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Results for "Helen Sahd"

1 - 25 of 203 Records
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Helena 'Lena' Sand - 1860 to 1939

Birth: 22 Jun 1860 Iowa, USAbirth0

Death: June 18 1939 Lindsay, Platte County, Nebraska, USAdeath0


Father: John Bernard Sand

Mother: Mary Schulte

Helen Olive Sand - 1902 to 1986

Birth: abt 1902 Minnesotabirth1

Death: 20/Apr/1986 Missoula, Montanadeath1


Father: Hans Sand

Mother: Anne Sophia Clausen (Sand)

Helen M Saad - 1923 to 1995

Birth: 26 Feb 1923 New Castle, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth2

Death: 27 Jun 1995 Carnegie, Alleghany County, Pennsylvaniadeath2


Father: Gerois (George) Saad

Mother: Mourine "Mary" Bou Melhim

Helen Rowena Sadd - 1910 to 2005

Birth: 29 Jan 1910 Far Rockaway, Queens, New York, USAbirth3

Death: 18 Dec 2005 Ramsey, Bergen, New Jerseydeath3


Father: Edward Smith Sadd

Mother: Helen Gertrude Brown

Helen Rowena Sadd - 1910 to 2005

Birth: 29 Jan 1910 Far Rockaway, Queens, New York, USAbirth4

Death: 18 Dec 2005 Ramsey, Bergen, New Jerseydeath4


Father: Edward Smith Sadd

Mother: Helen Gertrude Brown

Helen M Saad - 1923 to 1995

Birth: 26 Feb 1923 New Castle, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth5

Death: 27 Jun 1995 Carnegie, Alleghany County, Pennsylvaniadeath5


Father: Gerois (George) Saad

Mother: Mourine "Mary" Bou Melhim

Helen C Sand - 1898 to 1993

Birth: 6 June 1898 Indianabirth6

Death: 3 May 1993 Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, USAdeath6


Father: Charles Sand

Mother: Christina Margreta Olsson Sand

Helen A Sahm - 1928 to 1985

Birth: 6 Nov 1928 Nassau, New York, United Statesbirth7

Death: Dec 1985 Nassawadox, Virginia, USAdeath7


Father: Charles John Sahm

Mother: Lucy Emma Evans

Helen August Sand - 1907 to 1982

Birth: abt 1907 Pennsylvaniabirth8

Death: May 1982 Media, Delaware, Pennsylvania, USAdeath8


Father: Abraham August

Mother: Hettie Brown

Helena Saad - 1923 to 2005

Birth: September 5, 1923 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USAbirth9

Death: 11 Jun 2005 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USAdeath9


Father: Joseph G Saad

Mother: Nijma Frances

Helen Sahl - 1915 to 1970

Birth: 1915 New Yorkbirth10

Death: 1970


Father: John Sohl

Mother: Margaret Hill

Helen Sahl - 1915 to 1970

Birth: 1915 New Yorkbirth11

Death: 1970


Father: John Sohl

Mother: Margaret Hill

Helen Sand - 1798 to 1871

Birth: 29 Jul 1798 Brechin, Angus, Scotlandbirth12

Death: 24 Nov 1871 Dundee, Angus, Scotlanddeath12


Father: James Sand

Mother: Margaret Crabb

Helena Martha Sand - 1865 to 1939

Birth: 08 Mar 1865 Germanybirth13

Death: 19 Aug 1939 Crete, Saline, Nebraska, United Statesdeath13


Father: Bernhard Sand

Mother: Magdelena Madaline Georgi

Helen Sand - 1798 to 1871

Birth: 29 Jul 1798 Brechin, Angus, Scotlandbirth14

Death: 24 Nov 1871 Dundee, Angus, Scotlanddeath14


Father: James Sand

Mother: Margaret Crabb

Helen G Sadd - 1877 to 1947

Birth: Aug 1877 New Yorkbirth15

Death: 1947


Father: William Harriot Brown

Mother: Maronett Augusta Pease

Helen Sahl - 1921 to 2013

Birth: 22 Feb 1921 North Brookfield, Massbirth16

Death: 16 Nov 2013 Blueberry Lanedeath16


Father: John DeGritis

Mother: Nellie DeGritis

Helena Martha Sand - 1865 to 1939

Birth: 08 Mar 1865 Germanybirth17

Death: 19 Aug 1939 Crete, Saline, Nebraska, United Statesdeath17


Father: Bernhard Sand

Mother: Magdelena Madaline Georgi

Helene Sand - 1901 to 1982

Birth: 28 Sep 1901 Wiesbaden, Hessen, Germanybirth18

Death: 06 Dec 1982 Wiesbaden, Hessen, Germanydeath18


Father: Franz Sand

Mother: Apollonie Friederike Weber

Helena Sand - 1856 to 1950

Birth: 13 September 1856 Germanybirth19

Death: 1950/07/31


Father: Tobias Sand

Mother: Mary Behnen

Helene Sand - 1917 to 2002

Birth: 09 May 1917 Providence, Rhode Island, United Statesbirth20

Death: 16 Aug 2002 Ventura, California, United Statesdeath20


Father: Louis Harold Eskine

Mother: Jean MASSTAB

Helene Sand - 1917 to 2002

Birth: 09 May 1917 Providence, Rhode Island, United Statesbirth21

Death: 16 Aug 2002 Ventura, California, United Statesdeath21


Father: Louis Harold Eskine

Mother: Jean MASSTAB

Helene Sand - 1917 to 2002

Birth: 09 May 1917 Providence, Rhode Island, United Statesbirth22

Death: 16 Aug 2002 Ventura, California, United Statesdeath22


Father: Louis Harold Eskine

Mother: Jean MASSTAB

Helen Margaret Sand - 1916 to 1985

Birth: 15 Aug 1916 Minnesota, USAbirth23

Death: 5 Nov 1985 Albany, Stearns, Minnesota, USAdeath23


Father: Nicholas C Sand

Mother: Anna Mary Olberding

Helene Sand - 1890 to 1983

Birth: 15 Nov 1890 Dumpton, Mulheim, Germanybirth24

Death: 1 Jan 1983 Los Angelesdeath24


Father: Aa Sand

Mother: Not Available

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