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Results for "Henrietta Abramson"

1 - 14 of 14 Records

Henrietta Yetta Abramson - 1913 to 1988

Birth: 16 Jan 1913 New York, USAbirth0

Death: 31 January 1988 Coventry, Connecticutdeath0


Father: Samuel J. Abramson

Mother: Esther Rubenstein

Henrietta Yetta Abramson - 1913 to 1988

Birth: 16 Jan 1913 New York, USAbirth1

Death: 31 January 1988 Coventry, Connecticutdeath1


Father: Samuel J. Abramson

Mother: Esther Rubenstein

Henrietta Abramson - 1876 to 1961

Birth: 25 Sep 1876 Soviet Unionbirth2

Death: 17 Feb 1961 New York, New York, USAdeath2


Father: Victor Abramson

Mother: Taube Miller

Henrietta Abramson - 1876 to 1961

Birth: 25 Sep 1876 Soviet Unionbirth3

Death: 17 Feb 1961 New York, New York, USAdeath3


Father: Victor Abramson

Mother: Taube Miller

Henrietta Abramson - 1905 to 1988

Birth: 21 Jul 1905 Spring Valley, Rockland, New York, USAbirth4

Death: Aug 1988 Scarsdale, Westchester, New York, USAdeath4


Father: Albert Levi Abramson

Mother: Nettie Ann Lanning

Henrietta Abramson - 1902 to 1995

Birth: 28 May 1902 Cleveland, Ohio, USAbirth5

Death: 8 Jun 1995 Atlantic City, Atlantic, New Jersey, USAdeath5


Father: Michael Abramson

Mother: Fanny Abramson

Henrietta “Yetta” Abramson - 1890 to 1977

Birth: 28 Mar 1890 Russiabirth6

Death: 18 Feb 1977 New York, New York, New York, United Statesdeath6


Father: Louis Abramson

Mother: Sarah Aug

Henrietta B. Abramson - 1887

Birth: abt 1887 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USAbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Bernard Abramson

Mother: Hilda Abrahmson

Henrietta Abramson - 1819 to 1907

Birth: 1819

Death: 1907


Father: Aron Abrahamson

Mother: Not Available

Henrietta Abramson - 1849

Birth: abt 1849 Germanybirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Unknown Abramson

Mother: Not Available

Henrietta Abramson

Birth: Not Available Europe

Death: 1928 Brooklyn, New York, USAdeath10


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henrietta Zetta Abramson

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Henrietta Abramson

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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