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Results for "Helena Abrahams"

1 - 25 of 55 Records

Helena Abrahams - 1889 to 1946

Birth: 1889 Londonbirth0

Death: 31 Oct 1946 Dorset, Englanddeath0


Father: John Abraham Day

Mother: Wealthy Dance

Helena M Abrahams - 1898 to 1954

Birth: 01 Jan 1898 Australiabirth1

Death: 1954


Father: John Henry Abrahams

Mother: Elizabeth Todkill

Helena Abrahams - 1864 to 1947

Birth: 14 Oct 1864 Landskrone,Molotschna,S.Russiabirth2

Death: 22 Mar 1947 Henderson,NEdeath2


Father: Johann Heinrich Abrahams

Mother: Katharina Voth

Helena Abrahams - 1860 to 1930

Birth: 12 Sep 1860 South Russiabirth3

Death: 20 Jan 1930 Henderson, York, Nebraska, USAdeath3


Father: Heinrich H. "Henry" Abrahams

Mother: Helena L Sparling

Helena Abrahams - 1914 to 1943

Birth: 16 October 1914 Den Haag Centrum, Den Haag Municipality, Zuid-Holland, Netherlandsbirth4

Death: 5 Mar 1943 Sobibor (Polen)death4


Father: Isidor Abrahams

Mother: Grietje Bonewit

Helena Abrahams - 1932 to 1943

Birth: 1932 Den Haag, S-Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, Netherlandsbirth5

Death: 1943 Sobibór, Lubelskie, Polanddeath5


Father: Benzion Jitzchak Abrahams

Mother: Cecilia Ethel Levi

Helena Abrahams - 1892 to 1958

Birth: 6 August 1892 Zaporiz'ka, Ukrainebirth6

Death: 16 March 1958 Abbotsford, Fraser Valley Regional District, British Columbia, Canadadeath6


Father: Jacob Abrahams

Mother: Sarah Nachitgal

Helena Abrahams - 1935 to 1994

Birth: 17 May 1935 Liverpool South, Lancashirebirth7

Death: 12 Aug 1994 Prescot Merseysidedeath7


Father: Andrew Abrahams

Mother: Emily Harrison

Helena C ABRAHAMS - 1883 to 1943

Birth: Jan 13, 1883 Kleefeld, Molotschna, Ukrainebirth8

Death: Aug 06, 1943 Ukrainedeath8


Father: Cornelius Abrahams

Mother: Anna BAERGEN

Helena Abrahams - 1878 to 1936

Birth: 1878

Death: 5 Juli 1936 Zutphendeath9


Father: Hendrik Abrahams

Mother: Johanna Marx

Helena ABRAHAMS - 1857 to 1925

Birth: 1857 St Giles in the Fields, Middlesex, Englandbirth10

Death: 26 December 1925 Plymouth, Devon, Englanddeath10


Father: Lawrence 'Lazarus' Abrahams

Mother: Bertha Gluckstein

Helena Keetje Abrahams - 1906

Birth: 14 APR 1906 Paramaribo, Surinamebirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Julius Abrahams

Mother: Sara Strang

Helena Abrahams - 1869 to 1869

Birth: 14 Sep 1869 Schardau, Molotschna, Ukraine, Soviet Union

Death: 3 Dec 1869 Schardau, Molotschna, Ukraine, Soviet Union


Father: Peter Abrahams

Mother: Helena F Q Heinrichs

Helena Abrahams - 1932 to 1943

Birth: 13 JUL 1932 Gravenhage, Netherlandsbirth13

Death: 7 MAY 1943 Sobibordeath13


Father: Benzion Itzhak Abrahams

Mother: Cecilia Ethel Levi

Helena Abrahams - 1854 to 1855

Birth: 3 Jul 1854 Spetzerfehn, Aurich, Ostfriesland, Germanybirth14

Death: 10 Dec 1855 Spetzerfehn, Aurich, Ostfriesland, Germanydeath14


Father: Abraham Janssen Albers Ottersberg

Mother: Antje Oltmanns Lubinus

Helena Elizabeth Abrahams - 1862 to 1915

Birth: 2 Dec 1862 Coonatto, , South Australia, Australiabirth15

Death: 13 April 1915 Ovingham, South Australiadeath15


Father: Robert Martin Abrahams

Mother: Mary Ann Bush

Helena Susanna Abrahams - 1884

Birth: 1884

Death: Not Available


Father: Barend Pieter Abrahams

Mother: Carolina Kreling

Helena Abrahams - 1839 to 1856

Birth: 23 Jan 1839 South, Russiabirth17

Death: 17 Jan 1856 South, Russiadeath17


Father: Johann Peter Abrams

Mother: Maria Ewert

Helena C ABRAHAMS - 1879 to 1879

Birth: Jul 15, 1879 Kleefeld, Molotschna, Ukrainebirth18

Death: Dec 06, 1879 Kleefeld, Molotschna, Ukrainedeath18


Father: Cornelius Abrahams

Mother: Anna BAERGEN

Helena Abrahams - 1880 to 1881

Birth: 12 Dec 1880 McPherson County, Kansas, USAbirth19

Death: 25 Jul 1881 McPherson County, Kansas, USAdeath19


Father: Jakob Abrahams

Mother: Anna Flaming

Helena Catharina Abrahams - 1853 to 1853

Birth: 1853

Death: 26 Dec 1853 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland


Father: Johannes Abrahams

Mother: Jeanne Madelaine Scheepmaker

Helena Abrahams - 1852

Birth: 1852

Death: Not Available


Father: Abraham Abrahams

Mother: Josepfina Sofia Oostermeijer

Helena K. Abrahams - 1857 to 1858

Birth: 1857

Death: 1858


Father: Cornelius Peter Abrahams

Mother: Anna Jacob Becker

Helena Abrahams - 1853 to 1928

Birth: 17 Mar 1853 Berdyansk, Taurida, Russiabirth23

Death: 22 Apr 1928 Burrton, Harvey, Kansas, USAdeath23


Father: Abraham Abrahams

Mother: Not Available

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