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Results for "Hedwig Adamski"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Hedwig Adamski - 1910 to 1999

Birth: 18.05.1910 Kuhnau, Polenbirth0

Death: 1999 Hürth, Rhein-Erft-Kreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschlanddeath0


Father: Jan Adamski

Mother: Maria Latny

Hedwig Adamski - 1922 to 1993

Birth: 8 Oct 1922 Connecticutbirth1

Death: 26 Apr 1993 Oakville, Litchfield, Connecticut, USAdeath1


Father: Frank Adamski

Mother: Wladyslawa Lena Kowaleski

Hedwig Adamski - 1900 to 1900

Birth: 16 Aug 1900 Berlin, Berlin, Deutschlandbirth2

Death: 17 Okt 1900 Berlin, Berlin, Deutschlanddeath2


Father: Franz Adamski

Mother: Katharina Slawinski Adamski

Hedwig Adamski - 1910 to 1999

Birth: 18.05.1910 Ober Schlesienbirth3

Death: 1999 hürthdeath3


Father: Johann Theodor Schulz

Mother: Antonia Agnes Porczeng

Hedwig Adamski - 1907 to 1993

Birth: 2 Dec 1907 New Yorkbirth4

Death: 27 Dec 1993 Hilton, Monroe, New York, USAdeath4


Father: Joseph Adamski

Mother: Sophia Adamski

Hedwig (Jadwiga) Adamski - 1880 to 1952

Birth: 1880 Inowroclaw, Polandbirth5

Death: 19 JAN 1952 Milwaukee, Wisconsindeath5


Father: Lawrence Adamski

Mother: Eleanor Osinski

Hedwig H Adamski - 1912 to 1973

Birth: 6 Nov 1912 Alameda, Californiabirth6

Death: 26 Oct 1973 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USAdeath6


Father: Wladyslaw Adamski

Mother: Marya Zurawska

Female IconMale Icon

Hedwig Adamski - 1909 to 1936

Birth: 1909

Death: 30 Okt 1936 Neudorf, Preußendeath7


Father: Rochus Adamski

Mother: Not Available

Hedwig "Hattie" Adamski - 1891 to 1967

Birth: 2 Oct 1891 Ohiobirth8

Death: 8 Oct 1967 Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, USAdeath8


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hedwig Adamski

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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