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Results for "Harold Sandahl"

1 - 11 of 11 Records

Harold Algot SANDAHL - 1918 to 1986

Birth: 21 May 1918 Nebraskabirth0

Death: 19 Mar 1986 Santa Jose, Santa Clara, California, USAdeath0


Father: Algot Gust. Sandahl

Mother: Hazel Gladys Furby

Harold Joseph Sandahl - 1914 to 1972

Birth: 22 DEC 1914 Superior, Wisconsinbirth1

Death: 11 MAR 1972 Las Vegas, Nevadadeath1


Father: Clarence Alfred Sandahl

Mother: Evelyn Willette

Harold D Sandahl - 1949

Birth: 1949 Oregonbirth2

Death: Not Available


Father: Harold Algot Sandahl

Mother: Elsie May WHITE

Harold Severin Sandahl - 1888 to 1972

Birth: 23 Oct 1888 Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, USAbirth3

Death: Mar 1972 Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, USAdeath3


Father: Gustaf 'Gus' Eliason

Mother: Mathilda BROMS

Harold Algot SANDAHL - 1918 to 1986

Birth: 21 May 1918 Overton, Dawson, Nebraska, USAbirth4

Death: 19 Mar 1986 San Jose, Santa Clara, California, USAdeath4


Father: Algot Gust. Sandahl

Mother: Hazel Gladys Furby Sandahl

Harold Carl Sandahl - 1909 to 2002

Birth: 06 Dec 1909 Page County, Iowa USAbirth5

Death: 30 Nov 2002 Shenandoah, Page, Iowa, USAdeath5


Father: Carl Emil Sandahl

Mother: Hulda Marie Klaung (Klang)

HAROLD Everett Sandahl - 1926 to 2014

Birth: 8 Aug 1926 San Bernardino, California, USAbirth6

Death: 5 October 2014 Ontario, San Bernardino County, California, United States of Americadeath6


Father: CARROLL Howard Sandahl

Mother: edna mae starkey

Harold Edwin Sandahl - 1894 to 1969

Birth: 9 NOV 1894 Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota, USAbirth7

Death: 30 NOV 1969 Anaheim, Orange Co., California, USAdeath7


Father: John Sandahl

Mother: Not Available

Harold G Sandahl - 1884

Birth: abt 1884 Norwaybirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harold G Sandahl

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harold Sandahl

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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