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Results for "Harry Savoie"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Harry O. Savoie - 1898 to 1964

Birth: 24 October 1898 Clinton County, Illinois, USAbirth0

Death: 28 Dec 1964 Albion, Noble, Indiana, United Statesdeath0


Father: John F Savoie

Mother: Celia St John

Harry Joseph Savoie - 1884 to 1964

Birth: 19 Mar 1884 Houma, Terrebonne, Louisianabirth1

Death: 10 APR 1964 Houma, Terrebonne, LAdeath1


Father: Alfred Guillaume Savoie / Savoy

Mother: Martha Moore

Harry Joseph Savoie - 1884 to 1964

Birth: 19 Mar 1884 Houma, Terrebonne, Louisianabirth2

Death: 10 APR 1964 Houma, Terrebonne, LAdeath2


Father: Alfred Guillaume Savoie / Savoy

Mother: Martha Moore

Harry Savoie - 1920 to 1992

Birth: 27 Jan 1920 Louisianabirth3

Death: 25 May 1992 Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana, USAdeath3


Father: Charles Albert Savoie

Mother: Euzuede Savoie

Harry Savoie - 1920 to 1992

Birth: 27 Jan 1920 Louisianabirth4

Death: 25 May 1992 Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana, USAdeath4


Father: Charles Albert Savoie

Mother: Euzuede Savoie

Harry Savoie - 1881 to 1926

Birth: 1881 Carlton, Quebec, Canadabirth5

Death: 1926 Maine, United Statesdeath5


Father: Jean Savoie

Mother: Sophie Savoie

Harry Savoie - 1937 to 1937

Birth: abt 1937 Nestervitle

Death: 25 Feb 1937 Algoma, Ontario, Canadadeath6


Father: Alphonse Savoie

Mother: Yvonne Quesnel

Harry James Savoie - 1923 to 1924

Birth: 8 Nov 1923 Noble, Indiana, United Statesbirth7

Death: 5 Aug 1924 Jefferson, Noble, Indiana, USAdeath7


Father: Harry Oscar Savoie

Mother: Rachel Nancy Coats

Harry Savoie - 1946

Birth: abt 1946 Louisianabirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Frank Savoie

Mother: Leona May Guidroz

Harry Savoie - 1853 to 1910

Birth: EstBetween:1853/00/00/1885/00/00

Death: EstBetween:1910/00/00/1972/00/00


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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