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Results for "Henrik Sallstrom"

1 - 25 of 37 Records
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Henrik Fritz Hallstrˆm - 1934 to 2012

Birth: 1934 Stockholm, Stockholm, Sverigebirth0

Death: 13 Feb 2012 Grisslehamn, V‰ddˆ (AB)death0


Father: Olof Henrik Hallström

Mother: Herta Uhlendorf

Henrik Sallström - 1842 to 1918

Birth: 2 Jul 1842 Harv, Attmars Socken, Västernorrlands Län, Sverigebirth1

Death: 21maj 1918 indalsliden vrnl


Father: Olof Nilsson

Mother: Johanna Elisabet Almqvist

Henric Kallström - 1749 to 1809

Birth: 1749 Finlandbirth2

Death: 15 JAN 1809 Pernaja - Pernå, Finlanddeath2


Father: Hinric Callström

Mother: Catharina Ericsdotter Callas

Henrik* August HALLSTRÖM - 1837 to 1919

Birth: 6 September 1837 Eskilstuna Fors, Södermanland, Swedenbirth3

Death: 7 Jan 1919 Sigtuna, Stockholm, Sverigedeath3


Father: Sven August HALLSTRÖM

Mother: Albertina Dybeck

Henrik Edwin Karlstrom - 1884 to 1961

Birth: 22Jun1884 Locknevi, Kalmar, Swedenbirth4

Death: 16Sep1961 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath4


Father: Carl Johan Strom Krig Karlstrom

Mother: Kristina Karolina Karlsdotter

Henrik Kristianpoika Hallstrom - 1804 to 1892

Birth: 02/14/1804 Teuva, Lansi-Suomen Laani, Finlandbirth5

Death: 07/25/1892


Father: Kristian Heikinpoika Peltokoski Hallstrom

Mother: Anna Matintytar

Henrik Mikael "Mikko" Karlstrom - 1912 to 1997

Birth: 04/15/1912 Naantali, Lansi-Suomen Laani, Finlandbirth6

Death: 11/10/1997 Somers Point, Atlantic, New Jersey, USAdeath6


Father: Frans Mikael Karlström

Mother: Hilma Aleksandra Keskikyla

Henrik Hallstrom - 1877

Birth: 19 FEB 1877 Jurva, Finlandbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Johan Henrik Hällström (Peltokoski)

Mother: Anna Liisa Jaakontytar

Hendrik Carlstrom - 1882

Birth: 1882 Eskelstuna, Stockholm, Swedenbirth8



Father: Per Carlson Carlstrom

Mother: Maria Sofia Kask

Henric Kallström - 1852

Birth: 9 OCT 1852 Huså, Kall (Zbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Aron Kallström

Mother: Brita Göransdotter

Henrik Julius Carlstrom - 1886

Birth: July 24, 1886 Eskilstuna, Södermanland, Swedenbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Per Carlson Carlstrom

Mother: Maria Sofia Kask

Henrik Johan Sillstrom - 1825

Birth: 22 Maaliskuuta 1825

Death: Not Available


Father: and. Joh. Sillstrom

Mother: Hedvig Stolt

Henrik Birger Hallstrom - 1853

Birth: 5 Kesäkuuta 1853

Death: Not Available


Father: Henrik Johaninpoika Hällström

Mother: Sofia Lovisa Enwald

Henrik Johan Hallstrom - 1823

Birth: 08 Apr 1823

Death: Not Available


Father: Henr Hallstrom

Mother: Justina Johdr


Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Matts HELLSTROM

Mother: Elisabeth Eriksdotter

Henrik Hallstrom - 1925 to 1978

Birth: 1925 Stockholm, Stockholm, Swedenbirth15

Death: 1978 Germanydeath15


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henrik Vilhelm Fallström - 1920 to 1981

Birth: 8 sep 1920 Karl Gustavs fsbirth16

Death: 4 jan 1981 Keräsjänkkä, Karl Gustavs fs


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henrick Kellstrom

Birth: Not Available Swedenbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henrik Bentsen Dahlstrom - 1774 to 1851

Birth: ABT 1774 of, Langebak, Praesto, Denmark

Death: 27 JAN 1851


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henrik Johannes Natanael Hallstrˆm - 1876 to 1934

Birth: 11 Oct 1876 Boo, Boo (AB

Death: 20 Jun 1934 Br‰nninge, Tveta (AB


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henrik Hallstrom - 1783 to 1862

Birth: 30 Maaliskuuta 1783

Death: 18 Dec 1862


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henrik Hallstrom - 1783 to 1862

Birth: 30 Maaliskuuta 1783

Death: 18 Dec 1862


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henrik Hallstrom - 1783 to 1862

Birth: 30 Maaliskuuta 1783

Death: 18 Dec 1862


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henrik Sillstrom - 1816

Birth: 7 Heinäkuuta 1816

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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