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Results for "Harriet Aiken"

1 - 25 of 72 Records

Harriet Lowndes AIKEN - 1843 to 1908

Birth: 19 MAR 1843 Fairfield Co., SCbirth0

Death: 13 SEP 1908 Fairfield Co., SCdeath0


Father: James Aiken

Mother: Mary Dixon

Harriet M Aiken - 1911 to 1973

Birth: 29 Nov 1911 Shiawassee County

Death: 18 May 1973 Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigandeath1


Father: George Aikens

Mother: Mamie Moss

Harriet M Aiken - 1911 to 1973

Birth: 29 Nov 1911 Shiawassee County

Death: 18 May 1973 Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigandeath2


Father: George Aikens

Mother: Mamie Moss

Harriet Aiken - 1823 to 1861

Birth: 1823 Irelandbirth3

Death: 12 Dec 1861 Airdriedeath3


Father: Thomas Aitken

Mother: Mary Anne Giddins

Harriet Aiken - 1817 to 1864

Birth: Mar 7, 1817 Dursley, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth4

Death: 8 Oct 1864


Father: John Aiken aged 83 yrs

Mother: Jane Mills

Harriet “Hattie” Aiken - 1849 to 1926

Birth: 08 Sep 1849 Lorain County, Ohio, USAbirth5

Death: 19 March 1926 Lorain County, Ohio, United States of Americadeath5


Father: William Hanford Aiken

Mother: Hannah Porter

Harriet Aiken - 1814 to 1906

Birth: Jan 1814 Ontario County, New York, USAbirth6

Death: 1906 Fairfield, Huron, Ohio, USAdeath6


Father: David Aiken

Mother: Lydia Parker

Harriet Aiken - 1872 to 1937

Birth: 15 Dec 1872 West Virginiabirth7

Death: 3 Oct 1937 South Carolinadeath7


Father: Josephus Eakin

Mother: Barbara Bartrug

Harriet Adeline Aiken - 1849 to 1891

Birth: March 4, 1849 Chautauqua Co., NYbirth8

Death: March 11, 1891 Chautauqua Co., NYdeath8


Father: William P Aiken

Mother: Caroline Case

Harriet K Aiken - 1894

Birth: ABT 1894 Marylandbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: William Henry Aiken


Harriet Whipple Aiken - 1806 to 1883

Birth: 06 Jan 1806 Dracut, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAbirth10

Death: 24 Dec 1883 Hardwick, Vermont, USAdeath10


Father: Rev. Solomon Aiken RWS & 1812

Mother: Polly Warner

Harriet Adams Aiken - 1829 to 1910

Birth: 25 Feb 1829 Manchester, , Vermontbirth11

Death: abt 1910 Montpelier, Washington, Vermont, United Statesdeath11


Father: Hon. John Aiken

Mother: Harriet Russell Adams

Harriet Amelia Aiken - 1849 to 1850

Birth: 1849 Benson, Rutland, Vermontbirth12

Death: 18 DEC 1850


Father: James Edward Aiken

Mother: Harriett Ann Howard

Harriet A Aiken - 1876 to 1947

Birth: 16 Mar 1876 Indianabirth13

Death: 12 Aug 1947 Dearborn County, Indiana, USAdeath13


Father: James Aiken

Mother: Eliza Strain

Harriet Amelia Aiken - 1849 to 1850

Birth: 1849 Benson, Rutland, Vermontbirth14

Death: 18 DEC 1850


Father: James Edward Aiken

Mother: Harriett Ann Howard

Harriet Pearl Aiken - 1901 to 1980

Birth: 1 May 1901 Charleston, Bradley, Tennessee, USAbirth15

Death: Aug 1980 Newburgh, Orange, New York, USAdeath15


Father: Samuel John Aiken

Mother: Martha Vilena Harper

Harriet Louise Aiken - 1854 to 1916

Birth: 11 July 1854 Shady Dale, Jasper, Georgia, USAbirth16

Death: 27 November 1916 Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgiadeath16


Father: Charles Patterson Aiken

Mother: Louisa Elizabeth Geiger

Harriet Janet Aiken - 1840 to 1892

Birth: May 1840 Scipio, Cayuga, New York, USAbirth17

Death: 05 Jan 1892 Scipio, Cayuga, New York, USAdeath17


Father: Isaac Akin

Mother: Phebe Tompkins

Harriet Aiken - 1728 to 1793

Birth: 18 November 1728 Londonderry, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, United States of Americabirth18

Death: 7 April 1793 Bedford, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, United States of Americadeath18


Father: Nathaniel Aiken

Mother: Margaret Cochran

Harriet Aiken - 1791 to 1869

Birth: 07 May 1791 Hardwick,Worc.,Mabirth19

Death: 3 Sep 1869


Father: John Aikens RWS

Mother: Sarah Ruggles

Harriet Aiken - 1807 to 1834

Birth: Abt. 1807 Concord, Erie Co., PAbirth20

Death: 26 Aug 1834 Sparta, Crawford, Pennsylvaniadeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harriet Aiken - 1830 to 1864

Birth: ABT 1830 Mo.birth21

Death: Abt. 1864 Carroll Co., MOdeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harriet Aiken - 1830 to 1864

Birth: ABT 1830 Mo.birth22

Death: Abt. 1864 Carroll Co., MOdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harriet Aiken

Birth: Not Available Orangeburg, South Carolina, USAbirth23

Death: Not Available South Carolina, USAdeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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