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Results for "Henry Acland"

1 - 25 of 33 Records

Henry Acland - 1850 to 1903

Birth: 04 Mar 1850 Broad Clyst, Devon, Englandbirth0

Death: 8 Jan 1903 Williton, Somerset, United Kingdomdeath0


Father: Henry Wentworth Acland

Mother: Sarah Cotton

Henry Acland - 1850 to 1903

Birth: 04 Mar 1850 Broad Clyst, Devon, Englandbirth1

Death: 8 Jan 1903 Williton, Somerset, United Kingdomdeath1


Father: Henry Wentworth Acland

Mother: Sarah Cotton

Henry Acland - 1850 to 1903

Birth: 04 Mar 1850 Broad Clyst, Devon, Englandbirth2

Death: 8 Jan 1903 Williton, Somerset, United Kingdomdeath2


Father: Henry Wentworth Acland

Mother: Sarah Cotton

Henry Wentworth Dyke Acland - 1815 to 1900

Birth: 23 Aug 1815 Broad Clyst, Devon, Englandbirth3

Death: 16 Oct 1900 Oxford, Oxfordshire, Englanddeath3


Father: Thomas Dyke Acland

Mother: Lydia Elizabeth Hoare

Henry Vivian Acland - 1883 to 1968

Birth: 27 Nov 1883 Eaton Square, London, Englandbirth4

Death: 21 JAN 1968 Kelowna, British Columbia, Canadadeath4


Father: John Edward Acland (Troyte)

Mother: Norah Letitia Nugent Bankes

Henry Acland - 1887 to 1969

Birth: 20 March 1887 Bournemouth, Hampshire, Englandbirth5

Death: Sep 1969 Southport, Lancashire, Englanddeath5


Father: William Acland

Mother: Ellen- Witteridge

Henry ACLAND - 1824 to 1825

Birth: 23 Oct 1824 Littleham, Exmouth, Devon, England, United Kingdombirth6

Death: 1825


Father: John Acland

Mother: Mary Ann Shepherd

Henry ACLAND - 1824 to 1825

Birth: 23 Oct 1824 Littleham, Exmouth, Devon, England, United Kingdombirth7

Death: 1825


Father: John Acland

Mother: Mary Ann Shepherd

Henry Acland - 1837 to 1841

Birth: abt 1837 Blandford Forum, Dorset, Englandbirth8

Death: abt 1841


Father: James Ackland

Mother: Phillis Pricilla Cheesman

Henry John"Harry" Acland - 1864 to 1938

Birth: 02 NOV 1864 Redfern, Sydney, New South Wales, Australiabirth9

Death: 1938 Bankstown, New South Wales, Australiadeath9


Father: Robert Elson Acland

Mother: Maria Saunders Hanks

Henry Richard Acland - 1854

Birth: 14 Dec 1854 Plymouth, Devon, Englandbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Henry James Acland

Mother: Martha Copp

Henry Acland - 1813 to 1876

Birth: 27 JAN 1813 Culmstock, Hemyock, Devon, Englandbirth11

Death: SEP 1876 Clifton, Bristol, Gloucestershire, United Kingdomdeath11


Father: Thomas Palmer ACLAND

Mother: Mary Acland

Henry Acland - 1816

Birth: 1 December 1816 Tiverton, Devon, Englandbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Benjamin Ackland

Mother: Jemina Rippon

Henry Acland - 1843

Birth: 1843 Manchester, Lancashire, Englandbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: William JACKSON

Mother: Mary Unknown

Henry A Acland - 1886

Birth: 1886 Halifax, Yorkshire, Englandbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Henry Relf Acland

Mother: Emily Green

Female IconMale Icon

Henry D Acland

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Richard Acland

Mother: Anne Stella Alford

Henry Acland - 1793

Birth: 1793 Littleham, Exmouth, Devonshire, England, United Kingdombirth16

Death: Unknown


Father: Richard Agland

Mother: Elizabeth Shaldon

Henry D Acland - 1850

Birth: abt 1850 Broad Clyst, Devonbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Rev. Peter Leopold Dyke Acland

Mother: Julia Regina Josephine Barker

Henry J Acland

Birth: Not Available

Death: Unknown


Father: Henry John"Harry" Acland

Mother: Margaret M

Female IconMale Icon

Henry Acland - 1865

Birth: 1865 New South Walesbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Elson Acland

Mother: Not Available

Henry Acland - 1871

Birth: 19 Jan 1871 Workhouse,Stepney,London,Englandbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Julia Acland

Henry Acland - 1754

Birth: 1754 Ottery St Mary Devon, Englandbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Edmund Acland

Mother: Not Available

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