croydon, London, Surrey, Englanddeath17


Father: Henry Geo. Sallows

Mother: Maud Kate Parsons

Henry J Sallows - 1886

Birth: abt 1886 Putney, London, Englandbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Henry Sallows

Mother: Mary Ann Slegg

Henry Sallows - 1836

Birth: abt 1836 East Bergholt, Suffolk, Englandbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Henry Sallows

Mother: Dinah Sallows

Henry Sallows - 1808 to 1903

Birth: 1808 Hadleigh, Suffolk, , Englandbirth20

Death: 1903


Father: John Sallows

Mother: Elizabeth Rand

Henry Sallows - 1825 to 1902

Birth: abt 1825 Redisham, Suffolk, Englandbirth21

Death: 1902 Blything, Suffolkdeath21


Father: Thomas Sallows

Mother: Not Available

Henry Sallows - 1794 to 1878

Birth: abt 1794 Barking, Suffolk, Englandbirth22

Death: 5 Jul 1878 Samford, Suffolkdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henry James Sallows - 1873 to 1942

Birth: 1873 Poole, Dorset, Englandbirth23

Death: 19 Aug 1942 Parkstone, Dorset, Englanddeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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