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Results for "Harry Saville"

1 - 25 of 186 Records

Harry Saville - 1927 to 2007

Birth: 5 Sep 1927 Gainesville, Cooke, Texas, USAbirth0

Death: 12 May 2007 Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: Charles Elmer Saville

Mother: Bess Savill Brumbaugh

Harry Saville - 1891 to 1960

Birth: abt 1891 Shipley, Yorkshire, Englandbirth1

Death: 10 Jan 1960 Leeds, Yorkshire, Englanddeath1


Father: Benjamin Saville

Mother: Elizabeth Hargreaves/Saville

Harry Saville - 1893 to 1960

Birth: 4 SEP 1893 St Marys, Londonbirth2

Death: 22 DEC 1960 Caterhamdeath2


Father: Edward William Sharp

Mother: Alice Saville

Harry Byrd SAVILLE - 1929 to 2012

Birth: 3 Jul 1929 Thessalia, Giles, Virginiabirth3

Death: 09 Jan 2012 Salem, Roanoke, Virginia, USAdeath3


Father: Robert Roy Saville

Mother: Elva Montague Robertson

Harry Eugene SAVILLE - 1924 to 1993

Birth: 29 Nov 1924 Salt Lake, Utahbirth4

Death: 22 April 1993 Marine, Madison, Illinois, United Statesdeath4


Father: Virgil Derone Saville

Mother: Mabel Elizabeth Olson

Harry Darius Saville - 1870 to 1949

Birth: 1870 Prince Edward Island, Canadabirth5

Death: 1949 San Francisco, San Francisco, Californiadeath5


Father: Captain Edward Saville

Mother: Emeline Clay

Harry Saville - 1857 to 1927

Birth: 4 Jan 1857 Birstal, Yorkshire, Englandbirth6

Death: 1927 Scarborough, Yorkshire, Englanddeath6


Father: John Saville

Mother: Margaret Allen

Harry Sanderson Saville - 1899 to 1974

Birth: 20 February 1899 Sheffield, Yorkshire West Riding, Englandbirth7

Death: Jun 1974 Bridlington, Yorkshire East Riding, Englanddeath7


Father: Noah Sanderson Saville

Mother: Edith Hammerton

Harry Saville - 1897 to 1968

Birth: 09 Jul 1897 Croydon, Surrey, Englandbirth8

Death: 28/03/1968 Croydon, Greater London, Englanddeath8


Father: Sydney Saville

Mother: Matilda Hodd

HARRY SAVILLE - 1906 to 2000


Death: 2000 LEEDS WEST YORKSHIREdeath9


Father: Harry Saville

Mother: Florence Louise Pride

Harry Saville - 1915 to 1983

Birth: abt 1915 Ontariobirth10

Death: 1983 Mississauga, Peel, Ontario, Canadadeath10


Father: Harris Saville

Mother: Edith Smales

HARRY SAVILLE - 1906 to 2000

Birth: 23 AUGUST 1906 LEEDS WEST YORKSHIRE birth11

Death: 2000 LEEDS WEST YORKSHIREdeath11


Father: Harry Saville

Mother: Florence Louise Pride

Harry Saville - 1915 to 1983

Birth: abt 1915 Ontariobirth12

Death: 1983 Mississauga, Peel, Ontario, Canadadeath12


Father: Harris Saville

Mother: Edith Smales

Harry Saville - 1889 to 1970

Birth: April 1889 Oldham, Lancashire, Englandbirth13

Death: Jul 1970 Oldham, Lancashire, Englanddeath13


Father: John Saville

Mother: Sarah A Cunliffe

Harry Robert Saville - 1892 to 1965

Birth: abt Mar 1892 Normanton Spring, Sheffield, Yorkshire, Englandbirth14

Death: 18 Dec 1965 The Royal Infirmary, Sheffield 6, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath14


Father: Robert Bancroft Saville

Mother: Lavinia Locking

Harry Edgar Saville - 1892 to 1970

Birth: 26 Jan 1892 Dover, Kentbirth15

Death: Jun 1970 Hounslow, Greater London, Englanddeath15


Father: Daniel Savill

Mother: Georgina Kingston

Harry Saville - 1874 to 1931

Birth: abt 1874 Birstall, Yorkshire, Englandbirth16

Death: 1931 Dewsbury, Yorkshire, Englanddeath16


Father: James Saville

Mother: Sarah Scholefield

Harry Saville - 1882 to 1957

Birth: 1882 Bankfoot, Yorkshire, , Englandbirth17

Death: Dec 1957 Bradford, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath17


Father: Thomas Saville

Mother: Emily Waddington

Harry Saville - 1869 to 1940

Birth: 1869 Skewsby, Yorkshire, Englandbirth18

Death: 23 Apr 1940 Toronto, York, Ontario, Canadadeath18


Father: James Saville

Mother: Ann Margaret Shields

Harry Saville - 1869 to 1929

Birth: abt 1869 Smiddles Lane, Bradford, Yorkshire, Englandbirth19

Death: Dec 1929 Bradford, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath19


Father: George Saville

Mother: Harriet Naylor

Harry Saville - 1891 to 1953

Birth: 1891 Shipley, Yorkshire, Englandbirth20

Death: 1953 Staincliffe, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath20


Father: Benjamin Saville

Mother: Amelia Ellis Berry

Harry Saville - 1907 to 1972

Birth: 1907 Elland, Yorkshire, Englandbirth21

Death: Oct 1972 Calder, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath21


Father: Herbert Saville

Mother: Elizabeth Jordan

Harry Saville - 1879 to 1916

Birth: ABT 1879 Dewsbury, Yorksbirth22

Death: ? Nov 1916 ?,?, Francedeath22


Father: Abraham Saville

Mother: Martha Ann Jagger

Harry Saville - 1886 to 1956

Birth: 1886 Morley, Yorkshire, Englandbirth23

Death: Oct 1956 Bradford, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath23


Father: Tom Saville

Mother: Ellen Sophia Gamble

Harry Saville - 1892

Birth: abt 1892 Tong, Bradford, Yorkshire, Englandbirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: John Saville

Mother: Jemima Rhodes

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