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Results for "Henrietta Acker"

1 - 24 of 24 Records

Henrietta (Hattie) Acker - 1891 to 1967

Birth: Jan 1891 Wisconsinbirth0

Death: 15 Aug 1967 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USAdeath0


Father: John George Acker

Mother: Katharina Philipensky

Henrietta (Hattie) Acker - 1891 to 1967

Birth: Jan 1891 Wisconsinbirth1

Death: 15 Aug 1967 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USAdeath1


Father: John George Acker

Mother: Katharina Philipensky

Henrietta Acker - 1889 to 1983

Birth: 1889 Indianabirth2

Death: 6 February 1983 USAdeath2


Father: Peter Acker

Mother: Mary Magdelona Scherer

Henrietta Acker - 1870 to 1946

Birth: Abt. 1870 Germanybirth3

Death: 7 May 1946 Queens County, New York, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Adam Acker

Mother: Fredaricha Hander Acker

Henrietta Maraha Acker - 1885 to 1969

Birth: 5 May 1885 NYC, New York, USAbirth4

Death: August 15 1969 Maryland, USAdeath4


Father: Henry G Acker

Mother: Jennie

Henrietta Marqueritte Acker - 1916 to 2004

Birth: 21 May 1916 New Yorkbirth5

Death: 16 March 2004 North Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Florida, United Statesdeath5


Father: William Francis Acker

Mother: Anna E Hughes

Henrietta Acker - 1886 to 1891

Birth: 4 May 1886 New York, New Yorkbirth6

Death: 28 Oct 1891 New York, New York, New Yorkdeath6


Father: Henry Acker

Mother: Henrietta Becker

Henrietta Acker - 1917 to 2007

Birth: 1/18/1917 New York City, New York, USAbirth7

Death: 12 Nov. 2007 Palm Beach County, Florida, USAdeath7


Father: Joseph Acker

Mother: Ray Tiegel

Henrietta Acker - 1886 to 1891

Birth: 4 May 1886 New York, New Yorkbirth8

Death: 28 Oct 1891 New York, New York, New Yorkdeath8


Father: Henry Acker

Mother: Henrietta Becker

Henrietta Acker - 1862 to 1865

Birth: 4 July 1862 Caseyville, Union County, Kentucky, United States of Americabirth9

Death: 8 October 1865 Caseyville, Union County, Kentucky, United States of Americadeath9


Father: Philip Acker

Mother: Marie Elise Bangert

Henrietta Acker - 1842 to 1909

Birth: 10 Mar 1842 Dubuque, Iowa Territorybirth10

Death: 06/Jul/1909 Sacramento, Sacramento Co., CAdeath10


Father: Smith Acker

Mother: Elizabeth zz2 Vanderburgh

Henrietta Acker - 1891

Birth: JAN 1891 WI.birth11

Death: Not Available


Father: John George Acker

Mother: Katharina Philipensky

Henrietta "Zetta" Ruth Acker - 1914 to 2004

Birth: 22 Dec 1914 Dunkirk, Chautauqua, New York, USAbirth12

Death: 6 Jan 2004 Mayville, Chautauqua, New York, USAdeath12


Father: Frank Joseph Acker

Mother: Mary Edna King

Henrietta Hendrika Acker - 1885 to 1886

Birth: 17 MAY 1885 Cape,,,South Africabirth13

Death: Bet. 1886–1979 Cape, South Africadeath13


Father: Fredrick Acker

Mother: Catherina Johanna Jacoba Gerber

Henrietta W Acker - 1889

Birth: abt 1889 New Yorkbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Harry S Acker

Mother: Catherine Acker

Henrietta Acker - 1912

Birth: abt 1912 Pennsylvaniabirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: George D Acker

Mother: Alice Olivia Ziegenfuss

Henrietta Acker - 1869

Birth: 30 Sept 1869

Death: Not Available


Father: Adam Acker

Mother: Friederike Acker

Henrietta Acker - 1852 to 1881

Birth: 1852

Death: 15 Jun 1881 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USAdeath17


Father: John Acker

Mother: Henrietta Cook

Henrietta Acker - 1870

Birth: 1870

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacob Acker

Mother: Matilda Galanger

Henrietta Acker - 1896

Birth: 1896 Austriabirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Lea Acker

Henrietta Acker - 1832

Birth: 1832 New Yorkbirth20

Death: Not Available Missouri, USAdeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henrietta Acker

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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