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Results for "Henry Agass"

1 - 25 of 36 Records

HENRY Agass - 1839 to 1915

Birth: Jun 1839 Bethnal Green, London, Englandbirth0

Death: 1915 Bethnal Green, London, , Englanddeath0


Father: Henry Barnabas Agass

Mother: Eleanor Trattell

HENRY Agass - 1839 to 1915

Birth: Jun 1839 Bethnal Green, London, Englandbirth1

Death: 1915 Bethnal Green, London, , Englanddeath1


Father: Henry Barnabas Agass

Mother: Eleanor Trattell

HENRY Agass - 1839 to 1915

Birth: Jun 1839 Bethnal Green, London, Englandbirth2

Death: 1915 Bethnal Green, London, , Englanddeath2


Father: Henry Barnabas Agass

Mother: Eleanor Trattell

Henry Joseph Agass - 1917 to 1994

Birth: 06 Sep 1917 Hackney, London, Englandbirth3

Death: april 1994 havering essex englanddeath3


Father: Henry Agass

Mother: Alice Amelia Downham

Henry William Agass - 1906 to 1972

Birth: 28 Sep 1906 London, United Kingdombirth4

Death: Sep 1972 Redbridge, Greater London, Englanddeath4


Father: George Andrew Agass

Mother: Sarah Ann Beecham

Henry Thomas Agass - 1915 to 1988

Birth: 11 Jun 1915 Bethnal Green, Londonbirth5

Death: May 1988 Havering, Essexdeath5


Father: Joseph Agass

Mother: Minnie White

Henry Thomas Agass - 1915 to 1988

Birth: 11 Jun 1915 Bethnal Green, Londonbirth6

Death: May 1988 Havering, Essexdeath6


Father: Joseph Agass

Mother: Minnie White

HENRY Agass - 1855 to 1924

Birth: 17 Feb 1855 Bethnal Green, Middlesex, Englandbirth7

Death: Dec 1924 Lambeth, London, Englanddeath7



Mother: MARY ANN Waller

HENRY BARNABAS Agass - 1803 to 1838

Birth: 18 Apr 1803 Shoreditch, London, Englandbirth8

Death: 1838 London, United Kingdomdeath8


Father: James Agass

Mother: Elisabeth Skelton

Henry Agass - 1888 to 1974

Birth: 03 Feb 1888 Stoke Newington St Matthias, Englandbirth9

Death: Sep 1974 Hackney, London, Englanddeath9


Father: William Agass

Mother: Louisa Doughton

Henry Thomas Agass - 1897 to 1984

Birth: 5 Dec 1897 Stepneybirth10

Death: Apr 1984 Tower Hamlets, London, Englanddeath10


Father: JOSEPH Agass

Mother: Sarah Smith

Henry Agass - 1841 to 1897

Birth: abt 1841 Bethnal Green, Middlesex, Englandbirth11

Death: JAN 1897 England (GBR), Middlesex, Hoxtondeath11


Father: William Agass

Mother: Mary Ann Chapman

Henry Agass - 1858

Birth: 1858 Bethnal Green, London, Englandbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Edward Agass

Mother: Elizabeth Storton

Henry George Agass - 1877 to 1931

Birth: 27 Dec 1877 Poplar, Middlesex, Englandbirth13

Death: 2 Oct 1931 Surrey, Englanddeath13


Father: HENRY Agass

Mother: Maria Matthews

Henry Agass - 1828

Birth: abt 1828 St Georges East, Middlesex, Englandbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Edward Agass

Mother: Mary Ann Perkins

Henry Agass - 1839

Birth: Apr 1839 Bethnal Green, Londonbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: William Agass

Mother: Mary Ann Perkins

Henry Agass - 1728

Birth: 1728

Death: Not Available


Father: Richard Akers

Mother: Not Available

Henry W Agass - 1860

Birth: 1860 Bethnal Green, London, Englandbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henry Thomas Agass - 1915 to 1998

Birth: Jun 1915 Greater London, London, Middlesex, United Kingdombirth18

Death: May 1998 Havering, Essex, Englanddeath18


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henry Agass - 1858

Birth: abt 1858

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henry Agass - 1860

Birth: abt 1860 Bethnal Green, London, Englandbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henry Agass - 1912

Birth: 03.01.1912 London, London, England, United Kingdombirth21

Death: Not Available Shoeburyness Essexdeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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