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Results for "Harm Ahlers"

1 - 25 of 33 Records

Harm Ahlers - 1633 to 1700

Birth: 1633 Holzkamp, Ganderkesee, Heirat am 11--11-1662birth0

Death: 11 Feb 1700 Holtzkamp, , Oldenburg, Germanydeath0


Father: Harm Ahlers

Mother: Grete

Harm Ahlers - 1762 to 1844

Birth: 26 Aug 1762 Elmeloh, Ganderkesee, Oldenburg, Niedersachsen, Deutschlandbirth1

Death: 27 Feb 1844 Elmeloh, Ganderkesee, Oldenburg, Niedersachsen, Deutschlanddeath1


Father: Johann Ahlers

Mother: Sophie Stöver

Harm Ahlers - 1843 to 1874

Birth: 5 MAY 1843 Dalen - Nieuw Schoonebeekbirth2

Death: 24 OCT 1874 Dalendeath2


Father: Hermann Heinrich Ahlers

Mother: Anna Schleper

Harm Ahlers - 1705 to 1778

Birth: 02 Dec 1705 Eystrup 39, Nienburg, Niedersachsen, Germanybirth3

Death: 02 Mar 1778 Eystrup 39, Nienburg, Niedersachsen, Germanydeath3


Father: Harmen Ahlers

Mother: Mette Anna Köhler

Harm Ahlers - 1630 to 1673

Birth: abt 1630 Gandesbergen 2, Nienburg, Niedersachsen, Germanybirth4

Death: bef 1673 Gandesbergen 2, Nienburg, Niedersachsen, Germanydeath4


Father: Hermann (Harm) Ahlers

Mother: Gese Hillmann

Harm Ahlers - 1843 to 1874

Birth: 5 MAY 1843 Dalen - Nieuw Schoonebeekbirth5

Death: 24 OCT 1874 Dalendeath5


Father: Hermann Heinrich Ahlers

Mother: Maria Elisabeth Schleper

Harm Hinrich Ahlers - 1705 to 1719

Birth: 15 Mar 1705 Dörverden 1, Verden, Niedersachsen, Germanybirth6

Death: 13 Oct 1719 Dörverden 1, Verden, Niedersachsen, Germanydeath6


Father: Albert Ahlers

Mother: Hille Pauls

Harm Ahlers - 1731 to 1807

Birth: 26.08.1731 Amelhausen,Huntlosen,Oldenburg,Niedersachsenbirth7

Death: 27.03.1807 Amelhausen,Huntlosen,Oldenburg,Niedersachsendeath7


Father: Berend Ahlers

Mother: Margareta Dircks

Harm Hinrichs Ahlers - 1842 to 1918

Birth: 13 Jan 1842 Ayenwolde, Hatshausen, Ostfriesland, Germany

Death: 1918 Selverde, Ostfriesland, Germanydeath8


Father: Hinrich Janssen Ahlers

Mother: Taalke Gerdes Schmidt

Harm Ahlers - 1687

Birth: 12 Jan 1687 Obenstrohe, Varelbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Albert Ahlers

Mother: Gesche HENNING

Harm Ahlers - 1687

Birth: 12 Jan 1687 Varel, Friesland, Niedersachsen, Germanybirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Gesche "Siefje" Henning

Mother: Albert Ahlers

Harm Ahlers - 1866

Birth: 24 Apr 1866 Suedgeorgsfehn, Ostfriesland, Germanybirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Gerd Frerichs Hinrichs Ahlrichs

Mother: Engelina van Ohlen

Female IconMale Icon

Harm Ahlers - 1716 to 1724

Birth: 1716

Death: 25 März 1724


Father: Johan Hinrich Ahlers

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Harm Ahlers - 1705 to 1726

Birth: 1705

Death: 1 Dez 1726


Father: Ahlert Ahlers

Mother: Not Available

Harm Hendrik Ahlers - 1869 to 1959

Birth: 4 FEB 1869 Nw Schoonebeekbirth14

Death: 10 AUG 1959 Emmendeath14


Father: Not Available

Mother: Fenna Maria Schulte

Harm Ahlers - 1745 to 1799

Birth: 1745 Amsterdam Niederlandebirth15

Death: 1799 Amsterdam Niederlandedeath15


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Ahlers - 1596 to 1676

Birth: 1596 Holzkamp, Oldenburg, Germanybirth16

Death: 02 OCT 1676 Holzkamp, Oldenburg, Germanydeath16


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Ahlers - 1771 to 1823

Birth: WFT Est. 1771/1798

Death: WFT Est. 1823/1884


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Ahlers

Birth: Not Available Barkloh

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Ahlers

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Harm Ahlers

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Ahlers

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Ahlers

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Ahlers

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Ahlers

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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