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Results for "Harriet Ainley"

1 - 25 of 41 Records

Harriet Ainley - 1821 to 1866

Birth: abt 1821 Yorkshire, Englandbirth0

Death: Jun 1866 West Riding, Yorkshire, Englanddeath0


Father: Benjamin Milner

Mother: Mary Wilson

Harriet Ainley - 1857 to 1937

Birth: 1857 Golcar, Yorkshire, Englandbirth1

Death: Mar 1937 Huddersfield, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath1


Father: Joseph Ainley

Mother: Mary Dyson

Harriet Ainley - 1869 to 1908

Birth: abt 1869 Golcar, Yorkshire, Englandbirth2

Death: abt 1908 Huddersfield, Yorkshire, Englanddeath2


Father: Joseph Ainley

Mother: Sarah Heap

Harriet Ann Ainley - 1873 to 1957

Birth: 25 Mar 1873 Mirfield, Yorkshire, Englandbirth3

Death: Jun 1957 Bradford, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath3


Father: Henry Ainley

Mother: Hannah Heeley

Harriet Ainley - 1836 to 1880

Birth: abt 1836 Crigglestone, Yorkshire, Englandbirth4

Death: January 1880 Barnsley, Yorkshire West Ridingdeath4


Father: John Ainley (Ainsley or Hainsley)

Mother: Elizabeth Blackburn

Harriet Ainley - 1825 to 1890

Birth: abt 1825 Barnsley, Sheffield, Yorkshire, Englandbirth5

Death: July 1890 Barnsley, Yorkshire West Ridingdeath5


Father: John Ainley

Mother: Hannah Ainley

Harriet Anne Ainley - 1877

Birth: Sep 1877 Batley, Yorkshire, Englandbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Joe Ainley

Mother: Elizabeth Brook

Harriet Ainley - 1782 to 1861

Birth: 1782 Doncaster, Yorkshire, , Englandbirth7

Death: SEP 1861 Thorne districtdeath7


Father: John Ainley

Mother: Hannah Butterworth

Harriet Ainley - 1850 to 1931

Birth: 13 Sep 1850 Barkisland, Yorkshire, Englandbirth8

Death: Apr 1931 Barkisland, Yorkshire, Englanddeath8


Father: Savile Ainley

Mother: Elizabeth ( Betty ) Lumb Ainley

Harriet Ainley - 1860 to 1866

Birth: abt 1860 Ossett, Yorkshire, Englandbirth9

Death: July 1866 Dewsbury, Yorkshire West Riding, United Kingdomdeath9


Father: Joseph Ainley

Mother: Elizabeth Pontefract

Harriet Ainley - 1860 to 1866

Birth: abt 1860 Ossett, Yorkshire, Englandbirth10

Death: July 1866 Dewsbury, Yorkshire West Riding, United Kingdomdeath10


Father: Joseph Ainley

Mother: Elizabeth Pontefract

Harriet Matilda Ainley - 1842 to 1925

Birth: 6 Aug 1842 Northowram, Yorkshire, Englandbirth11

Death: Mar 1925 Burnley, Lancashire, Englanddeath11


Father: Joseph Ainley


Harriet Ainley - 1837

Birth: 13 Sep 1837 Shelfbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: William Petty

Mother: Charlotte Sharp

Harriet Ainley - 1856

Birth: October 1856 Batley, Yorkshire, Englandbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Ainley

Mother: Harriot Ainley

Harriet Ainley - 1880 to 1882

Birth: April 1880 Elland, Yorkshire, Englandbirth14

Death: July 1882 Barnsley, Yorkshiredeath14


Father: Simon Ainley

Mother: Charlotte Ainley

Harriet Louisa Ainley - 1885

Birth: 1885 Stainland; Halifax, Yorkshire, Englandbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Benjamin Ainley

Mother: Annis/Annice Scaife

Harriet Ainley - 1850

Birth: Jun 1850 Golcar, Yorkshire West Riding, Englandbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Henry Ainley

Mother: Mary Whitwham

Harriet Ann Ainley - 1861 to 1875

Birth: 31 Mar 1861 Golcar, West Yorkshirebirth17

Death: 04 Jun 1875 Golcar, West Yorkshiredeath17


Father: Henry Ainley

Mother: Sarah Livesey

Harriet Ainley - 1884 to 1953

Birth: 29 Dec 1884 Barkisland, Yorkshire, Englandbirth18

Death: Mar 1953 Bedwellty, Monmouthshire, Walesdeath18


Father: David Ainley

Mother: Ann Wignall

Harriet Ainley - 1819

Birth: 2 Mar 1819 Campsall, Yorkshirebirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Richard Ainley

Mother: Mary Bartlam

Harriet Ann Ainley - 1843

Birth: July 1843 Elland, Yorkshire, Englandbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Samuel Ainley

Mother: Sarah Chadwick

Harriet Ainley - 1824 to 1838

Birth: 29 Feb 1824 Golcarbirth21

Death: 22 Feb 1838 Golcar Edge, Golcar


Father: John Ainley

Mother: Hannah Wood

Harriet Ann Ainley - 1862

Birth: 1862 Golcarbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Seth Ainley

Mother: Ann Sykes

Harriet AINLEY - 1849 to 1931

Birth: 1849 Golcar, Yorkshire, Englandbirth23

Death: Dec 1931


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harriet Ainley - 1842

Birth: 1842 Longwood, Yorkshire, Englandbirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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