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Results for "Harriet Sauls"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Harriet Odell Sauls - 1899 to 1972

Birth: 3 November 1899 Greene County, Tennesseebirth0

Death: 2 February 1972 Greene County, Tennesseedeath0


Father: John Shields Sauls

Mother: Hannah Arrilla Blair

Harriet Odell Sauls - 1899 to 1972

Birth: 3 November 1899 Greene County, Tennesseebirth1

Death: 2 February 1972 Greene County, Tennesseedeath1


Father: John Shields Sauls

Mother: Hannah Arrilla Blair

Harriet Faithy Sauls - 1840 to 1930

Birth: Aug 1840 North Carolina, USAbirth2

Death: 18 Jun 1930 North Carolina, USAdeath2


Father: Joseph Sauls

Mother: Sarah Outland

Harriet Jane Sauls - 1862 to 1942

Birth: ABT 1862 Walterboro, Colleton, South Carolina, USAbirth3

Death: 27 Jan 1942 South Carolina, United Statesdeath3


Father: Caleb Davis Sauls

Mother: Georgiana Austin

Harriet Sauls - 1824

Birth: 1824 South Carolina, United Statesbirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Theophilus Sauls

Mother: Not Available

Harriet Sauls - 1800

Birth: abt 1800 Prince William's Parish, Beaufort District, South Carolina, USAbirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harriet Sauls - 1760

Birth: 1760 Prince William, Beaufort, South Carolinabirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harriet Clowers Sauls - 1850

Birth: Oct 1850 Tennesseebirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harriet Odell Sauls - 1910

Birth: Abt. 1910

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harriet Sauls

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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