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Results for "Helena Samsjo"

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Helena Jennie Samson - 1903 to 1985

Birth: 4 Oct 1903 Utica, Oneida, New York, USAbirth0

Death: apr 1985 Monteagle, Grundy, Tennessee, USAdeath0


Father: Rudolph Carl Miller

Mother: Helena Jennie Jones

Helene M Samson - 1876 to 1936

Birth: 10 May 1876 St Heliers, Jersey, Channel Islands

Death: 22 Feb 1936 Jersey, Channel Islands


Father: James Albert SAMSON

Mother: Hélène Melanie Novert

Helene Polson Samson - 1884 to 1953

Birth: abt 1884 Perth, Scotlandbirth2

Death: Jan 1953 Holborn, London, Englanddeath2


Father: Adam Sanson

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas

Helene Polson Samson - 1884 to 1953

Birth: abt 1884 Perth, Scotlandbirth3

Death: Jan 1953 Holborn, London, Englanddeath3


Father: Adam Sanson

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas

Helena G Samson - 1890 to 1969

Birth: 10 Aug 1890 Georgia, Franklin, Vermont, USAbirth4

Death: 29 Oct 1969 New Britain, Hartford, Connecticut, USAdeath4


Father: Wilson J Samson

Mother: Jessie May Chase

Helena Samson - 1887

Birth: 7 Sep 1887 Nohfelden, Saarland, Deutschlandbirth5

Death: Not Available Otzenhausen, Nonnweiler, , , Saarland, Allemagnedeath5


Father: Johann Samson

Mother: Helena DeTemple Samson

Helene SAMSON - 1825 to 1826

Birth: 15 MAY 1825 St-Nicolas, Quebec, Canadabirth6

Death: 16 MAR 1826 Lauzon, Lévis, Quebecdeath6


Father: Étienne Samson

Mother: Marie-Claire Gourdel dit Longchamps (Longchamp)

Helena Samson - 1887 to 1910

Birth: 7 Dez 1887 Ludweiler-Warndt, Saarland, Deutschlandbirth7

Death: 19 Mai 1910 Ludweiler-Warndt, Saarland, Deutschlanddeath7


Father: Heinrich Samson

Mother: Eva Maria Bour Samson

Helene SAMSON - 1862 to 1896

Birth: 24 May 1862 L'Ardoise, Richmond, Nova Scotiabirth8

Death: 13 Feb 1896 L'Ardoise, Richmond, Nova Scotiadeath8


Father: Honore Samson

Mother: Catherine Power

Helene Marie 'Lena' Samson - 1894 to 1918

Birth: 17 Oct 1894 Petit de Grat , Nova Scotia, Canadabirth9

Death: 15 Oct 1918 Petit de Grat , Nova Scotia, Canadadeath9


Father: Jean Hilaire Samson

Mother: Maria Boudreau

Helene Marie Samson - 1877 to 1956

Birth: 3 Mar 1877

Death: Mar 1956


Father: Louis-Philippe SAMSON

Mother: Hélène Levasseur

Helene Samson - 1814 to 1900

Birth: Abt. 1814 L'Ardoise, Richmond Co., Nova Scotia, Canadabirth11

Death: 1900 L' Ardoise, Richmond, Nova Scotia, Canadadeath11


Father: Martin Samson

Mother: Marie Pitre

Helene Samson - 1875 to 1923

Birth: 07 Oct 1875

Death: 12 Sep 1923


Father: Sigmund Samson

Mother: Minna Hauer

Helena David Samson - 1810 to 1870

Birth: Abt. 1810 Paramaribo, Surinamebirth13

Death: Sep 17, 1870 Paramaribo, Surinamedeath13


Father: David Marcus Samson

Mother: Ribca Haim Heymans

Helene Samson - 1875 to 1923

Birth: 07 Oct 1875

Death: 12 Sep 1923


Father: Sigmund Samson

Mother: Minna Hauer

Helene Samson - 1869

Birth: 1869 Arichat, 1654147, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Cyprien Samson

Mother: Catherine Veronique Marchand

Helene Samsel - 1893

Birth: 9 Mai 1893 Sulzbach, Saarland, Deutschlandbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Ludwig Samsel

Mother: Helene Siffert Samsel

Helene Samson - 1833

Birth: OCT 1833 L'Ardoise, Cape Breton, Nova Scotiabirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Michel Samson

Mother: Susanna Samson

Helena Samsiö - 1711

Birth: 02 Jun 1711 Sankt Petri, Malmö, Skåne, Sverigebirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Simon Samsiö

Mother: Metta Sjöholm

Helena Samson - 1930 to 1943

Birth: 10 MAR 1930 Deurne, Nederlandbirth19

Death: 11 JUN 1943 Sobibór, Polendeath19


Father: Joël Samson

Mother: Judith Daniel Pront

Helene SAMSON - 1825 to 1826

Birth: 15 May 1825 St. Nicolas, Levis, Quebec, Canadabirth20

Death: 16 Mar 1826 Lauzon, Lévis, Quebec, Canadadeath20


Father: Étienne Samson

Mother: Marie-Claire Gourdel dit Longchamp

Helena Samson - 1892

Birth: 1892 Russia Polandbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Helena Samsel - 1839 to 1914

Birth: 6 Feb 1839 Pennsylvaniabirth22

Death: 1914


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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