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Results for "Henry Ahlhein"

1 - 25 of 109 Records
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Henry M. Allwein - 1836 to 1894

Birth: 25 September 1836 Kimmerlings, Pennsylvaniabirth0

Death: 18 July 1894 Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, USAdeath0


Father: William H. Allwein

Mother: Maria Polly Mars

Henry Ahlden - 1883 to 1951

Birth: 28 January 1883 Iroquois County, Illinois, United States of Americabirth1

Death: 4 July 1951 Crescent City, Iroquois, Illinois, USAdeath1


Father: Dietrich H Ahlden

Mother: Elisabeth "Lizzie" Meyer

Henry Amrhein - 1870 to 1913

Birth: Abt 1870 Connecticutbirth2

Death: 28 Mar 1913 Sayre, Bradford, PA, USAdeath2


Father: Edward (Echard) Amrhein

Mother: Catherine “Katie” Spy (Kearn) (Amrhein)

Henry Amrhein - 1858 to 1939

Birth: 1858 Michiganbirth3

Death: 1 Mar 1939 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USAdeath3


Father: William Amrhein

Mother: Elizabeth

Henry Amrhein - 1865 to 1957

Birth: 25 Dec 1865 West Virginiabirth4

Death: 21 Apr 1957 Ventura, Californiadeath4


Father: John B Amrhein

Mother: Louisa Yochum Amrhein

Henry Alheim - 1891 to 1950

Birth: 28 Apr 1891 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USAbirth5

Death: 1950


Father: Henry Ahlheim

Mother: Emma K. Ahlheim

Henry Ahlbin - 1907 to 1973

Birth: 14 OCT 1907 Helsingborg (M), Stadsförsamlingbirth6

Death: 18 MAY 1973 Hebsackersgatan 26 A, Helsingborgs Maria (M)death6


Father: Anton Albin

Mother: Maria Amalia Carlsson

Henry Ahlhorn - 1853

Birth: abt 1853 Germanybirth7

Death: Not Available Wisconson, USAdeath7


Father: Peter Georg Ahlhorn

Mother: Rickent Mansholt

Henry Ahlhorn - 1853

Birth: abt 1853 Germanybirth8

Death: Not Available Wisconson, USAdeath8


Father: Peter Georg Ahlhorn

Mother: Rickent Mansholt

Henry M Amrhein - 1905 to 1970

Birth: 14 Dec 1905 Bay City, Bay, Michigan, United States of Americabirth9

Death: Jan 1970 Bay City, Bay, Michigan, United Statesdeath9


Father: Henry Adam Amrhein

Mother: Augusta Mueller

Henry C Allein - 1896 to 1918

Birth: Jan 1896 Mississippibirth10

Death: 27 Oct 1918 Clermont-Ferrand, Francedeath10


Father: Thomas Hendren Allein

Mother: Frances 'Fannie' COOK

Henry E Ahlin - 1897 to 1963

Birth: Apr 11, 1897 Everett, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAbirth11

Death: Feb 15, 1963 Revere, MAdeath11


Father: Aron Ahlin

Mother: Alma Vilhelmine Florentine Petersen

Henry Sahlein - 1849 to 1922

Birth: 2 Jan 1849 Boston, Massachusettsbirth12

Death: 30 Oct 1922 San Francisco, CAdeath12


Father: William Sahlein

Mother: Mathilda (Meila, Maila, Mary) STRAUSS

Henry A Allwein - 1837 to 1919

Birth: 09 AUG 1837 Bethel Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvaniabirth13

Death: 30 Nov 1919 Lebanon, PAdeath13


Father: Philip Allwein

Mother: Elizabeth Eck Arentz

Henry Allein - 1889 to 1966

Birth: 20 Jan 1889 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USAbirth14

Death: 00 Jan 1966 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USAdeath14


Father: Johann Allein

Mother: Katherina Rebmann

Henry Alheit - 1852 to 1933

Birth: 1852 Sydney, New South Wales, Austaliabirth15

Death: 04 Jun 1933 Marrickville, New South Wales, Australiadeath15


Father: John Alheit

Mother: Catherine Ellen Scott Alheit

Henry E Allwein - 1859 to 1926

Birth: 12 Feb 1859 Lebanon, Pennsylvania, USAbirth16

Death: 3 Oct 1926 Shelby, Richland, Ohio, USAdeath16


Father: Samuel Allwein

Mother: Elizabeth Eisenhower

Henry Eugene Ahlheit - 1908 to 1968

Birth: 3 Mar 1908 Dickson, Dickson, Tennessee, United Statesbirth17

Death: 2 Apr 1968 Dickson, Dickson, Tennessee, United Statesdeath17


Father: Herman A Ahlheit

Mother: Alpha Emiline Ethridge

Henry E Allwein - 1821 to 1899

Birth: Jul 29, 1821 Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth18

Death: 16 Oct 1899 Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvaniadeath18


Father: Johannes A. "John" Allwein

Mother: Mary Magdalena Eckenroth

Henry Foster Allwein - 1862 to 1937

Birth: 21 Dec 1862 Greensburg, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USAbirth19

Death: 24 Feb 1937 Greensburg, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USAdeath19


Father: Samuel Augustine Alwine

Mother: Mary "Elisabeth" Allshouse

Henry A Amrhein - 1874 to 1953

Birth: 9 Oct 1874 Carrollton Township, Michiganbirth20

Death: 3 March 1953 Bay City, Bay, Michigan, United Statesdeath20


Father: Frederick Guttesky

Mother: Henrietta Bern

Henry J. Ahlhorn - 1890 to 1965

Birth: 7 Nov 1890 Fayette Co. Texas, USAbirth21

Death: June 22, 1965 La Grange, Fayette, Texas, USAdeath21


Father: Johann Heinrich " Heinrich or Henry " AHLHORN

Mother: Johanne Catharine " Johanne " BUNJES

Henry Ohlwein - 1874 to 1915

Birth: 20 Jun 1874 Manhattan, New York, New York, United Statesbirth22

Death: 10 Nov 1915 Bronx, New York, USAdeath22


Father: Johann "John" Ohlwein

Mother: Anna Elisabeth "Annie" Riedemann

Henry OHLWEIN - 1841 to 1918

Birth: 12 March 1841 Germanybirth23

Death: 20 Jan 1918 Highland Park, Deerfield Twp, Lake Co, Illinoisdeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Anna Elizabeth Ohlwein

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