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Results for "Harry Abrams"

1 - 25 of 520 Records

Harry Clarkson Abrams - 1882 to 1973

Birth: 19 March 1882 Kings County (Brooklyn), New York, United States of Americabirth0

Death: 31 May 1973 Torrington, Connecticut, USAdeath0


Father: Whitehead Abrams

Mother: Emeline L Tryon

Harry Clarkson Abrams - 1882 to 1973

Birth: 19 March 1882 Kings County (Brooklyn), New York, United States of Americabirth1

Death: 31 May 1973 Torrington, Connecticut, USAdeath1


Father: Whitehead Abrams

Mother: Emeline L Tryon

Harry V Abrams - 1926 to 1993

Birth: 25 Apr 1926 Wayne, Wayne, West Virginia, United Statesbirth2

Death: 4 Jun 1993 Phoenix, Maricopa Co., AZ., USAdeath2


Father: Alfred Abrams

Mother: Inez Mayo

Harry Everett Abrams - 1883 to 1959

Birth: 2 Feb 1883 Rockland County, New Yorkbirth3

Death: 10 Apr 1959 Rockland County, New York, USAdeath3


Father: Alfred Mark Abrams

Mother: Rebecca Jane Hickerson

Harry Abrams - 1876 to 1958

Birth: 19 Sep 1876 Indianabirth4

Death: 12 MAR 1958 Etna-Troy Twp,Whitley Co, Indianadeath4


Father: Sylvester Abrams

Mother: Lenora Constantine Wyland

Harry Samuel Abrams - 1896 to 1977

Birth: 11 October 1896 New York City, NYbirth5

Death: 21 January 1977 Greenville. SCdeath5


Father: Samuel Abrahams (Abramowitz)

Mother: Rebecca Kashnovitz

Harry S Abrams - 1878 to 1944

Birth: 29 Apr 1878 Madison, Indiana, USAbirth6

Death: 12 Oct 1944 Ft Thomas, Campbell, Kentucky, USAdeath6


Father: Max Abrams

Mother: Sarah Bears

Harry Abrams - 1913 to 2011

Birth: 28, Aug,.1913 Jarvis, Ontario, Canadabirth7

Death: 22 Sept 2011 Chelsea, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAdeath7


Father: Jacob Abrams

Mother: Rebecca Tuchman

Harry Leon Abrams - 1891 to 1940

Birth: 19 Jun 1891 Philadelphia, PAbirth8

Death: 28 Dec 1940 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath8


Father: Samuel Abrams

Mother: Sarah Diamond Abrams

Harry Leon Abrams - 1891 to 1940

Birth: 19 Jun 1891 Philadelphia, PAbirth9

Death: 28 Dec 1940 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath9


Father: Samuel Abrams

Mother: Sarah Diamond Abrams

Harry William Abrams - 1903 to 1976

Birth: 03 Jan 1903 Charleroi, Pennsylvania, USAbirth10

Death: 16 Apr 1976 No. Columbiana Co.Comm.Hosp. Edeath10


Father: Harry Elliott Abrahams

Mother: Anna E Bartley

Harry K Abrams - 1903 to 1962

Birth: 25 Jan 1903 Pennsylvaniabirth11

Death: 20 March 1962 Salem, Columbiana, Ohio, USAdeath11


Father: Edward Abrams

Mother: Maude Tracy Abrams

Harry Abrams - 1915 to 2010

Birth: 30 Nov 1915 Buenos Aires, Argentinabirth12

Death: 13 Nov 2010 North Wales, Montgomery, Pennsylvaniadeath12


Father: Samuel Abrams

Mother: Dora (Devorah) Yurkovsky

Harry Abrams - 1889 to 1957

Birth: 21 Apr 1889 New Yorkbirth13

Death: 8 July 1957 New York, New Yorkdeath13


Father: Isidor Abraham

Mother: Hannah BONEM

Harry Abrams - 1912

Birth: 1912 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth14

Death: Not Available Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath14


Father: Jacob Abrams

Mother: Anne Wolf

Harry Abrams - 1890 to 1962

Birth: 1890 Pennsylvaniabirth15

Death: 30 August 1962


Father: William Abrams

Mother: Ruth Brooks

Harry Abrams - 1912

Birth: 1912 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth16

Death: Not Available Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath16


Father: Jacob Abrams

Mother: Anne Wolf

Harry Abrams - 1886 to 1955

Birth: 17 Sep 1886 Russiabirth17

Death: 28 Sep 1955


Father: Bernard Ivrey

Mother: Chaya Leah Bienenbaum

Harry Abrams - 1905

Birth: 1905 Londonbirth18

Death: Not Available New York, USAdeath18


Father: Limon Abrahams

Mother: Beccie Abrahams

Harry Abrams - 1909 to 1973

Birth: abt 1909 Ohiobirth19

Death: 19 Oct 1973 Mayfield Heights, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USAdeath19


Father: Joe Israel Abrams

Mother: Pearl Labowitz

Harry A Abrams - 1911 to 2000

Birth: 22 Sep 1911 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAbirth20

Death: 30 Jun 2000 York, PAdeath20


Father: Aaron Abrams

Mother: Julia Swartz

Harry Abrams - 1905

Birth: 1905 Londonbirth21

Death: Not Available New York, USAdeath21


Father: Limon Abrahams

Mother: Beccie Abrahams

Harry Curtis Abrams - 1903 to 1982

Birth: 07 AUG 1903 Nebraskabirth22

Death: 12 Oct 1982


Father: Jacob Abrams

Mother: Curtis

Harry Abrams - 1896 to 1984

Birth: 15 Mar 1896 Russiabirth23

Death: 17 May 1984 Queens County, New York, USAdeath23


Father: Abraham Abramowitz

Mother: Seye (Libby)

Harry Abrams - 1879 to 1932

Birth: Abt 1879 Illinoisbirth24

Death: 13 January 1932 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath24


Father: Bernard Abrams

Mother: Alvina

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