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Results for "Helena Salle"

1 - 25 of 96 Records
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Helena Saile - 1860 to 1898

Birth: 19 avril 1860 Lyme, Huron, Ohio, Etats-Unisbirth0

Death: 10 Dec 1898 Bellevue, Huron, Ohio, USAdeath0


Father: “Fedd” Fidelis Saile

Mother: Mary Wilman

Helena Saile - 1860 to 1898

Birth: 19 avril 1860 Lyme, Huron, Ohio, Etats-Unisbirth1

Death: 10 Dec 1898 Bellevue, Huron, Ohio, USAdeath1


Father: “Fedd” Fidelis Saile

Mother: Mary Wilman

Helena Sable - 1873 to 1967

Birth: 25 February 1873 Lake County, Illinois, United States of Americabirth2

Death: 27 June 1967 Illinois, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Christian Sabel

Mother: Mary Schmitt

Helena Hendelchen Halle - 1816 to 1849

Birth: 1816 Hallenberg, Germanybirth3

Death: 30 Sep 1849 Rauischholzhausen, Germanydeath3


Father: Herz Halle ( Bachenheimer )

Mother: Zipora ( Rothschild ) Halle

Helena Hendelchen Halle - 1816 to 1849

Birth: 1816 Hallenberg, Germanybirth4

Death: 30 Sep 1849 Rauischholzhausen, Germanydeath4


Father: Herz Halle ( Bachenheimer )

Mother: Zipora ( Rothschild ) Halle

Helena Pallio Balle - 1723 to 1764

Birth: 1723 Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth5

Death: 14 Jun 1764 Lobachsville, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath5


Father: Peter Pallio Balle

Mother: Susanna Ballie

Helene Halle - 1830 to 1904

Birth: 2 April 1830 Lorette, Quebec , Quebec Province, Canadabirth6

Death: 27 October 1904 Lorette, Quebec, Quebec Province, Canadadeath6


Father: Louis Halle

Mother: Genevieve Nolin

Helene Margarete Ralle - 1863 to 1899

Birth: 29 Mai 1863 Borgstede, Varel, Friesland, Niedersachsen, Deutschlandbirth7

Death: 30 Aug 1899 Sarpy, Nebraska, USAdeath7


Father: Friedrich Ralle

Mother: Anna Margarete Haase

Helene Galle - 1871 to 1911

Birth: 12 Aug 1871 Niederkirchen Kaiserslautern

Death: 03 Jun 1911 Rheinland - Pfalz, Germanydeath8


Father: Johannes Galle

Mother: Anna Maria Schlarb

Helena Sallem - 1890 to 1936

Birth: 15 June 1890 Syrian Arab Republicbirth9

Death: 21 Jun 1936 Johnstown, Cambria, Pennsylvania, USAdeath9


Father: Geo A Ouigan

Mother: Frieda Ouigan

Helena Saile - 1854 to 1925

Birth: 17 Nov 1854 Hemmendorf, Württemberg, Germanybirth10

Death: 4 Feb 1925 Hemmendorf, Württemberg, Germanydeath10


Father: Josef Saile

Mother: Jakobina Diener

Helene Lina Franziska MALLE - 1904 to 1967

Birth: 29 Dec 1904 Nienburg, Lower Saxony, Germanybirth11

Death: 12 Sep 1967 Hannover, Germanydeath11


Father: Johann Heinrich Wilhelm MALLE

Mother: Marie Sophie Wilhelmine SCHENELLE

Helena Galle - 1610 to 1659

Birth: 1610

Death: 1659 Järksala, Sauvo, Turku-Pori,Finlanddeath12


Father: Claes Pedersson Galle i Finland

Mother: Margareta Bertilsdotter (Ekelöf, till Soderkulla) Galle i Finland

Helena Saile - 1825 to 1876

Birth: 18 Aug 1825 Hemmendorf, Wüerttemberg, Germanybirth13

Death: 9 Feb 1876 Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniadeath13


Father: Josef Toban Saile

Mother: Regina Leutkart

Helena Sophia Galle - 1721 to 1792

Birth: 1721

Death: 4 AUG 1792 Visby (I)death14


Father: Petter Galle

Mother: Maria Welt

Helena Sophia Galle - 1721 to 1792

Birth: 1721

Death: 4 AUG 1792 Visby (I)death15


Father: Petter Galle

Mother: Maria Welt

Helene SALLE - 1882 to 1945

Birth: 13 JAN 1882 Bievre,5555,Namur,Wallonie,BELGIQUEbirth16

Death: 1945 Montcy-Notre-Dame,08090,Ardennes,Champagne-Ardenne,FRANCE


Father: Adrien,Théodore SALLE

Mother: Marie Helene DONNET

Helena (Lena) Eleanora Salge - 1872 to 1946

Birth: 21 May 1872 Saint Joseph Township, Allen County, Indiana, USAbirth17

Death: 19 Sep 1946 Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana, USAdeath17


Father: Heinrich Ferdinand Ferdent Salge Salg

Mother: Ann Marie Ploor

Helena Saller - 1877

Birth: 20 May 1877 Aughadown, Cork, Irelandbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Saller

Mother: Honorah Walsh

Helena Saile - 1811 to 1812

Birth: 15 May 1811 Hemmendorf, Württemberg, Germanybirth19

Death: 1 Aug 1812 Hemmendorf, Württemberg, Germanydeath19


Father: Kaspar Saile

Mother: Walburga Zug

Helena Melissa Falle - 1916

Birth: Mar 1916 Gaspe, Quebec, Canadabirth20

Death: Not Available Gaspe, Quebec, Canadadeath20


Father: Elias Henry FALLE

Mother: Jemima Maude STEWART

Helene Wilhelmine Ralle - 1835 to 1880

Birth: 1 Nov 1835 Obenstrohe, Friesland, Lower Saxony, Germanybirth21

Death: 25 Dec 1880 Rosenberg, Friesland, Niedersachsen, Germanydeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Helena Galle - 1635

Birth: 1635~ Steninge, Lansi-Suomen Laani, Finlandbirth22

Death: Not Available Steningedeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Helene Halle

Birth: Not Available Sande Community, Norwaybirth23

Death: 1938 Norwaydeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Helene Halle

Birth: Not Available Sande Community, Norwaybirth24

Death: 1938 Norwaydeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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