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Results for "Henri Aeck"

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Henry J Beck - 1899 to 1974

Birth: 29 NOV 1899 Txbirth0

Death: 26 DEC 1974 Temple, Bell, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: Julius P Beck

Mother: Albertina Mahn

Henry Theodore HECK - 1873 to 1941

Birth: 15 Nov 1873 Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, USAbirth1

Death: 19 Jul 1941 Bevier, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USAdeath1


Father: Evan Rodgers Heck

Mother: Eliza Wilson

Henry Theodore HECK - 1873 to 1941

Birth: 15 Nov 1873 Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, USAbirth2

Death: 19 Jul 1941 Bevier, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USAdeath2


Father: Evan Rodgers Heck

Mother: Eliza Wilson

Henry S Beck - 1925 to 1988

Birth: 1 May 1925 North Carolinabirth3

Death: 30 Oct 1988 Dougherty, Georgiadeath3


Father: Henry Sanford Beck

Mother: Josephine Marie Beckel

Henry Dwight Peck - 1836 to 1927

Birth: 22 Jan 1836 New York City, New York, United Statesbirth4

Death: 06/10/1927 Staunton, Virginia, USAdeath4


Father: John Peck

Mother: Mary Sill Gold

Henry J Beck - 1875 to 1957

Birth: January 1875 Kentish Town, London, England, UKbirth5

Death: 16 Sep 1957 Essex South Western, Essex, England, UKdeath5


Father: Charles Beck

Mother: Jane RAYMOND

Henry Peck - 1915 to 1987

Birth: 24 Jul 1915 Blaine, Idaho, USAbirth6

Death: 29 Jul 1987 Oregon City, Clackamas, Oregon, United Statesdeath6


Father: William Henry Peck

Mother: Laura Elizabeth lambeth

Henry Albert Heck - 1905 to 1990

Birth: 26 October 1905 Roane County, West Virginia, United States of Americabirth7

Death: March 1990 Richmond City, Virginia, United States of Americadeath7


Father: Albert Sylvanus Heck

Mother: Estella Crislip

Henry Dwight Peck - 1836 to 1927

Birth: 22 Jan 1836 New York City, New York, United Statesbirth8

Death: 06/10/1927 Staunton, Virginia, USAdeath8


Father: John Peck

Mother: Mary Sill Gold

Henry Sanford Beck - 1891 to 1971

Birth: 25 Jun 1891 North Carolinabirth9

Death: 16 Feb 1971 Greer, Greenville, South Carolina, United States of Americadeath9


Father: Calvin Lee Beck

Mother: Lucy James Carter

Henry Wilbur PECK - 1884 to 1970

Birth: 1884 Kansasbirth10

Death: 24 April 1970 Sutter, Sutter, California, USAdeath10


Father: Richard Peck

Mother: Josephine Fast

HENRY BECK - 1829 to 1891

Birth: 1829 Jackson, Lycoming, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth11

Death: 3 November 1891 Nebraska, United States of Americadeath11


Father: Jacob Beck

Mother: Catherine Miller

Henry Peck - 1822 to 1904

Birth: 20 FEB 1822 NYbirth12

Death: 1 AUG 1904 Ionia Co., MIdeath12


Father: Jeremiah Peck

Mother: Olive Cady

Henry W. BECK - 1900 to 1956

Birth: abt 1900 Indiana, USAbirth13

Death: 1956 Richmond, Wayne Co, INdeath13


Father: Henry Wilbur Beck

Mother: Lillian Kemper

Henry Beck - 1882 to 1966

Birth: July 20, 1882 Beaver County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth14

Death: December 17, 1966 Mc Keesport, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath14


Father: Adam Beck

Mother: Mary Holland

Henry H Peck - 1840 to 1923

Birth: Oct 1840 Topsham, Orange, VT, USAbirth15

Death: 12 May 1923 Licking, Licking Co., OHdeath15


Father: Sewell W Peck

Mother: Chloe Annette Melvin

Henry Andrew Beck - 1873 to 1959

Birth: 14 Mar 1873 McMinn, Tennessee, United Statesbirth16

Death: 8 Jan 1959 Rural Precinct 3, Hidalgo, Texas, USAdeath16


Father: Israel Brownlow Beck

Mother: Christian Perlina McKenzie

Henry Charles Beck - 1858 to 1936

Birth: Jan 1858 Pennsylvaniabirth17

Death: 2 February 1936 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USAdeath17


Father: Christian Beck

Mother: Mary

Henry Eck - 1893 to 1980

Birth: abt 1893 Pennsylvaniabirth18

Death: 27 Aug 1980 Rock Hill, Sullivan, New York, USAdeath18


Father: Henry Newman Eck

Mother: Laura Elizabeth Schall

Henry J Beck - 1855 to 1937

Birth: 1855 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USAbirth19

Death: 1937 Mansfield, Richland, Ohio, USAdeath19


Father: Adam John BECK

Mother: Elizabeth SCHALLER

Henry Andrew Beck - 1873 to 1959

Birth: 14 Mar 1873 McMinn, Tennessee, United Statesbirth20

Death: 8 Jan 1959 Rural Precinct 3, Hidalgo, Texas, USAdeath20


Father: Israel Brownlow Beck

Mother: Christian Perlina McKenzie

Henry Franklin Beck - 1862 to 1926

Birth: 11 Nov 1862 , , North Carolina, USAbirth21

Death: 03 Mar 1926 Davidson, North Carolina, USAdeath21


Father: Henry Burton Beck

Mother: Phoebe Snyder

Henry Beck - 1853 to 1904

Birth: Jul 1853 Missouribirth22

Death: 1904 Fort Scott, Kansasdeath22


Father: John H Beck*

Mother: Eliza Martin

Henry Ford Neck - 1894 to 1969

Birth: 1894 Wisconsinbirth23

Death: 11aug1969 Rice Lake, Barron, Wisconsin, USAdeath23


Father: John Fredrick Neck

Mother: Anna Dora Rassbach

Henry Keck - 1921 to 2013

Birth: abt 1921 New Yorkbirth24

Death: 04/2013 New Yorkdeath24


Father: Anthony Joseph Keck

Mother: Christine Keck (Ward)

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