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Results for "Helge Sandgren"

1 - 13 of 13 Records

Helge Sandgren - 1900 to 1980

Birth: 9 Mar 1900 Degerfors, Västerbotten, Swedenbirth0

Death: 9 jul 1980 Bureå, Västerbotten, Sverigedeath0


Father: Johan Vilhelm Sandgren Jakobsson

Mother: Eufrosyna Charlotta Johansdotter

Helge Sandgren - 1900 to 1980

Birth: 9 Mar 1900 Degerfors, Västerbotten, Swedenbirth1

Death: 9 jul 1980 Bureå, Västerbotten, Sverigedeath1


Father: Johan Vilhelm Sandgren Jakobsson

Mother: Eufrosyna Charlotta Johansdotter

Helge Sandgren - 1911 to 1911

Birth: 28 Jul 1911 Örebro, Sverigebirth2

Death: 28 Jul 1911 Örebro, Sverigedeath2


Father: Charles Ivar Hjelmgren

Mother: Berta Sofia Sandgren

Helge Erik Fritjof Sandgren - 1922 to 1986

Birth: 29 JAN 1922 Björketorp (Obirth3

Death: 20 JUN 1986 Dalagård 1/4, Fotskäl (Pdeath3


Father: Fritz Julius Sandgren

Mother: Frida Serafia Sandgren

Helge Robert Sandgren - 1905 to 1948

Birth: 8 FEB 1905 Stensele (AC)birth4

Death: 24 Oct 1948 Barsele, Stensele (AC)death4


Father: Bror Isak Jakobsson Sandgren

Mother: Evelina Johanna Andersdotter Forsman

Helge Johan Sandgren - 1901 to 1982

Birth: 15 SEP 1901 Sandvik,Umeå landsbirth5

Death: 25 aug 1982 Sävar, Västerbotten, Sverigedeath5


Father: Johannes Larsson Sandgren

Mother: Sophia Wilhelmina Carlsson

Helge Paulsen Sandgren - 1962 to 1981

Birth: JAN 26,1962 Norwaybirth6

Death: APRIL 25,1981 Norwaydeath6


Father: Kjell Hans Paulsen Sandgren

Mother: Helen Madsen

Helge Sandgren - 1904 to 1977

Birth: 8 JUN 1904 ngen, Rimbo (ABbirth7

Death: 8 JUL 1977 Kyrkskolan, Rimbo (ABdeath7


Father: Alfred Sandgren

Mother: Johanna Vilhelmina LIND

Helge Johan Sandgren - 1901

Birth: 15 SEP 1901 Sandvik,Umeå landsbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Johan Sandgren

Mother: Sofia Karlsson

Helge Sandgren - 1904 to 1977

Birth: 08 06 1904 Ängen, Rimbo, Stockholm, Sverigebirth9

Death: 08 07 1977 Kyrskolan, Rimbo, Stockholm, Sverigedeath9


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Helge Sandgren - 1945 to 1992

Birth: 8 Jan 1945

Death: 3 Nov 1992


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Helge Sandgren

Birth: Not Available sverigebirth11

Death: Not Available sverigedeath11


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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