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Results for "Harvey Sackett"

1 - 25 of 31 Records

Harvey Sackett - 1909 to 1980

Birth: abt 1909 Wisconsinbirth0

Death: 2 Dec 1980 Menasha, Winnebago, Wisconsin, USAdeath0


Father: Ralph Howard Sackett

Mother: Flora C Jordon

Harvey Edward Sackett - 1884

Birth: 13 Mar 1884 Delhi, Iowabirth1



Father: Francis Sackett

Mother: Susan Fox Sackett Butchler

Harvey Sackett == - 1807 to 1889

Birth: 14 Mar 1807 Westfield, Hampshire, Massbirth2

Death: 10 Jan 1889 Saegertown, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USAdeath2


Father: Rollin Sackett

Mother: Lovina Edson

Harvey A SACKETT - 1860 to 1931

Birth: abt 1860 New Yorkbirth3

Death: 22 JUL 1931/1932


Father: Aaron Sackett

Mother: Emeline Ostrander

Harvey Sackett - 1793 to 1875

Birth: 24 Dec 1793 Warren, Litchfield, Connecticut, USAbirth4

Death: 11 Aug 1875 Ruggles, Ashland, Ohio, USAdeath4


Father: Rev Salmon Sackett

Mother: Mercy Matilda (Curtis) Sackett

Harvey Almeron Sackett - 1806 to 1879

Birth: 1806 Franklinville, Cattaraugus, New York, USAbirth5

Death: 30 Dec 1879 Cranford, Union, New Jersey, USAdeath5


Father: Ezra Davis Sackett

Mother: Chloe Pachin

Harvey B Sackett - 1816 to 1894

Birth: 3 OCT 1816 Westfield, Hampden Co, MAbirth6

Death: 23 January 1894 New York, United States of Americadeath6


Father: Martin Sackett

Mother: Miriam Bancroft (Sackett)

Harvey N Sackett - 1901 to 1985

Birth: 18 January 1901 Ingalls, Payne, Oklahomabirth7

Death: 28 Sep 1985 Pawnee, Pawnee, Oklahoma, USAdeath7


Father: Elmer Winfield Sackett

Mother: Harriet "Hattie" V Leonard

Harvey Leander Sackett - 1832 to 1865

Birth: 12/6/1832 Portage County, Ohio, USAbirth8

Death: 13 Aug 1865 Waverly, Morgan, Illinois, USAdeath8


Father: Norman Sackett

Mother: Mary Goudy

Harvey Sackett - 1814 to 1881

Birth: 12/07/1814 North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USAbirth9

Death: 03/27/1881 North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USAdeath9


Father: Daniel Sackett

Mother: Patty Brockett

Harvey Chafy Sackett - 1821 to 1892

Birth: 21 June 1821 Naples, Ontario, New York, USAbirth10

Death: 19 May 1892 Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, USAdeath10


Father: Joseph Sackett

Mother: Philinda CLEVELAND

Harvey Alfonzo Sackett - 1877 to 1946

Birth: 17 Jul 1877 Waterman, De Kalb, Illinois, USAbirth11

Death: 9 Feb 1946 Aurora, Kane, Illinois, USAdeath11


Father: Alphonso David Sackett

Mother: Bethia "Bertha" T. Lumbard

Harvey William Crandall Sackett - 1893 to 1923

Birth: 1 Aug 1893 Schenevus, New Yorkbirth12

Death: 26 Aug 1923 Oneonta, New York, USAdeath12


Father: Rev. Charles H. Sackett

Mother: Arabella Wood Crandall

Harvey Sackett - 1826 to 1831

Birth: 16 Jan 1826 Sandisfield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USAbirth13

Death: 05 Jan 1831 Sandisfield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USAdeath13


Father: Solomon Sackett

Mother: Huldah Webster

Harvey Sackett - 1884

Birth: Mar 1884 Iowabirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Wilhelm Mueller

Mother: Jennie Van De Bogart

Harvey E. Sackett - 1855 to 1863

Birth: 1855 New Yorkbirth15

Death: 25 Nov 1863 Liberty, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, USAdeath15


Father: Nehemiah Sackett

Mother: Emaline Wood

Harvey Sackett - 1794 to 1795

Birth: 1794

Death: 1795


Father: Lemuel L. SACKET

Mother: Annie Francis

Harvey Sackett - 1794 to 1795

Birth: 1794

Death: 1795


Father: Lemuel L. SACKET

Mother: Annie Francis

Harvey Sackett - 1794 to 1795

Birth: 1794

Death: 1795


Father: Lemuel L. SACKET

Mother: Annie Francis

Harvey F. Sackett - 1921 to 1936

Birth: 30 Jan 1921 Hallstead, Pennsylvaniabirth19

Death: 30 Jan 1936 Hallstead, Pennsylvaniadeath19


Father: Orin "Harvey" Sackett

Mother: Minnie Adelaide Rice

Harvey Sackett

Birth: Not Available Connecticut, USAbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harvey Sackett - 1806 to 1893

Birth: abt 1806 New Yorkbirth21

Death: Bef 1893 Deceased in 1893 City Register in Appleton, Outagamie County, Wisconsin, USAdeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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